
'Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World' review: The absurdity of modern images

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 11:00

At two hours and 43 minutes, Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World (or Nu astepta prea mult de la sfârsitul lumii) is far longer than your average comedy. It's also far more absurd in a way that demands this humongous runtime, coming preloaded with enough ideas for an entire series of satirical films. Its story follows burnt-out millennial production assistant Angela (Ilinca Manolache) across a single day. Through this tale of the modern gig economy, Romanian director Radu Jude explores the entanglement of contemporary image-making with the internet, cinema's past, and corporate capitalism.

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Angela's errands, auditions, and memorable encounters during her exhausting shift make up the movie's overarching structure. However, Jude packs his film to the gills with wild aesthetic detours that — though they seem to depart from Angela's narrative — end up cleverly complimenting it. At times, it feels like three or four different movies packed into one, between its central comedy, an extended montage of headstones, and inserted footage of a Romanian feminist drama from the 1980s — a sister film of sorts, which Do Not Expect Too Much mirrors in surprising ways.

Together, the result of these various ideas and approaches being carefully smashed together is as riotous as it is thoughtful and self-reflexive, harkening back to the French New Wave while keeping one eye on the future of evolving media.

What is Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World about? Credit: Courtesy of Heretic

An immediate stylistic contrast emerges in the movie's opening scenes, when — as if to create a temporal paradox through visual texture — a clear close-up of a smartphone screen is filmed in grainy black-and-white. New and old, hi-tech and lo-fi, collide as Angela's iPhone alarm begins blaring (with that familiar, grating jingle that unsettles when heard out in the wild). Without the time for a shower, she throws on her bra and shiny sequin dress and rushes out the door, laptop and camera equipment in hand.

Manolache wears Angela's weary irascibility on her sleeve. However, she knows exactly how to modulate it, depending on who she's around and what space she finds herself in, from snapping at the casual, anti-Romani racism of passersby — she has a strong sense of social justice — to stealthily navigating similar sentiments from her workplace superiors, i.e. when she literally can't afford a confrontation. She drives around Bucharest's crowded roads, stopping only for occasional fast food bites and roadside naps, as she travels between the homes of various audition subjects for a video she's helping shoot for a German multinational corp. These subjects are grievously injured or disabled, thanks to workplace accidents at the company's various factories and warehouses. It's Angela's job to record and sift through the victims whose stories might make for the most friendly and least legally troublesome training videos, as they warn their fellow workers to follow company guidelines lest they end up in wheelchairs too.

The irony of Angela's job is all too clear: She's an overworked, underpaid PA making internal "content" for a company hoping to put on a worker-friendly face.

A character comedy first and foremost, Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World beats with a righteous fury of the state of things.

Between each audition, with subjects ranging from highly idiosyncratic to deeply heart-rending, Angela makes content of her own, using her phone's front camera and a caricatured filter that gives her a bald head, a unibrow, and an obnoxious goatee, which the movie presents in color and a vertical aspect ratio. This smug alternate persona she creates — a rich playboy named Bobita, who speaks in racist, sexist, anti-"woke" buzzwords; think Brian Jordan Alvarez by way of Andrew Tate — has been gaining traction on TikTok; another collision of past and future, through technological progress, and the backward moral regress it often grants permission. The more Angela funnels her daily frustrations into this bitter, vulgar satire (shot in plain view of various onlookers), the more ostentatiously funny her vignettes become, both because of what she says and because of the real circumstances in which she says them.

At the same time, these aforementioned stories are frequently interrupted with color scenes from a 1981 Romanian movie by Lucian Bratu, Angela merge mai departe (or Angela Moves On), in which actress Dorina Lazar also plays a character named Angela. The twinning of these namesakes extends to both movies' vibes, which explore the frustrations experienced by Romanian women, especially on the road. The younger Angela, of Jude's film, makes her money by driving between far-flung destinations, and she even mentions how, on her days off from PA work, she spends her time picking up Uber rideshares. The older Angela, of the 1981 film, is a divorced taxi driver at a time when women didn't often work such jobs. The footage Jude employs shows her dealing with various unruly male customers.

These three stories, of Bobita and the two Angelas, unfold side by side with what initially seems like little overlap. But they soon become entangled in intriguing ways, both through Jude's tongue-in-cheek commentary on the meta-textual nature of modern media, as well as through his stylistic exploration (and manipulation) of the images he presents.

Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World is a self-reflexive media satire.

You could draw a straight line between the French New Wave and Radu Jude, a mainstay of the more recent Romanian New Wave. Never has this been more clear than in Do Not Expect Too Much, which all but quotes Jean-Luc Godard's Breathless in certain shots. Godard's early work set the stage for what modern film language would become, between his self-reflexive focus on Hollywood's influence on French cinema culture, to his then-novel use of jump cuts and lengthy takes. Though what Godard could not have foreseen is the way new media, like YouTube, TikTok, and the now-defunct Vine, would inadvertently adopt his conventions too, from the discontinuous and jarring nature of video shitposts, to jump cuts becoming a common fixture of lengthy vlogs.

However, where the jump cuts in Breathless — most noticeable when Godard shoots Michel (Jean-Paul Belmondo) and Patricia (Jean Seberg) driving from behind — broke the conventions of continuity by skipping through time, the modern jump cut in most vlogs serves the opposite function. It often ensures a sense of continuity by cutting out pauses and pasting together fragments of different takes (or the same take), building complete sentences and ideas in defiance of traditional notions of cinematic time, space, and, unfortunately, rhythm.

Jude draws from both these approaches in scenes where Angela drives. At one point, when she picks up her mother for a quick chat between two of her pit stops, Jude recreates the rear angle and breezy feeling of Michel and Patricia cruising through Paris streets. He even employs jump cuts at a similar moment to Godard, only he does so in the middle of sentences, which begin on one side of the cut and end on the other, breaking one kind of continuity — the visual — while creating an aural and intellectual continuity where none would ordinarily exist. It looks wrong but feels right, as though he were reintroducing the sense of rhythm to this technique that's been lost over the years. 

New media hallmarks appear throughout Do Not Expect Too Much, whether on Angela's lengthy, lonely drives, which Jude shoots as though they were intimate car vlogs — an increasingly common backdrop for amateur online content — or via the face-morphing filter she applies to create Bobita, which she forgets to turn off sometimes, leading to some rip-roaring moments. Even the film's aforementioned extended montage, depicting hundreds of gravestones lining a dangerous road, not only denotes the possibility that Angela might also become the victim of a road accident — given her exhaustion — but also seems to emanate from her imagination as a filmmaker in the digital age. 

The idea stems from casual small talk that she exchanges with her domineering German boss (Nina Hoss). And while the form it takes has the appearance of traditional cinema — from its aspect ratio, to its careful composition, to the vibrant colors that interrupt Angela's black-and-white chatter — the way it's edited has an uncanny, almost rhythmic familiarity. Each still shot lasts just long enough for you to absorb the information before another replaces it, as though you were scrolling through these images on Instagram.

The effect of these flourishes ranges from hilarious to introspective, culminating in a forty-something-minute unbroken take that crystallizes the film's themes of labor rights, looming racial animus, and the distressing influence of corporate money in nearly every sector of artistic expression. Jude even makes deviously funny use of the cue card concept in Bob Dylan's music video for "Subterranean Homesick Blues," resulting in a striking satirical streak that grows increasingly surreal.

However, its most overt flourishes and statements tend to surround its use of Bratu's Angela merge mai departe, which are both its occasional undoing (Jude's aesthetic manipulations here don't feel quite as exacting) as well as its most bizarre triumph, as Do Not Expect Too Much becomes so self-reflexive in nature that it circles back around and becomes its own sequel.

Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World is a secret sequel — kind of?!

The footage of Angela merge mai departe used in this film is the first that most non-Romanian viewers will have seen of Bratu's work. There's probably a good half hour of it spliced throughout Jude's narrative, and given the 1981 movie's mere 76-minute runtime, that's a significant chunk. That Do Not Expect Too Much contains this much of Angela merge mai departe automatically raises the question of what exactly makes up Do Not Expect Too Much, and how much of its authorship can really be attributed to Jude alone.

Is the fact that Jude manipulates some of Bratu's scenes enough? On occasion, he slows the footage down significantly, but for the most part, he presents much of the story wholesale for the purpose of thematic cross-pollination. The two Angelas are bound by common circumstances but separated by time; it's as though Do Not Expect Too Much were some niche modern reboot. However, this idea comes full circle with bizarre audacity when Lazar herself (the actress who plays Angela in the 1981 film) shows up in Jude's film, turning Do Not Expect Too Much into a pseudo-sequel of sorts — to Angela merge mai departe. But given the matryoshka doll nature of Do Not Expect Too Much, it also becomes a sequel to itself in a way, as though it were the product of some mad scientist media experiment.

The nature of contemporary "legacy sequels" also enters Jude's crosshairs, making even more explicit his scrutiny of modern media's relationship to the cinematic past. Where Godard's examination in Breathless was about French cinema's relationship to American cinema as an idea — the broad strokes of popular genres, and iconic figures like Humphrey Bogart, whom Michel impersonates — Jude probes the idea of modern image-making as less of a refraction of the past and more as a sanitized reflection of it.

He also does this amidst a bleakly funny exposé of the moral considerations of the modern image as well, from who truly gets to determine the form and meaning of images, to what a radical approach to filmmaking and critique might actually look like in the age of unfettered access to all perspectives at once. (His potential answer, via the tongue-in-cheek on-screen appearance of a notorious filmmaker, rides the lines between irony and sincerity.)

A character comedy first and foremost, Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World beats with a righteous fury of the state of things. However, its short-tempered protagonist has nowhere to channel that same fury but into something cheap and crass, albeit something that contains more honesty and is made more ethically than the polished and expensive productions to which she's beholden. What moving images mean is something constantly in flux, and in the information age, each image itself is vulnerable to digital manipulation, creating a fundamental mistrust between movies and the human eye. That this is our new, apocalyptic reality bears a strange sense of tragedy. But if that tragedy is tweaked in just the right way, by the likes of Radu Jude, it becomes darkly funny too.

Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World opens in NYC and Los Angeles on March 22.

UPDATE: Mar. 20, 2024, 3:07 p.m. EDT "Do Not Expect Too Much From the End of the World" was reviewed out of the 2023 New York Film Festival.

Categories: IT General, Technology

'Riddle of Fire' review: A dreamy fantasy adventure with 'Goonies' flair

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 11:00

Adventure awaits in even the most mundane of tasks in Riddle of Fire.

The enchanting feature debut from writer/director Weston Razooli celebrates childlike wonder by turning a series of familiar chores into a magical romp through moonlit forests and villains' lairs. With its nostalgic quality and plucky children protagonists, Riddle of Fire feels right at home alongside classic kids' adventure films like The Goonies. However, its dreaminess still sets it apart from its predecessors, making for a fiercely original fantasy tale.

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You can't have a fantasy adventure without a group of heroes, and in Riddle of Fire, our heroes take the form of scrappy kids: brothers Hazel (Charlie Stover) and Jodie (Skyler Peters) and their friend Alice (Phoebe Ferro). They call themselves the Three Immortal Reptiles, and they ride around their hometown of Ribbon, Wyoming, on mini motorcycles, wielding their paintball guns against anyone who stands in their way.

After a particularly daring heist lands them a new video game console, the Three Immortal Reptiles are desperate to test it out. The only problem? Hazel and Jodie's mother Julie (Danielle Hoetmer) has changed the password to the TV. If they want to crack the password, they'll have to bring Julie a blueberry pie from a nearby bakery. But just like in any good legendary quest, the task at hand is no simple feat.

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As soon as Julie asks for a blueberry pie, Riddle of Fire fixes itself in the language of fairy tales. The children encounter a baker who demands something "colder than ice" in exchange for her pie recipe, setting them on a small side quest. Later, when the recipe recommends "speckled eggs," the Three Immortal Reptiles refuse to accept anything other than the last box of speckled eggs they find at a local grocery store.

Unfortunately, those eggs are scooped up by the notorious John Redrye (Charles Halford). He's part of the Enchanted Blade Gang, led by the witchy Anna-Freya Hollyhock (Lio Tipton). Riddle of Fire plays with just how much of Anna-Freya's magic is real, blurring the line between our world and a fantastic alternate reality. She and her acolytes pose a real threat to our egg-seeking heroes, especially when they follow the Enchanted Blade Gang on a nighttime hunt in a national forest. Luckily for them, Anna-Freya's young daughter Petal (Lorelei Mote) has snuck along too. And like a benevolent fairy princess, she offers them the help they need.

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Finding one egg for a recipe may not seem like particularly high stakes for a quest, but for the Three Immortal Reptiles, that egg is a matter of life and death. After all, not getting to play video games before summer camp would be deathly disappointing for these youngsters. On top of all that, Julie, ailing from a cold that keeps her in bed, becomes a trapped princess figure herself. The only thing that can cure her is the pie, adding an extra layer of urgency to the gang's efforts.

Razooli accentuates the film's folkloric elements with vibrant visuals and soundscapes. Shot on Kodak 16mm film, the world of Riddle of Fire pops off the screen with larger-than-life colors. Ribbon's forests and mountains are a bright green, complemented by the clear blue of a mostly cloudless sky. These are landscapes that look as if they could come out of a storybook, or out of a great fantasy video game like The Legend of Zelda. Adding to that video game quality is the film's occasional use of gaming sound effects and its looping score, which would sound right at home in a video game or at a Renaissance fair. Even though we're watching a film that is mostly rooted in reality, these choices are more than enough to transport us back to our own childhood fantasies, where every day was an opportunity for adventure.

Riddle of Fire finds humor in its child heroes.

You can't have an ode to childhood without a solid cast of children, and Riddle of Fire delivers with its four young leads. Stover, Peters, Ferro, and Mote all have a raw, unpolished charm to them, which proves especially endearing when paired with their deep commitment to the adventures at the heart of the film.

Each child has a particularly affected way of speaking, hurling out folksy words like "yon" and insults like "woodsy bastards." At times, their dialogue doesn't sound at all like something a child would say, while at others, it seems perfectly natural. One especially funny recurring bit sees Jodie's lines subtitled, as Peters can be a bit hard to understand. Despite being the youngest, Jodie may be the most mannered speaker of the four, with the subtitles lending extra emphasis to his decidedly non-childlike dialogue. It all adds to Riddle of Fire's half-fantastic quality.

Riddle of Fire does overstay its welcome a tad, and its tendency to linger for too long on certain moments can take its more twee sensibilities from adorable to grating. But overall, the film remains a sweet, singular fantasy, as well as a wonderful addition to the children's adventure genre.

Riddle of Fire opens in limited release March 22.

UPDATE: Mar. 20, 2024, 4:34 p.m. EDT "Riddle of Fire" was reviewed out of 2023's Fantastic Fest.

Categories: IT General, Technology

'Late Night with the Devil' review: '70s flare and Satanic Panic bring horror home

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 11:00

There's a madcap magic to late-night television, where the stars come out to shine before an applauding live audience, and the rules of decorum seem relaxed in a studio setting modeled after a crisp, clean living room. We know that every guest is there to promote themselves and their latest product, but between the practiced smiles and strategized banter, there's the heady possibility that something unsanitized and real — something shocking, even — might slip through as we click closer to the Witching Hour. This is the slippery, surreal space of television celebrated in Late Night with the Devil, a tidy and trembling horror movie where talk shows and terror collide. 

Writers/directors Cameron Cairnes and Colin Cairnes (aka the Cairnes Brothers) precisely position their film in the sweet spot of 1977. On television, Johnny Carson with his broad smile and sharp wit was the king of Late Night, a charming ambassador to all of Hollywood and its fame-chasing shenanigans. As Carson graciously extended his living room into our own, so too did the homespun horrors of '70s cinema. Frightful films like Carrie and The Exorcist terrorized theater-goers with twisted tales of innocent-looking young girls irrevocably bent toward evil and devastation right before our very eyes. 

With Late Night with the Devil, the Cairnes Brothers bring these worlds of fear and fun together into one lean, mean, and sickly satisfying thrill ride. 

What's Late Night with the Devil about?  Credit: Courtesy of IFC Films and Shudder.

Character actor David Dastmalchian (The Suicide Squad, Ant-Man and the Wasp: Quantumania) strides into the spotlight as talk show host Jack Delroy. A suave talent with the gift of gab, his show might have rivaled Carson's chokehold on late night, if not for a personal tragedy the previous year that broke Jack's heart and derailed the show's popularity. Desperate to revive his falling prospects, he plots a Halloween show that the world will never forget. 

Along with a psychic (who might be a scam artist) and a professional skeptic (who lives to cause trouble), Jack books a controversial interview with a mysterious young girl. Lilly (Ingrid Torelli) was once a part of a Satanic cult devoted to a dangerous demon. Once they went up in smoke, she was the only one to survive. Now, under the care of her guardian/therapist (Laura Gordon), Lilly has come on late night to share her story…and maybe introduce us to her special friend, Mr. Wriggles. 

Late Night with the Devil is a throwback in the best way.  Credit: Courtesy of IFC Films and Shudder.

Planting their plotline as a precursor to the Satanic Panic of the '80s, the Cairnes Brothers swiftly establish a sense of foreboding for their hep audience members, who know all too well the wild rumors of devil worshippers, ghouls, ghosts, and pigs named Jodie that are to follow. The precursor to moral panic and paranoia is naivete punctured by piercing fear. And what better cozy bubble to puncture than the feel-good atmosphere of a celebrity talk show? 

A shrewd production design carefully reconstructs this era. Warm but muted hues of browns, yellows, and oranges swirl around the set. Sharp suits and denim overalls place the guests in a time of swinging style and seeming innocence, when a teen girl would do press dressed like a doll instead of a supermodel. 

Meanwhile, the cinematography harkens back to the age of video, complete with analog glitches that could be nothing...or could be a warning that something is going awry. All of these details carefully capture the era so thoroughly that if you don't recognize the actors, you might mistake Late Night with the Devil for a forgotten cult classic, the legit kind once found on coveted VHS tapes. 

Yet the most crucial ode to this era is the tone of the talk show. With a breezy bravado, Dastmalchian swaggers into the role of unflappable host. Whether flashing a false smile for the crowd or bantering with his bickering guests, he feels deeply embedded in this bouncy brand of entertainment and salesmanship. By grounding the first act in the familiar realities of the '70s chat show, the Cairnes Brothers and Dastmalchian creep under our skin to rise goosebumps as they raise hell. 

Late Night with the Devil delivers restrained but ruthless horror.  Credit: Courtesy of IFC Films and Shudder.

Be warned: This movie won't get as splashy in its demonic spectacle as Carrie or The Exorcist, which boasted buckets of pig blood and vociferous vomit, respectively. But that's part of this movie's charm. Like Rosemary's Baby, it's an atmospheric brew that festers with emotional trauma. Fret not; there will be bursts of bile, blood, and some climactic carnage. However, those gory bits wouldn't be as hard-hitting were it not for the dramatic tension going on behind the scenes of Jack's plagued talk show. 

In a sense, Dastmalchian must shoulder two roles: the consummate professional and the personal trainwreck. Beneath his bespoke suit is a trembling heart that yearns for more than big ratings from this devilish publicity stunt. He yearns for proof that there is something more than this life, something beyond. And he'll risk anything, even his soul, in pursuit of this revelation. 

Dastmalchian has frequently played creepy men (see Prisoners) and quirky criminals (Pick an Ant-Man, any Ant-Man). His signature intensity stirs beneath the surface even as Jack plays nice for the studio camera. In his eyes flickers a chaotic fire of grief, hope, and ambition that cannot be squelched. And it is reflected in the unnerving stare of a little girl who claims to house a demonic spirit. They are a match made not in heaven but hell. And witnessing their face-off is nail-biting fun. 

Paying tribute to '70s horror, Late Night with the Devil is steeped in the era's aesthetic and its emerging moral anxiety, as well as the methodical pacing that draws us in, grabs on tight, and won't let go until that final ghoulish moment. Tune in and hang on. Dastmalchian and his demon are coming for you.

Late Night with the Devil opens in theaters March 22.  

UPDATE: Mar. 20, 2024, 4:03 p.m. EDT "Late Night with the Devil" was reviewed out of its World Premiere at SXSW 2023. 

Categories: IT General, Technology

'Molli and Max in the Future' review: 'When Harry Met Sally...' in a galaxy far, far away

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 11:00

Romantic comedies are built on cliches, from Big City Girl finds love in a small country town to rivals to lovers, tricky love triangles, opposites attract, and climactic kisses (often in bad weather). This isn't a glitch, but a design meant to comfort us with its predictability. To reinvent the wheel of the rom-com would be to miss the point: We want a ride that might be a bit bumpy but promises to roll us into a cozy, happy ending.

To keep things exciting on this journey, little tweaks are all we really want. And thankfully, Molli and Max in the Future gets that, unfurling a familiar rom-com plotline while boldly going for a sci-fi setting that offers fresh fun. 

What's Molli and Max in the Future about?  Zosia Mamet and Aristotle Athari in "Molli and Max in the Future." Credit: Level 33 Entertainment

Written and directed by Michael Lukk Litwak, it's basically When Harry Met Sally... But instead of the titular twosome road-tripping, hitting diners, and strolling around New York City, they're cruising in spaceships, checking out "mega mech fights" where towering robots do battle in a gladiator arena, and bopping around the universe to quirky planets and even a troubling alternate dimension. 

Zosia Mamet stars as Molli, a hopeless romantic pursuing spirituality and space magic. Aristotle Athari plays Max, a career-focused inventor determined to build a bot that'll make him a mega mech megastar. Their meet-cute comes through a spaceship accident where no one is hurt (beyond Max's pride). The spark between the two is immediate. Over a montage of tours around spacey destinations and winding conversations, they forge a powerful friendship. But then fate comes crashing in, pulling the pair apart for years. 

The film's story arches over 12 years, during which Max and Molli chase their dreams and suffer some rude awakenings. But again and again, they collide, depending on each other in a wide galaxy full of frustrations, sex cults, chaotic demi-gods, mind-bending tech, genocidal demon tyrants, and achingly human problems like crushes and self-doubt.

Science fiction brings a unique whimsy to Molli and Max in the Future.  Credit: Level 33 Entertainment

Litwak's world — or worlds — blend the familiar with the futuristic. Rather than a squawking TV screen, hovering taxi cabs project advertisements for Glorp Cola via hologram. An AI girlfriend (a terrifically on-point Erin Darke) looks human enough, but has flashes of metal and a sharp diction as if her code had been snatched from a fast-talking dame in a 1930s screwball comedy. In Megatropolis and Oceanus, humans interact with "fish people" and other interstellar creatures who come alive by applying sparse but effective prosthetics to human faces. 

Like many an MCU movie, much of this film is shot against a greenscreen. But unlike the MCU's blockbusters, Molli and Max in the Future can't compete with the budget or effects that a hulking franchise can. The CGI that builds its settings is more reminiscent of 2004's Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow with a self-aware slathering of Tron.

Neon lights radiate across distant cityscapes and punctuate sportswear for a retro-futuristic flare. Combined with the shrewd use of costumes and prosthetics, the movie brews a low-fi charm reminiscent of a history of scrappy sci-fi films. The spectacle — like robot fights and interactions with a horny space critter — have the guileless verve of Saturday morning cartoons. And frankly, it's fine that these effects aren't extraordinary, as the core focus is the romance that plays as winkingly familiar. 

Molli and Max in the Future has bouncy banter and big ideas, for better and for worse. Credit: Level 33 Entertainment

Litwak clearly relishes showcasing glimpses of his lovestruck galaxy, but he refuses to dillydally. Molli and Max in the Future moves, smartly trusting in the chemistry of its stars and the anticipation of its audiences. Montages jauntily carry us through the getting-to-know-you stage before plunging us into a complicated relationship of repressed lust, commitment fears, and endless possibilities. Employing parallel universes to give their could-be relationship a test run is a particularly clever intersection of sci-fi and rom-com. In this bit, Max and Molli call their alternate selves for a catchup that is as comedic as it is emotionally fraught.

Litwak also works in daffy spins on drama cliches, like a snarling blue-collar father demanding his son abandon his lofty career ambitions and join the family business working at the "rock 'n' roll factory." But the biggest laughs come from the zippy banter, deftly volleyed by Mamet and Atharia, as well as apparently timeless one-liners like the scorching exit line, "Have a nice life — living in Midtown!" (Ouch!)

Where the film fumbles is in a second act that juggles political satire, working in thinly veiled satire about President Trump (a bombastic demon called Turboschmuck, played with churlish moxie by Michael Chernus) and the Climate Change Crisis. While Max and Molli gawp in the face of their interstellar stressors, the lightness of the rom-com suffers under the too-real reminders of actual horror. Storywise, it makes sense, as our heroes — who like Millennials and Gen Z now — grapple with their identity and priorities in the face of political upheaval and overwhelming global catastrophe. But this detour derails the fun and verve Litwak and company had rolling along. A bold third act aims to reconcile this sharp turn, but your mileage may vary. 

Despite its wobbly second half, Molli and Max in the Future is an inventive, endearing, and entertaining movie. Blending sci-fi details with rom-com tropes and a sharp self-awareness, it charts a daring new path that makes it well worth the watching. 

Molli and Max in the Future arrives on video on demand March 22.

UPDATE: Mar. 20, 2024, 12:22 p.m. EDT "Molli and Max in the Future" was reviewed out its World Premiere at SXSW 2023. This review was republished in February 2024 to coincide with its theatrical premiere. It has since been updated to reflect its on-demand availability.

Categories: IT General, Technology

'Anatomy of a Fall' review: A riveting courtroom drama where there's more than meets the eye

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 10:00

Justine Triet's thoroughly engaging Anatomy of a Fall examines the way information reveals character, and vice versa, during an unfolding murder trial. Sandra, a German novelist played  by Sandra Hüller, is accused of killing her husband, Samuel (Samuel Theis), at their isolated French cabin. A year later in the courtroom, their relationship is placed under a microscope, carefully scrutinized and picked apart for all the world to see. This includes their blind adolescent son, Daniel (Milo Machado Graner), the only witness to his father's death; Daniel also found Samuel's body after he seemingly fell from a high window, leaving odd blood-spatter patterns nearby and dying on impact.

However, before any of the plot unfolds, Triet and co-writer Arthur Harari lure us in with mementos and pieces of music, including perhaps the most amusing and absurd use of a 50 Cent song in recent memory; an instrumental cover of his upbeat, energetic 2003 single "P.I.M.P" is an important plot point! Alongside the courtroom dialogue, these details play an equally vital part in unearthing the characters' identities, insecurities, and — if such a thing is possible — their truest selves.

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In response to the French ministère public and its ruthless public prosecutor (Antoine Reinartz), Sandra is forced to undertake legal strategies that conflict with her own outlook on Samuel. This causes crises of conscience for both her and Daniel, who grows increasingly unsure of what to believe.

When Sandra stands trial, she's forced to speak broken French — her husband's mother tongue but her third language; she occasionally slips into English — which keeps her on the back foot during most of the movie. Her attorney, Vincent (Swann Arlaud), is a personal friend to them both, and so he's left with little choice but to approach Samuel's death as a suicide, since an accidental fall from his attic workshop seems hard to prove to a jury. With her freedom on the line, she has little choice but to go along with this narrative; it leaves a sour taste in her mouth, but it soon helps her see Samuel in a new light as well.

These unexpected layers to each character aren't plot twists per se since they don't follow the typical set-up/pay-off structure, but rather, they're narrative zigzags that help reframe existing events and the way the audience sees the couple's marriage. In fact, all we ever see of Samuel are reconstructions; he isn't presented to us on screen until after he dies, and all we're let in on are other people's memories of him, and Triet's visualization of covert recordings he took of some of his arguments with Sandra. 

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With their marriage having been on the rocks for some time, perhaps more than either the audience or Daniel realized, Sandra comes increasingly under attack, as Reinartz slithers his way through each accusatory monologue, fighting a righteous battle that still makes him come off as utterly detestable. It also helps that Hüller, in her role as Sandra, attempts to strike a cautious balance between the character's public and private selves, though she often slips up and cracks under pressure. It's a deeply vulnerable performance, one that doesn't just stew in the grief of a spouse's death and the anxiety of being accused of his murder, but one that makes this an ongoing process, leaving her at the end of her rope. When the character, in a private moment, says, "I'm so tired of crying. It's really ridiculous, it's so exhausting," you fully believe that the movie's premise — to which we've just been introduced — has been chipping away at her for a year.

However, the film's secret weapon is arguably Machado Graner, a child performer who takes on a monumentally mature task, embodying not only the uncontrollable agony of loss but the character's confusion and suspicion surrounding what's left of his family. Nobody wants to believe their mother is a murderer, let alone that their parents' marriage was far from perfect. But Daniel is so desperate to have some kind of solid ground beneath his feet that he's willing to embrace any possibility, even the most monstrous one, if it means having some kind of certainty again. Machado Graner, therefore, grasps at all possible outcomes as soon as they arise, though each new piece of evidence only seems to further confuse Daniel, forcing the young actor into a constant state of searching — that, too, without the use of the character's sight.

Triet keeps the camera transfixed on Daniel during several court scenes, using only his reactions and the dialogue of the other characters just off-screen to guide the movement of her camera, which swoops around him as new information is thrown his way. This departure from the film's otherwise traditional cinematic form not only adds a sense of realism to his experience but disorients the viewer in the process. It also keeps Machado Graner in the frame as much as possible, tethering us to his fragility.

However, while the performances and dialogue help make explicit the various characters' conundrums and internal mindsets, many of the design details, and the implications of certain questions, tend to shift the subtext of the trial itself, which becomes its own fluid character of sorts. The longer it goes on, the more all-encompassing the prosecution gets, targeting not only Sandra and Samuel's marriage but their respective literary careers, their relationship with their son, and even Sandra's femininity and sexuality.

Anatomy of a Fall puts Sandra's femininity on trial. Credit: NEON

At the outset, the trial follows the physical evidence of Samuel's death, but when things don't add up conclusively either way, it takes on a more pointed narrative. Sandra, the film casually reveals, is bisexual, something of which her family has always been aware, but it's an element of her background used to poison the court of public opinion against her when questions of her infidelity arise. Earlier in the day of Samuel's death, she's interviewed by a young female reporter, and their interactions — which seem flirtatious, but only casually so — become evidence as well, of implied impropriety and potential arguments between the couple. (Samuel also seemingly sabotages this interview by playing "P.I.M.P." at an unreasonable volume.)

This is the more explicit way Sandra's femininity is put on trial, suggesting a sort of scheming duplicity, though there are some more implicit ways too, which are equally if not more sinister. For one thing, her success is held against her. She thrived at a time when Samuel found himself in professional limbo. This subplot certainly picks up more nuance along the way, revealing Samuel to be a dynamic if troubled character, but it can't help but play at times like the centerpiece of the entire trial, forcing us to read even the prosecutor's viciousness as some form of overcompensation. No statement he makes directly hints at this, but editor Laurent Sénéchal's rhythmic, whip-smart assembly of the courtroom scenes leaves room for the possibility, given where and how his reaction shots seem to manifest.

Despite a completely self-assured performance from Reinartz, the cinematic language on display pokes the tiniest of holes in what seems like a known quantity — a perspective and motivation that feels entirely certain. We know what the prosecutor wants, just as we know what every character wants, but subtle elements of doubt creep their way in from the edges of the screen. Similarly, the way Sandra presents herself (which is to say, the way she is designed and presented) seems poised to introduce similar doubts, though these are likely to be held by the audience rather than any specific character. Her short haircut and gray pantsuits are the antithesis of an archetypical image of Western femininity, the kind that, in a courtroom narrative, might seek to please a more conservative jury.

The film doesn't get into the jurors as individuals, but it becomes hard not to wonder whether someone on the bench might view Sandra more disdainfully for her queerness, or might even subconsciously read her, thanks to her subtly masculine appearance, as someone inherently more capable of brutality. Ultimately, every bit of evidence comes down to this and similar biases, and even as an audience, it's hard not to reckon with some of the notions the film puts forth, whether or not it plants seeds of doubt in the viewers' minds.

Justine Triet's use of sound is sensational. Credit: Neon

Anatomy of a Fall doesn't depend on Sandra's guilt or innocence to be effective. In fact, its narrative perspective seems to endorse one version of facts and events early on, while its lingering questions tend to surround the way various interpretations of those facts and events will inevitably impact the case. The film is, in a way, an anthropological guessing game as much as it is a winding drama, with clues in the form of physical details and bits of information that seem to ask, "How does this make Sandra look to the jury? And what about to her son?"

One particularly tongue-in-cheek way it achieves this is through music, and more specifically, through frequent instrumental repetition of 50 Cent's "P.I.M.P." The first time it shows up, it's an annoyance, or perhaps even an instigator, designed to interrupt or sabotage. The song choice doesn't really matter at first, when Samuel plays it in the opening scene during Sandra's interview — it's an absurd happenstance that plays subtly on early-2000s nostalgia — but when the track becomes a piece of evidence in the case, all its potential meanings must be parsed by necessity, in case some sort of insight can be gleamed, no matter how minor.

At first, doing so seems like an exercise in absurdity, but meeting the movie on its own terms seems to open up a whole world of possible interpretations, no matter how bizarre. There is, as the prosecutor notes, the song's sexually provocative nature, which immediately reframes her interview in a specific context that may not have previously existed, and there are numerous such possible readings that could shed new light on the case while being equally ridiculous.

Do the song's absent lyrics, like "I don't know what you heard about me" or "But a bitch can't get a dollar out of me," inadvertently inform the movie's themes of innuendo and speculation, or its suspicions surrounding Samuel's life insurance? Do its Caribbean steel drums — an immediate contrast with Sandra and Samuel's frigid surroundings — speak to some kind of desire to escape? And is the title of the album it belongs to, Get Rich or Die Tryin', just an unfortunate irony given Samuel's dwindling career, or does it, too, gesture at some sort of cryptic intent on his behalf? All of this feels like too much inquiry into a single, amusing detail, but it's a detail that recurs constantly, in a film whose plot is overflowing with characters analyzing any and every possibility if it means coming a step closer to some kind of truth, whether legal or spiritual. 

Perhaps the meaning behind the song's use is as unknowable as the question of whether it's something we ought to be looking at in the first place. The only way to make sense of all the contradictory evidence is to accept this contradiction because otherwise, its unknowability can drive one mad — as it nearly does Daniel, a young character desperate for the reprieve of a familiar pattern that makes sense. As much as Sandra's world is turned upside down, his is thrown into similar disarray, as evidenced by another musical cue he tries to recall on the piano — Isaac Albéniz's entrancing Asturias (Leyenda) — but fails to play completely, as if some of its notes have grown just beyond his reach.

It's an external arrhythmia that represents Daniel's innermost thoughts, which he can barely form or share with those around him. He hasn't yet learned to parse information the way the adults around him have, but watching him slowly learn to do so is among the most gripping parts of the Anatomy of a Fall — alongside the growing possibility that he might come to conclusions that damage his relationship with Sandra. She knows this too, and as she glances over to him constantly during the trial, the question of what will become of mother and son becomes just as pressing and emotionally intriguing as who killed the father.

Anatomy of a Fall is now streaming on Hulu.

UPDATE: Mar. 21, 2024, 6:04 p.m. EDT Anatomy of a Fall was reviewed out of Cannes, where it won the Palme d'Or. The film has since won the Academy Award for Best Original Screenplay. This review has been republished to celebrate its debut on streaming.

Categories: IT General, Technology

How to watch the 2024 Tour of Flanders online for free

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 07:00

TL;DR: Stream the 2024 Tour of Flanders for free on SBS On Demand. Access this free streaming platform from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Cycling fans are a lucky bunch, because the schedule is absolutely brutal. There seems be another professional race every week, which is demanding for the cyclists but entertaining for everyone else.

Following closely behind Paris-Nice, Volta a Catalunya, and a string of other top-level events is the Tour of Flanders. If you're interested in watching this famous race for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

What is the Tour of Flanders?

The Tour of Flanders is an annual one-day road cycling race held in Belgium every spring. It's the most important cycling race in Flanders, and forms part of the UCI World Tour.

Tadej Pogačar of UAE Team Emirates won the 2023 Tour of Flanders.

When is the 2024 Tour of Flanders?

The 2024 Tour of Flanders is the 108th edition of the race. This year's event takes place on March 31.

How to watch the 2024 Tour of Flanders for free

The good news is that free live streaming of the 2024 Tour of Flanders is available from these locations:

You can access these free streaming platforms from anywhere in the world with a VPN. These powerful tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to secure servers in other countries, meaning you can bypass geo-restrictions to unblock free streaming platforms to watch live cycling.

Unblock free streaming sites to stream the 2024 Tour of Flanders by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in Australia (or another location listed above)

  4. Visit SBS On Demand (or another site listed above)

  5. Stream the 2024 Volta a Catalunya for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) £82.82 at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Learn More

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but leading VPNs do tend to offer free-trial periods or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can gain access to free streaming sites without committing with your cash. This is not a long-term solution, but it does give you time to watch the 2024 Tour of Flanders before recovering your investment.

If you want to retain permanent access to free streaming sites from around the world, you'll need a subscription. Fortunately, the best VPN for streaming sport is on sale.

What is the best VPN for the Tour of Flanders?

ExpressVPN is the best service for unblocking free streaming sites to watch sport, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is always secure

  • Fast connection speeds

  • Up to five simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for £82.82 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Watch the 2024 Tour of Flanders for free from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Categories: IT General, Technology

How to watch Gujarat Titans vs. Mumbai Indians online for free

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 07:00

TL;DR: Watch Gujarat Titans vs. Mumbai Indians in the IPL for free on JioCinema. Access this free streaming platform from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

The IPL has started with big hits, big catches, and big drama. We expected all of these things, but it's nice to see that the IPL continues deliver the product that fans from around the world appreciate.

And we're hoping to see more of the same when the Gujarat Titans meet the Mumbai Indians. The Gujarat Titans came so close to winning the IPL last season, but building on that successful campaign is not going to be easy.

If you're interested in watching Gujarat Titans vs. Mumbai Indians for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

When is Gujarat Titans vs. Mumbai Indians?

Gujarat Titans vs. Mumbai Indians starts at 2 p.m. GMT on March 24. This fixture takes place at the Narendra Modi Stadium in Ahmedabad, India.

How to watch Gujarat Titans vs. Mumbai Indians for free

JioCinema is offering free live streams of every IPL cricket match this season in 4K resolution on its app.

JioCinema is geo-restricted to India, but anyone can unblock this free streaming service with a VPN. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in India, meaning you can access JioCinema from anywhere in the world.

Unblock JioCinema to stream the IPL 2024 by following these simple steps:

  1. Sign up for a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in India

  4. Visit JioCinema (you will need an Indian phone number to sign up)

  5. Stream Gujarat Titans vs. Mumbai Indians for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) £82.82 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but they do tend to offer free trials or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can watch IPL live streams before recovering your investment. This is clearly not a long-term solution, but it does mean you can watch select IPL fixtures for free.

If you want to retain access to free streaming platforms from around the world, you'll need a subscription. Fortunately, the best VPN for streaming sport is on sale for a limited time.

What is the best VPN for JioCinema?

ExpressVPN is the best service for accessing JioCinema, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including India

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for £82.82 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Stream Gujarat Titans vs. Mumbai Indians for free with ExpressVPN.

Categories: IT General, Technology

How to watch Rajasthan Royals vs. Lucknow Super Giants online for free

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 07:00

TL;DR: Watch Rajasthan Royals vs. Lucknow Super Giants in the IPL for free on JioCinema. Access this free streaming platform from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Few other competitions can compete with the IPL when it comes to star players, passionate fans, and dramatic moments. It's a special tournament with followers from all around the world. If you haven't yet given the IPL a chance to impress, this could be the season when that changes.

If you're interested in watching Rajasthan Royals vs. Lucknow Super Giants for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

When is Rajasthan Royals vs. Lucknow Super Giants?

Rajasthan Royals vs. Lucknow Super Giants starts at 10 a.m. GMT on March 24. This fixture takes place at the Sawai Mansingh Indoor Stadium in Jaipur, Rajasthan.

How to watch Rajasthan Royals vs. Lucknow Super Giants for free

JioCinema is delivering free live streams of every IPL cricket match this season on its app.

JioCinema is geo-restricted to India, but anyone can unblock this free streaming service with a VPN. These tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in India, meaning you can access JioCinema from anywhere in the world.

Unblock JioCinema to stream the IPL 2024 by following these simple steps:

  1. Sign up for a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in India

  4. Visit JioCinema (you will need an Indian phone number to sign up)

  5. Stream Rajasthan Royals vs. Lucknow Super Giants for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) £82.82 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but they do tend to offer free trials or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can watch IPL live streams without actually spending anything. This is clearly not a long-term solution, but it does mean you can watch select IPL fixtures before recovering your investment.

If you want to retain access to free streaming platforms from around the world, you'll need a subscription. Fortunately, the best VPN for streaming sport is on sale for a limited time.

What is the best VPN for JioCinema?

ExpressVPN is the best service for accessing JioCinema, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including India

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is secure

  • Fast connection speeds

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for £82.82 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Stream Rajasthan Royals vs. Lucknow Super Giants for free with ExpressVPN.

Categories: IT General, Technology

A lifetime subscription to this Dropbox alternative is on sale for under £120

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 07:00

TL;DR: A lifetime subscription to Internxt Cloud Storage (2TB) is on sale for £117.73, saving you 74% on list price.

Following the trend of subscription-based services, lifetime offers shine as an antidote. They take us back to the way things should be, where you only have to pay once to keep a product for life. 

Internxt is an outstanding contender for cloud-based storage, offering several tiers of lifetime plans to fit your needs.

The platform offers multiple unique layers of security. For one, each photo, video, or document is end-to-end encrypted, meaning only those with explicit permission (like yourself or anyone you share with) can access your files. 

Additionally, Internxt’s code is completely open source, which means anyone can review, audit, and verify there are no hidden functions or vulnerabilities in place. They really show that they have nothing to hide. Well, except for your privacy.

That depends entirely on your needs. Those who are just looking to back up their photos and videos may opt for the 2TB, while anyone who wants to upload their entire digital life might grab the 10TB plan. Here are some approximations of what each plan could store:

  • 2TB: 400,000 pictures, 2,000 video hours, or 2 million MS files.

  • 5TB: 1 million pictures, 5,000 hours of video, or 5 million MS files.

  • 10TB: 2 million pictures, 10,000 hours of video, or 10 million MS files.

With desktop and mobile apps for Windows, Mac, Linux, Android, and iOS, plus a browser-based app, you’ll be able to upload and access files from anywhere.

Get a lifetime subscription to Internxt Cloud Storage for under £120.

Opens in a new window Credit: Internxt Internxt Cloud Storage: 2TB (Lifetime Subscription) £117.73 at the Mashable Shop Get Deal
Categories: IT General, Technology

Have a Conversation with Your Boss About the Promotion You Missed Out On

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 06:01

You didn’t get that promotion you were expecting. How should you talk to your manager about your disappointment—and how do you move forward? Start by clearly expressing your disappointment, and seek to understand what went into the decision not to promote you. Listen for explicit criteria. Ideally, you’ll gain some insight into your manager’s perspective […]

Categories: Management

Wordle today: Here's the answer and hints for March 22

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 04:00

Oh hey there! If you're here, it must be time for Wordle. As always, we're serving up our daily hints and tips to help you figure out today's answer.

If you just want to be told today's word, you can jump to the bottom of this article for March 22's Wordle solution revealed. But if you'd rather solve it yourself, keep reading for some clues, tips, and strategies to assist you.

Where did Wordle come from?

Originally created by engineer Josh Wardle as a gift for his partner, Wordle rapidly spread to become an international phenomenon, with thousands of people around the globe playing every day. Alternate Wordle versions created by fans also sprang up, including battle royale Squabble, music identification game Heardle, and variations like Dordle and Quordle that make you guess multiple words at once

Wordle eventually became so popular that it was purchased by the New York Times, and TikTok creators even livestream themselves playing.

Not the day you're after? Here's the solution to yesterday's Wordle.

What's the best Wordle starting word?

The best Wordle starting word is the one that speaks to you. But if you prefer to be strategic in your approach, we have a few ideas to help you pick a word that might help you find the solution faster. One tip is to select a word that includes at least two different vowels, plus some common consonants like S, T, R, or N.

What happened to the Wordle archive?

The entire archive of past Wordle puzzles used to be available for anyone to enjoy whenever they felt like it. Unfortunately, it has since been taken down, with the website's creator stating it was done at the request of the New York Times.

Is Wordle getting harder?

It might feel like Wordle is getting harder, but it actually isn't any more difficult than when it first began. You can turn on Wordle's Hard Mode if you're after more of a challenge, though.

Here's a subtle hint for today's Wordle answer:


Does today's Wordle answer have a double letter?

There are no letters that appear twice.

Today's Wordle is a 5-letter word that starts with...

Today's Wordle starts with the letter D.

SEE ALSO: Wordle-obsessed? These are the best word games to play IRL. What's the answer to Wordle today?

Get your last guesses in now, because it's your final chance to solve today's Wordle before we reveal the solution.

Drumroll please!

The solution to Wordle #1007 is...


Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time. There will be a new Wordle for you to stretch your brain with tomorrow, and we'll be back again to guide you with more helpful hints.

Reporting by Caitlin Welsh, Sam Haysom, Amanda Yeo, Shannon Connellan, Cecily Mauran, Mike Pearl, and Adam Rosenberg contributed to this article.

Categories: IT General, Technology

'Beetlejuice' sequel trailer reunites Winona Ryder, Catherine O'Hara, and Michael Keaton

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 03:32

The teaser trailer for the long-awaited Beetlejuice sequel has arrived, offering a glimpse at Winona Ryder, Catherine O'Hara, and Michael Keaton reprising their roles from the 1988 cult classic horror comedy.

Directed by Tim Burton, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice catches up with the Deetz family decades after the supernatural events of the 1988 film. A grown up Lydia (Ryder) returns to her childhood home following a family tragedy, accompanied by her stepmother Delia (O'Hara) and her teenage daughter Astrid (Jenna Ortega). However, Astrid soon discovers a model of the town in the attic, one thing leads to another, and a portal to the Afterlife is opened — setting the scene for the return of the mischievous demon Betelgeuse (Keaton).

Alongside Ryder, O’Hara, and Keaton, Beetlejuice Beetlejuice also introduces new cast members Ortega, Justin Theroux, Monica Bellucci, Arthur Conti, and Willem Dafoe.

Beetlejuice Beetlejuice arrives in theatres Sept. 6.

Categories: IT General, Technology

NYT Connections today: See hints and answers for March 22

Mashable - Fri, 03/22/2024 - 03:00

Connections is the latest New York Times word game that's captured the public's attention. The game is all about finding the "common threads between words." And just like Wordle, Connections resets after midnight and each new set of words gets trickier and trickier—so we've served up some hints and tips to get you over the hurdle.

If you just want to be told today's puzzle, you can jump to the end of this article for March 22's Connections solution. But if you'd rather solve it yourself, keep reading for some clues, tips, and strategies to assist you.

What is Connections?

The NYT's latest daily word game has become a social media hit. The Times credits associate puzzle editor Wyna Liu with helping to create the new word game and bringing it to the publications' Games section. Connections can be played on both web browsers and mobile devices and require players to group four words that share something in common.

Tweet may have been deleted

Each puzzle features 16 words and each grouping of words is split into four categories. These sets could comprise of anything from book titles, software, country names, etc. Even though multiple words will seem like they fit together, there's only one correct answer. If a player gets all four words in a set correct, those words are removed from the board. Guess wrong and it counts as a mistake—players get up to four mistakes until the game ends.

Tweet may have been deleted

Players can also rearrange and shuffle the board to make spotting connections easier. Additionally, each group is color-coded with yellow being the easiest, followed by green, blue, and purple. Like Wordle, you can share the results with your friends on social media.

Here's a hint for today's Connections categories

Want a hit about the categories without being told the categories? Then give these a try:

  • Yellow: Animals that leap

  • Green: Animals with two X chromosomes

  • Blue: Obscure Olympic activities

  • Purple: Something that requires a set up

Featured Video For You Connections: How to play and how to win Here are today's Connections categories

Need a little extra help? Today's connections fall into the following categories:

  • Yellow: Jumping Animals

  • Green: Apply Pressure To

  • Blue: Olympic Sports

  • Purple: Things You Can Set

Looking for Wordle today? Here's the answer to today's Wordle.

Ready for the answers? This is your last chance to turn back and solve today's puzzle before we reveal the solutions.

Drumroll, please!

The solution to Connections #283 is...

What is the answer to Connections today
  • Jumping Animals: CRICKET, FROG, HARE, KANGAROO

  • Apply Pressure To: CRUSH, MASH, PRESS, SQUASH



Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time. There will be new Connections for you to stretch your brain with tomorrow, and we'll be back again to guide you with more helpful hints.

Is this not the Connections game you were looking for? Here are the hints and answers to yesterday's Connections.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Echo vs. Echo Dot: Which Amazon device should you buy?

Mashable - Thu, 03/21/2024 - 23:27

With the rise of AI and ChatGPT, nothing seems too unthinkable and futuristic in the world of tech anymore. Moreover, products that once seemed advanced (read: the Amazon Echo when it was first released in 2015) don't seem to be all that advanced anymore. This means companies have to constantly innovate to continue attracting buyers, which is what Amazon did in 2022 when it released its 5th Generation Echo Dot. Since then, the corporate giant has unveiled even newer products (in the Echo Show and Echo Pop families).

This is great and all, but when the time comes to actually invest in a new Echo device for your home — thus upgrading it to "smart home" status — it can be hard to decide which one to get. Do you want to be able to video call your family with Echo Show 10's sleek swivel screen? Maximize affordability with the Echo Pop? Or upgrade your kids' rooms with an Echo device just for kids?

With this technology boom though, it can be hard to transition your home from “basic” to “smart-home” status. Establishing a tech-friendly home isn’t always easy, but there is hope. Smart speakers like Amazon's Echo family of products are a great starting point because they're affordable, require minimal effort to operate, and help you easily complete small tasks around the house. They take voice-recognition technology to the next level by playing music, finding binge-watch-worthy flicks, reading news, and adjusting room settings. They’ll do the work for you, so you can relax and take care of stuff that actually matters sans interruptions.

SEE ALSO: These are the best Echo devices to gain hands-free control of your smart home, and more

A common dilemma many specifically face is "to Echo or to Echo Dot?" Among its robust lineup of smart speakers, the Echo (Fourth Generation) and Echo Dot (Fifth Generation) are eerily similar, despite the former being almost twice as big as the latter. Also, given that the latest Dot was released in 2022 and the 4th Gen Echo came out two years before that, there are obvious technical upgrades in the Dot that don't exist in its bulkier predecessor. At least on paper.

Bad at making uninformed choices? Same here. To help you out, here’s everything you need to know if you’re deciding between the Echo and the Echo Dot.

Good things come in colorful packages. Credit: Stacia Datskovska / Mashable The basicsAmazon Echo (4th Gen) Amazon Echo (4th Gen) $64.99 at Amazon
$99.99 Save $35.00 Shop Now

The Echo weighs 34.2 ounces and its dimensions are 5.7 x 5.7 x 5.2 inches. On its round exterior, you'll find an action button, volume buttons, a mic-off button, a light-up ring, a power port, and a 3.5-millimeter audio output. With three distinct color options currently available at Amazon, this under-$100 device is sure to fit your home decor seamlessly.

Setting up the Echo is also seamless and you can use it within minutes. Indeed, the only things inside the package are the device itself, a power adapter, and two guides. The setup guide is highly visual, which is always a perk. To begin, you have to download the Alexa app and sign in. No, you don't need to have a Prime account to use an Amazon smart device (though its range of possibilities surely increases for those of us who are Prime members). Plug in the included power adapter into the Echo and then plug the Echo into a wall outlet. The light ring on the Echo will turn blue when it’s on and then orange when Alexa greets you. Next, connect the Echo to your home WiFi network. The Alexa app will then walk you through the rest of the setup process, including customizing your "wake word," mastering the pronunciation of your name, allowing access to phone contacts, and more.

Once all that is ready, you're good to go. Give your newest smart home companion a warm welcome: After all, it will be your go-to from now on for blasting music, waking you up in the morning, providing news and weather reports, calling loved ones, and so much more.

Amazon Echo Dot (5th Gen) Echo Dot (5th Gen, 2022 release) $34.99 at Amazon
$49.99 Save $15.00 Shop Now

Smart speakers can go beyond the basics, and the Echo Dot takes smart living to a new level. Though this device is two years newer than the aforementioned Echo (4th Gen), it's actually $50 cheaper if you don't get it with an LED clock display. Use that info as you will.

The Echo Dot weighs 10.7 ounces (much lighter than the Echo, clearly) and its dimensions are 3.9 x 3.9 x 3.5 inches. This baby can thus easily fit on countertops, shelves, or nightstands. Similar to the Echo, it boasts an action button, a microphone-off button, volume controls, a light ring, and a power port. It pretty much comes with the same color options as the bigger Echo, except for its deep sea blue shade being slightly darker than the Echo's twilight blue shade. Potayto, potahto.

Setup is also a breeze with the Echo Dot. First, plug it into a wall outlet and open the Alexa app to start setup. (You’ll need to download the Alexa app on your smartphone beforehand.) Once you open the app, select “devices” and then select the “+” icon. Follow the on-screen instructions from that point on and personalize the device to your liking.

What you get when you order an Amazon Echo Dot. Credit: Stacia Datskovska / Mashable Smarter, easier living featuresEcho

The Amazon Echo can function as your personal butler and best friend. Since it's a smart speaker that connects to the Alexa Voice Service, you can use it to do everything from playing the latest hits to purchasing some kitchen staples to killing your boredom with a round of Jeopardy! Advanced sound technology helps the Echo immediately respond to you and recognize your voice. In fact, during the setup process on the Alexa app, Echo learns your voice's cadences and pitch by making you repeat some sample prompts. Impressive.

You can tell Alexa exactly what to put on your grocery list and manage the items on your Alexa app. Credit: Screenshot: Amazon

Prompt response: Beamforming technology, noise-cancelation, and seven microphones will enable the Echo to hear you from your nearby location. Just speak the “wake word” and say commands like “Alexa, find an Amazon Music playlist,” or “Alexa, call Dad” for immediate assistance. Something to note: Your speaker does not by any means have to be called Alexa. Other fun options include Echo, Ziggy, or Santa. Referring to your device as that last option unlocks a whole new Ho-Ho-Ho personality for it. Another thing to note: Amazon is getting better about accessibility, in the form of Adaptive Listening. This feature, when enabled, essentially gives you more time to finish speaking — Alexa's way of accommodating speech patterns like stuttering.

Beats master: Of course the Echo can play music, but it’s more than a basic speaker. It comes with Dolby premium sound that fills a whole room — with deep bass and clear high notes alike. If you have two Echo devices in one room, you can actually tell one of them to "play music everywhere," which will amplify sound to even higher levels and make for an actual at-home clubbing experience. Word of caution, however — Alexa didn't cooperate with me, strangely, when I tried to test out this feature. For those of us who are highly picky about music streaming services, Amazon lets you set default options which you can change at any time. Do you want Alexa to pick music from Apple Music but podcasts from Spotify? No problem, there's an option for that.

Hands-free communication: If you need to message or call loved ones, the Echo has your back. You can use Alexa to communicate with people via phone or text on the Echo, so you don’t have to grab your smartphone. Plus, Alexa can also make household announcements across Amazon Echo devices at home, so your family will know if dinner is ready or guests are arriving. Use the Drop-In feature to connect to other Amazon Echo devices or the Announcement feature to record cute messages in your own voice (accompanied by a range of sound effect offerings, including dinner bell, kiss, trumpet, as well as, a bit alarmingly, toilet flush and fart).

Control smart devices: If you have other smart devices that work with Alexa, you can easily control them with Echo's Zigbee smart home hub. Just ask Alexa to dim the lights, adjust the room temperature, or turn on a compatible smart-plug-connected appliance. The best thing about this? You don’t have to press any buttons, and you can even engineer routines for yourself ahead of time to set these processes in motion at a certain time in your home.

The Echo can double as a night light Credit: Stacia Datskovska / Mashable Echo Dot

Making the smart living/smart home switch isn’t always budget-friendly, but the Echo Dot is affordable and provides great voice control features. These features, however, aren't all that different from what you get with the Echo. The only true upgrades are new motion sensors that let you touch-control the device, the 1.73-inch front-firing speaker (versus a woofer and tweeters), and "Eero mesh network support so the Echo Dot can serve as a node for your Eero network if you use one," according to our sister site, PCMag. Use the Dot to receive reminders, save cookie recipes to your app for future reference, bask your room in a night light glow, communicate with friends and family, soothe yourself with some white noise, and beyond.

Listening companion: We’ve all tried the conventional speaker setup, which typically involves too many outlets and wires. Echo Dot offers the opposite experience for all your listening needs. You can use your voice to play music through streaming services, including Amazon Music, Apple Music, and Spotify. Plus, you can hear Audible and other media forms with the Echo Dot. Ask Alexa to find the perfect playlist or podcast, and you’ll have something to listen to when you cook in the kitchen, lounge on the couch, or work out in your living room. Another extra-cool feature? The Dot will start playing deep sleep music when it detects sounds of snoring, if you enable it to do so.

Task help: There are times we wish that we had a personal assistant for little things, including making lists and scheduling calendars. The Echo Dot can help make your everyday routine (and entertainment) more seamless with voice control. Try saying: "Alexa, set a timer for five minutes," "Alexa, play the Reuters news briefing," "Alexa, open my daily horoscope," or "Alexa, find my phone." The possibilities are endless. Be sure to reference the "more" tab on the Alexa app to browse through all of the Echo Dot's offerings.

Use the Dot to send messages to houseguests, remind you of tasks, and more! Credit: Screenshot: Amazon

Converse with and check in on loved ones: Like the Echo, the Echo Dot allows you to send messages, make phone calls, and use other Echo devices as intercoms. Enjoy hands-free communication with loved ones and make announcements via Drop-In to keep everyone in touch at home. If you have elderly parents at home, you can also take advantage of Alexa Together — Amazon's remote caregiving offering that does cost extra but allows you to connect compatible fall detection devices to the Echo Dot, see snapshots of your loved ones' daily interactions with Alexa, get 24/7 access to trained agents who can call 911 in case of an emergency, create gentle reminders such as "take your pills," and more.

Monitor your smart home environment: The Echo Dot also offers the option to monitor smart devices at home. If you have light bulbs, thermostats, or streaming media players that are compatible with Alexa, you can control their activity with the Echo Dot. Just speak to Alexa in your room of choice, and you can easily monitor lighting, temperature, and more with verbal commands. Also, if you enable sound detection routines, you can program a particular sound (dog barking, oven dinging, door opening) to trigger a certain Alexa Routine. This feature has an accessibility bonus since it can be used as a way to provide visual cues to those with hearing challenges. For instance, "if Alexa detects running water for a period of time... she can trigger the living room smart lights to flash on and off, serving as a visual reminder to shut off the faucet," as reported in USA Today.

Don't let the Dot's size fool you — it's mighty smart. Credit: Stacia Datskovska / Mashable Price and competitionEcho

At $99.99, the Echo is moderately priced, but it comes with benefits that go beyond other smart speakers. With its high-tech sound features, including Dolby audio, you’ll be able to enjoy your favorite beats at the right volume. When you’re entertaining guests, you can engage the multi-room music feature to turn your pad into a dance floor (adjusting bass settings accordingly). In addition to playing music, the Echo allows you to control smart devices and communicate with loved ones via voice control. It also comes with a skills range so extensive that it might take you months to try them all out.

The Echo comes with a one-year limited warranty that covers defects in materials and workmanship. If you would like additional protection, you can buy an extended warranty separately at Amazon.

In terms of competition, the $99.99 Apple HomePod mini can be considered a pretty close match (at least price-wise). It's teeny compared to the Echo, though, and a larger/more advanced Apple smart speaker — the HomePod — will cost you $299 (see our full review of the Apple Homepod). While this competitor might be a better choice for Apple fans, due to its easy iOS compatibility, Siri isn't as smart or loyal of an assistant as Alexa in our opinion.

Echo Dot

For those on a technology budget, the 5th Gen Echo Dot delivers all the smart speaker benefits at a fraction of the price. At $49.99, it’s more affordable than other Amazon Echo devices (despite being the newest Dot) and still has desirable features like advanced voice recognition, smart device control, and assistance with small tasks via Alexa. For $59.99, you can get the Echo Dot with an LED display, which allows you to display the current time in style. That's pretty much the only added benefit the extra $10 will give you.

Unlike the Echo, the Echo Dot only comes with a 90-day limited warranty. It’s applicable to defects in materials and workmanship and you can contact Amazon’s Customer Service for assistance. This warranty, too, can be extended to a one-year, two-year, or even three-year plan for an additional fee.

If we're talking about what's available on the smart speaker market that can compare to the Dot, the Google-Assistant-powered Nest Mini (2nd Generation) immediately comes to mind, as it also costs $49.99. The Nest Mini is cute as a button (and weighs almost as much). It's compatible with streaming services like Spotify, Pandora, and iHeart Radio, as well as Youtube, has smart home pairing with Arlo, Nest, Ring, and other appliances, and it allows you to voice-purchase essentials from storefronts that aren't limited to Amazon. Still, with the Dot's new-and-improved front-firing speaker, there's no question that it wins the contest when it comes to quality audio. Also, with its upgraded temperature and movement sensors, the Dot seems to be leading the smart home game. I mean, what other speaker will listen for the sound of broken glass and immediately alert you to a potential robbery happening when you're MIA from home?

Clearly, the Echo is way bigger than the Echo Dot (reflected in their price difference). Credit: Stacia Datskovska / Mashable Privacy concerns

With all Amazon Echo devices comes concern about privacy. In the past, according to what reporter Jack Morse wrote for Mashable a few years back, "Alexa has been known to record people and rooms even when there's no wake word spoken intentionally — or spoken at all." The fact that it can be listening in on your most private conversations — or else sneakily gather info like a credit card number you say when purchasing something over the phone — is legitimately scary.

Amazon has realized that tons of people have been turning away from their Echo product line because of this very risk. That's why now, on the Alexa app, you can review your daily voice history and delete anything you don't vibe with, manage the access to data certain skills have, and more. On the exterior of both the 4th Gen Echo and 5th Gen Echo Dot, you can also find a mic-off button that will prevent any audio input from reaching Alexa. For more information about how Amazon handles user privacy, check out its Q&A on the matter.

So, to Echo or to Echo Dot?

If you want a large smart speaker that delivers high-quality sound, allows you to engage in hands-free control, and use your voice to communicate with loved ones, the $99.99 4th Gen Echo is a good call. Another perk of this device is that it’s customizable: You can choose a decorative shell to compliment your home decor vibe. Plus, it works with other Amazon Echo devices for the ultimate sound setup whenever you need it.

If you don’t want to fork over a lot of cash for a smart speaker, the Echo Dot is a great pick — especially considering it's newer than the 4th Gen Echo. At only $49.99, it’s a steal compared to other Amazon-connected devices and offers the same smart speaker benefits... and then some.

Categories: IT General, Technology

On the hunt for a cheap 4K TV? You have a ton of options at Amazon's Big Spring Sale.

Mashable - Thu, 03/21/2024 - 23:05

UPDATE: Mar. 21, 2024, 5:05 p.m. EDT This post has been updated with the top TV deals live at Amazon during its Big Spring Sale.

A quick look at the best TV deals from Amazon's Big Spring Sale: Best 55-inch TV deal Insignia 55-inch F30 4K Fire TV $239.99 at Amazon (save $110) Get Deal Best 65-inch TV deal Hisense 65-inch R6 4K TV $399.99 at Amazon (save $400) Get Deal Best 75-inch TV deal TCL 75-inch Q6 QLED TV $599.99 at Amazon (save $300) Get Deal

Spring is one of the best times of year to buy a TV. It's a great time to snag a previous year's flagship TVs as they go on sale to make room for this year's models, which typically become available for public purchase in March or April. For those whose TV shopping is geared more toward budget-friendly TVs than premium ones, Amazon's Big Spring Sale has you covered.

SEE ALSO: Verizon will give you a free Nintendo Switch (and more) just for switching to Verizon Home Internet in March

While there are a few 2022 and 2023 QLEDs and QNEDs from Samsung and LG thrown into this mix, the main attention grabbers at Amazon's spring event are cheap 55-inch to 75-inch QLEDs from brands like TCL and Hisense, as well as smaller options around the $200 mark. Barring a few Prime-exclusive stragglers, almost all deals in this sale are open to anyone, Prime member or not.

We're tracking Amazon Spring Sale 2024 deals on TVs below, broken down by size and ordered by price within each size bracket. Be sure to check back throughout the week — the sale officially runs between March 20 and 25, so this list is bound to grow.

Our top pick Opens in a new window Credit: TCL TCL 75-inch Q6 QLED TV $599.99 at Amazon
$899.99 Save $300.00 Get Deal Why we like it

If price has been the only factor deterring you from upgrading to an XL screen, check out this 75-inch QLED TV from TCL that has dropped to a new record low price of $599.99 (according to Amazon price tracker Camelcamelcamel). The Q6 is one of TCL's cheapest models to utilize quantum dots: an extra layer of nanoparticles between the screen and direct backlighting. This creates the brightness necessary for Dolby Vision and HDR10+ compatibility to be worthwhile — brightness that a regular LED TV just can't compete with.

TCL has also loaded the Q6 series with Motion Rate 240 motion smoothing technology and three HDMI ports, making it a super solid budget gaming TV.

More Amazon Big Spring Sale TV deals

43 to 50 inches

55 to 58 inches

65 to 70 inches

75 to 98 inches

Smart monitors and streaming TVs

Categories: IT General, Technology

All the greatest Amazon deals from the Big Spring Sale

Mashable - Thu, 03/21/2024 - 22:13

UPDATE: Mar. 21, 2024, 4:15 p.m. EDT This story has been updated with new Big Spring Sale deals on outdoor and camping gear, solar eclipse glasses, and Prime-exclusive deals.

Best Amazon Big Spring Sale deals at a glance: Best Apple deal Apple AirPods Pro (USB-C) $179.99 at Amazon (save $69.01) Get Deal Best laptop deal Samsung Galaxy Book3 $619.99 at Amazon (save $380) Get Deal Best robot vacuum deal iRobot Roomba j7 $299.99 at Amazon (save $300) Get Deal Best headphone/earbud deal Amazon Echo Buds with Active Noise Cancellation (2nd Gen) $54.99 at Amazon (save $65) Get Deal Best TV deal TCL 75-inch Q6 QLED TV $599.99 at Amazon (save $300) Get Deal Best unlocked phone deal Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra (256GB) $1,149.99 at Amazon (save $150) Get Deal Best Fire device deal Amazon Fire Max 11 (128GB) $199.99 at Amazon (save $80) Get Deal Best fitness tracker deal Garmin Forerunner 255 $249.99 at Amazon (save $100) Get Deal Best outdoor security camera deal Blink Outdoor 4 Floodlight Camera $77.99 at Amazon (save $51.99) Get Deal Best Bluetooth tracker deal Tile Starter Pack $42.43 at Amazon (save $12.56) Get Deal

Spring temperatures are melting prices at Amazon. The retail giant is hosting a new seasonal savings event this week called the "Big Spring Sale" (very apt), and it's not just another iteration of its flagship Prime Day sale.

Live now through Monday, March 25 at, the Big Spring Sale is a first-of-its-kind event featuring deals that revolve around "seasonally relevant items" and "warm-weather essentials," according to a post on Amazon's blog. That includes sports and outdoor equipment, cleaning and organizing products, and select electronics, from Apple devices to Fire tablets.

SEE ALSO: Check out the best deals under $25 during Amazon's Big Spring Sale

In a deviation from Prime Day, Amazon's biggest savings event of the year, the Big Spring Sale isn't entirely restricted to members of its paid Prime subscription service. However, the company's announcement notes that members "will receive access to exciting, exclusive deals" as part of it. If you haven't signed up for Prime yet, you can jumpstart a 14-day trial for free.

Keep reading for the Mashable Shopping team's running list of hand-picked highlights from the Big Spring Sale, and check back often: New doorbusters are being added every day.

Best Amazon Spring Sale Apple deals Opens in a new window Credit: Apple Apple AirPods Pro (USB-C) $179.99 at Amazon
$249.00 Save $69.01 Get Deal Why we like them

Read Mashable's full review of the Apple AirPods Pro USB-C.

"The USB-C AirPods Pro came onto the scene last year, offering a much-needed upgrade with its charging port, while keeping the features we loved on the Lightning Pros. With these earbuds, you get maximum portability, great functionality with Apple devices, and some of the best ANC you can find on a pair of earbuds. At $179.99, these buds have a new lowest price ever, making now a great time to buy." — Bethany Allard, Lead Shopping Reporter

More Apple deals


Apple accessories

Apple Watches




Best Amazon Spring Sale laptop deals

FYI: Scroll back up to the Apple deals section if you're looking for discounts on MacBooks.

Opens in a new window Credit: Samsung Samsung Galaxy Book3 $619.99 at Amazon
$999.99 Save $380.00 Get Deal Why we like it

"Samsung just released its new Galaxy Book4 series laptops in the U.S., so it makes total sense for Amazon to drop last year's Galaxy Book3 down to this new record-low price. This specific configuration of the sleek entry-level laptop includes a 13th-gen Intel Core i5 processor, a healthy 16GB of RAM, and 512GB of storage. Note that it comes installed with Windows 11 Pro (which includes BitLocker encryption), not the standard Windows 11 Home version." — Haley Henschel, Senior Shopping Reporter

More laptop deals

Traditional laptops

2-in-1 laptops

Gaming laptops

Best Amazon Spring Sale robot vacuum deals Opens in a new window Credit: iRobot iRobot Roomba j7 $299.99 at Amazon
$599.99 Save $300.00 Get Deal Why we like it

"We're always going to sound the alarm when a 50% discount is spotted on a Roomba. Even without mopping or self-emptying capabilities, the Roomba j7 is still one of the most solid Roombas — and robot vacuums in general — that you could bring home, and that's all due to small obstacle avoidance. On top of room-to-room smart mapping, any j series Roomba steers clear of things like phone chargers, pet waste, and socks. This capability, which we first experienced when testing the Combo j7+, is an absolute game-changer if your previous gripe with robot vacuums was that you had to clean up the room before sending them out to clean." — Leah Stodart, Senior Shopping Reporter

More robot vacuum dealsBest Amazon Spring Sale headphone/earbud deals

FYI: Scroll back up to the Apple deals section if you're looking for discounts on AirPods.

Opens in a new window Credit: Amazon Amazon Echo Buds with Active Noise Cancellation (2nd Gen) $54.99 at Amazon
$119.99 Save $65.00 Get Deal Why we like them

Read Mashable's full review of the Amazon Echo Buds with Active Noise Cancellation (2nd Gen).

"We're not going to lie, it can be a little tricky to find more-than-decent ANC on a pair of budget earbuds. At their full price of $119.99, the Echo Buds already offer a fairly enticing price point for that criteria, but at $54.99, that's nearly unbeatable. Mashable Tech Reporter Alex Perry wrote in his Echo Buds review, 'Considering how much cheaper these are than other big-name ANC-enabled earbuds, it's pretty incredible that the ANC works as well as it does.' You shouldn't expect Bose-standard noise cancellation, the touch panels can be a little too sensitive, and the battery life is just okay, but these are fair trade-offs for the money you're saving." — Bethany Allard, Lead Shopping Reporter

More speaker, headphone, and earbud deals




Best Amazon Spring Sale TV deals Opens in a new window Credit: TCL TCL 75-inch Q6 QLED TV $599.99 at Amazon
$899.99 Save $300.00 Get Deal Why we like it

"If price has been the only factor deterring you from upgrading to an XL screen, check out this 75-inch QLED TV from TCL that has dropped to a new record-low price of $599.99 (according to Amazon price tracker camelcamelcamel). The Q6 is one of TCL's cheapest models to utilize quantum dots: an extra layer of nanoparticles between the screen and direct backlighting. This creates the brightness necessary for Dolby Vision and HDR10+ compatibility to be worthwhile — brightness that a regular LED TV just can't compete with. TCL has also loaded the Q6 series with Motion Rate 240 motion smoothing technology and three HDMI ports, making it a super solid budget gaming TV." — Leah Stodart, Senior Shopping Reporter

More TV deals

55 to 58 inches

65 to 70 inches

75 to 98 inches

Best Amazon Spring Sale unlocked phone deals Opens in a new window Credit: Samsung Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra (256GB) $1,149.99 at Amazon
$1,299.99 Save $150.00 Get Deal Why we like it

Read Mashable's full review of the Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra.

"A close rival to the iPhone 15 Pro Max, Samsung's new Galaxy S24 Ultra is a premium 6.8-inch smartphone with a durable titanium design, a rear telephoto lens with impressive zoom capabilities, and a smattering of neat AI features. It also comes with a built-in S Pen stylus that doubles as a remote, according to Mashable tech editor Kim Gedeon. This is the 256GB base model's first discount since it launched in January 2024." — Haley Henschel, Senior Shopping Reporter

More unlocked phone deals

Samsung Galaxy

Google Pixel


Best Amazon Spring Sale phone accessory deals Opens in a new window Credit: Anker Anker MagGo $82.49 at Amazon
$109.99 Save $27.50 Get Deal Why we like it

"Just released in February of this year, the Anker MagGo foldable 3-in-1 charging station just got its first big discount for the Big Spring Sale. It regularly retails for $109.99, but you can grab it for just $82.49 and save 25%. As the name suggests, it can wirelessly charge three gadgets at once — an iPhone, an Apple Watch, and AirPods (or other Qi-enabled devices) — and fast (15W). The vertical design is compact and convenient for a desk or bedside table. Plus, it weighs under 7 ounces and folds up smaller than Apple's Magic Mouse, making it ideal for travel." — Christina Buff, Contributor

More phone accessory deals

Wall chargers and charging stations

Portable chargers

Phone cases

Best Amazon Spring Sale Fire device deals Opens in a new window Credit: Amazon Amazon Fire Max 11 (128GB) $199.99 at Amazon
$279.99 Save $80.00 Get Deal Why we like it

Read Mashable's full review of the Amazon Fire Max 11 tablet.

"The Fire Max 11 tablet is Amazon's most feature-complete tablet to date, and you can currently snag the 128GB model for $200 (or $80 off) — its lowest price yet. It's packed with a speedy and powerful octa-core processor that's perfect for productivity and entertainment, can handle up to 14 hours of use on a single charge, and has a beautiful 11-inch screen to tie it all together. You can even get a bundle that comes with a keyboard cover and stylus at a discount (almost $120 off)." — Dylan Haas, Lead Shopping Reporter

More Fire device deals

Amazon Fire tablets

Amazon Fire Kids tablets

Refurbished Amazon Fire tablets

Amazon Fire TV devices

Best Amazon Spring Sale tablet deals

FYI: Scroll back up to the Apple deals and Fire TV device deals sections if you're looking for discounts on iPads and Fire tablets, respectively.

Opens in a new window Credit: Samsung Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE (128GB) $349.99 at Amazon
$449.99 Save $100.00 Get Deal Why we like it

"If you prefer going against the grain and not buying an iPad, the Samsung Galaxy Tab S9 FE is a solid alternative, and it's on sale for $100 off the usual price during the Amazon sale. It's one of the most water- and dust-resistant tablets on the market, can last up to 18 hours on a single charge, and comes with an S Pen." — Dylan Haas, Lead Shopping Reporter

More tablet dealsBest Amazon Spring Sale fitness tracker deals

FYI: Scroll back up to the Apple deals section if you're looking for discounts on Apple Watches.

Opens in a new window Credit: Garmin Garmin Forerunner 255 $249.99 at Amazon
$349.99 Save $100.00 Get Deal Why we like it

"The Garmin Forerunner 255 is on the higher-budget end of fitness trackers, but at $100 off during Amazon's Big Spring Sale, we think it's worth considering. The durable fitness watch features a slim design, but can still withstand excessive sweat and accidental drops. Using the device's easy-to-use five-button layout, you'll be able to check on things like your heart rate, sleep quality, recovery score, and more. It even has a 14-day battery life, so you won't have to constantly slow yourself down as you work towards your fitness goals." — Dylan Haas, Lead Shopping Reporter

More fitness tracker dealsBest Amazon Spring Sale outdoor security camera deals Opens in a new window Credit: Blink Blink Outdoor 4 Floodlight Camera $77.99 at Amazon
$129.98 Save $51.99 Get Deal Why we like it

"With 700 lumens of motion-triggered illumination, the new Blink Outdoor 4 Floodlight camera lets you see what's happening outside of your home in crisp HD no matter the time of day. Thanks to two-way audio, you can speak to people and pets using the Blink app on your smartphone, and get a heads up if that noise you heard outside was a squirrel rustling in the bushes or an actual intruder. With the Blink subscription plan (sold separately), the enhanced motion detection goes even further with person detection. At 40% off ahead of the Big Spring Sale, you can grab this easy-to-setup security camera for an all-time low of $77.99." — Christina Buff, Contributor

More outdoor security camera deals

Security cameras

Video doorbells

Best Amazon Spring Sale kitchen deals Opens in a new window Credit: Instant Pot Instant Vortex 6-quart XL Air Fryer $79.95 at Amazon
$119.99 Save $40.04 Get Deal Why we like it

"Air fryers have earned their place as a kitchen essential, offering convenience when it come to serving up a quick meal and earning health points since they require less oil than traditional frying. The Instant Vortex 6-quart XL Air Fryer is just $79.95 at Amazon's Big Spring Sale, marked down from the normal price of $119.99, which is a 33% discount. Choose from pre-set programs that include air fry, roast, bake, and reheat for easy meal prep. Instant Pot mentions the 6-quart size is ideal for those cooking up four to six servings." — Lauren Allain, Contributor

More kitchen dealsBest Amazon Spring Sale Bluetooth tracker deals

FYI: Scroll back up to the Apple deals section if you're looking for discounts on AirTags.

Opens in a new window Credit: Tile Tile Starter Pack $42.43 at Amazon
$54.99 Save $12.56 Get Deal Why we like it

"If you're new to the world of Bluetooth trackers, the Tile Starter Pack is a great introduction. This pack comes with one Tile Mate and one Tile Slim. The Mate is designed to conveniently attach to your key ring while the Mate is similar in size to a credit card to easily slip into your wallet or purse. Both are water-resistant so there's no stress if you drop your keys in your mug of coffee, and both are compatible with iOS for Apple users and Android devices." — Lauren Allain, Contributor

More Bluetooth tracker dealsBest Amazon Spring Sale solar eclipse glasses deals

"The next total solar eclipse is set to take place on Monday, April 8, and if you want to participate in collectively (and safely) staring at the sun together, you're going to need a pair of solar eclipse glasses. We don't recommend buying a pair all willy-nilly, though, because not all of them are legit, and we don't want you burning your precious peepers. What you need to look out for are glasses that are specifically approved by the American Astronomical Society (AAS) and have an ISO 12312-2 safety rating. ... Below, we've listed out all the options we could find that are on sale, so check them out and grab yourself a pair or two before they start selling out (they usually become pretty scarce in the weeks before an eclipse)." — Dylan Haas, Lead Shopping Reporter

Best Amazon Spring Sale outdoor deals Opens in a new window Credit: Solo Stove Solo Stove Pi Prime gas outdoor pizza oven $279.99 at Amazon
$349.99 Save $70.00 Get Deal Why we like it

"Cooking burgers and dogs every camping trip can get old. Spice things up with the Solo Stove Pi Prime outdoor pizza oven. It preheats in about 15 minutes, then whips up piping-hot pizza in just 90 seconds. It's also designed to be portable, weighing in at just over 30 pounds. There's a slight learning curve in order to get those pizzas exactly right every time, but practice makes perfect. It's regularly $349.99, but during the Amazon Big Spring Sale, it's down to just $279.99 — that's 20% in savings and a new all-time low." — Christina Buff, Contributor

More outdoor deals

Fire pits, camping stoves, and grills

Tents, sleeping bags, and more camping gear


Water bottles

Hydration backpacks

Best Amazon Spring Sale Prime-exclusive deals Opens in a new window Credit: Dyson Dyson Purifier Cool Formaldehyde TP09 $599.99 at Amazon
$749.99 Save $150.00 Get Deal Why we like it

"Spring allergy season has arrived and if you're tired of constantly having the sniffles, the Dyson Purifier Cool Formaldehyde TP09 could provide relief. The fully-sealed HEPA filter is designed to capture 99.97 percent of particles that measure 0.3 microns in size, including pollen, dust, and gases. Dyson excels when it comes to fan design and this model is no different. It uses Dyson's Air Multiplier technology to circulate the air, pulling in air from across the room for filtration. Plus, having a powerful fan around as the summer months arrive is certainly a great idea." — Lauren Allain, Contributor

More Prime-exclusive dealsHow to sign up for Amazon Prime

The Big Spring Sale is open to Prime members and non-members alike, but a handful of deals are exclusive to the former. If you haven't subscribed to Prime within the past 12 months, you can sign up for a free 14-day trial at After that trial ends, you'll be bumped to a paid membership plan for $14.99 per month or $139 per year.

Opens in a new window Credit: Amazon Amazon Prime
Free 14-day trial, then $14.99/month or $139/year Learn More
Categories: IT General, Technology

Does 'Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire' have a post-credit scene?

Mashable - Thu, 03/21/2024 - 22:00

Should you sit through the credits for Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire? It's a question that Marvel movies have made a real concern for moviegoers. Sure, you might be eager to rush to the restroom, hit up a post-movie restaurant for a debrief with friends, or get back home to the sitter before it gets too late. But the MCU has made the end credits of movies fertile ground for bonus material. So — can you take the risk of running out as the end credits hit?

Post-credit or mid-credit scenes might set up a sequel with a curious new character, reveal a surprising cameo, or offer fans some bonus silliness. When it comes to the Ghostbusters franchise, the Jason Reitman-directed Ghostbusters: Afterlife had mid-credit goodies galore. First up, that sequel's mid-credit scenes featured a playful reunion of Ghostbusters stars Bill Murray and Sigourney Weaver as sarcastic charmer Peter Venkman and his beloved Dana Barrett, respectively. Then there was the return of Annie Potts as sassy Janine Melnitz and Ernie Hudson as Winston Zeddemore, now wildly wealthy and respected. All of this set things up for a future film in the franchise that would bring the original 'busters and the Afterlife crew together again, including Egon Spengler's daughter Callie (Carrie Coon) and her kids (Finn Wolfhard and Mckenna Grace).

But Reitman handed over his Frozen Empire directing duties to his Afterlife co-writer, Gil Kenan (Monster House, City of Ember). So does this frosty sequel, which is being slammed by critics, offers more fun during and after the credits? A few flurries!

No post-credit scene was shown to critics, but if you worried for the survival of a certain pack of sweet ghostly critters, you should stay partway through the credits. After the Spengler family's story — and that of the OG ghostbusters — is all wrapped up, these sugary mischief-makers have one last mid-credits scene to score some giggles.

But hey, staying through the credits is still a great way to appreciate the full scope of people power that went into creating the kooky and creepy adventure before you.

Ghostbusters: Frozen Empire opens in theaters March 22.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Reddit IPO stock price: Live updates as the internet reacts

Mashable - Thu, 03/21/2024 - 20:30

Reddit went public on Thursday, after much anticipation and speculation. The IPO price was set at $34 per share and, by 4 p.m. ET, when the closing bell rang, it had risen and held steady, closing the day at $50.31 per share. That represented a nearly 50 percent increase.

Reddit is obviously an important website in the ecosystem of the online world. It has, however, never been a particularly profitable endeavor. In fact, in its 18 years of existence it has never turned a profit.

That fact, paired with a general distaste for Reddit's push for monetization, made the influential stock market subreddit r/wallstreetbets wager against Reddit. This is the subreddit that ballooned GameStop and other stocks, much to the chagrin of hedge funds betting against those companies. But r/wallstreetbets was deadset of shorting Reddit's stock, with lots of users believing its value was set way too high.

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To be fair, the $34 share price valued Reddit at $6.4 billion, which is...a lot of money. Though, before the share actually hit the market, indications were it could begin trading at around $50 per share. That was the case once the stock began trading in earnest.

Reddit, even if it isn't a giant of the Meta ilk, was seen as an important IPO in the finance world, Reuters reported.

"If Reddit trades poorly, it will cast a shadow over the IPO market. Many companies will hit pause on their IPO initiatives," Julian Klymochko, CEO of the investment firm Accelerate Financial Technologies, told the news service.

Still, an IPO has the word initial in it for a reason. This is just Day 1 of Reddit as a public company and there will be lots to come.

Categories: IT General, Technology

The 'Late Night with the Devil' AI controversy, explained

Mashable - Thu, 03/21/2024 - 20:20

Following a wave of critical praise — including Mashable's review out of SXSW 2023Late Night with the Devil has been catching heat online for its alleged use of AI-generated imagery. The movie stars David Dastmalchian as a late-night TV host looking to save his show with a Halloween special that goes demonically off the rails.

The conversation around Late Night with the Devil's use of AI first began with a one-star Letterboxd review by user based gizmo from March 19, who wrote, "Listen. There's AI all over this... Don't let this be the start of accepting this shit in your entertainment."

Users on X (formerly Twitter) began to screenshot the film's trailer to dissect the AI allegations.

SEE ALSO: 'Late Night with the Devil's disturbing ending, explained

The AI-generated images in question play as interstitials throughout the film's fictional live TV broadcast. Among them is an illustration of a skeleton dancing in the middle of a pumpkin patch and the occasional "We'll be right back" message.

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As discourse around the images grew on social media, Mashable reached out to Shudder for comment. We received a statement from Late Night with the Devil's co-writers and co-directors, Cameron Cairnes and Colin Cairnes, which confirmed the film's use of AI.

This same statement was first reported in Variety. It is as follows:

In conjunction with our amazing graphics and production design team, all of whom worked tirelessly to give this film the 70s aesthetic we had always imagined, we experimented with AI for three still images which we edited further and ultimately appear as very brief interstitials in the film. We feel incredibly fortunate to have had such a talented and passionate cast, crew and producing team go above and beyond to help bring this film to life. We can't wait for everyone to see it for themselves this weekend.

Late Night with the Devil's use of AI is only the latest in a series of films and TV shows using AI-generated imagery. In 2023, Marvel's Secret Invasion used AI to create its unnerving opening credits. Earlier in 2024, viewers criticized True Detective: Night Country for background posters that looked AI-generated. All this pushback comes in the wake of Hollywood's WGA and SAG strikes, during which both unions fought for protections against AI being used to replace their work.

Late Night with the Devil premieres in theaters March 22, and heads to Shudder April 19.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Prepare for summer travel with AirTag deals from Amazon's Big Spring Sale

Mashable - Thu, 03/21/2024 - 20:18

We've tracked down the best AirTag deals available on day two of Amazon's spring sale:

Best AirTag deals during Amazon's Big Spring Sale Best AirTag Deal Apple AirTag $24 at Amazon and Walmart (Save $5) Get Deal Best AirTag case deal Belkin Apple AirTag secure holder (2-pack) $15.99 at Amazon (Save $4) Get Deal

Sales can be a great time to pick up any travel essentials on the more expensive side, whether you need a new pair of noise-cancelling headphones or a Bluetooth tracker for your luggage.

SEE ALSO: Apple deals are good but not great on day one of Amazon's Big Spring Sale

With Amazon's Big Spring Sale underway until March 25, we've rounded up some AirTag deals worth taking a second look at. Though we're not amazed at the $82.99 four-pack deal offered at several retailers so far (this same four-pack has been sub-$80 recently), we do appreciate that you can pick up individual AirTags (and a case) for under $25.

As a note: there have been reasonable security concerns about AirTags in the past as they can be used to track someone without their knowledge (we wrote about it when we reviewed them back in 2021). While this isn't necessarily a concern if you're the person buying the AirTag, we are happy to update that Google and Apple have been working together to make sure that no one, AirTag owner or not, can unknowingly be tracked by this device.

We'll be keeping our eyes peeled through the end of Amazon's sale on the best AirTag deals, so be sure to check back if you're looking to score the most savings.

Best AirTag deals Opens in a new window Credit: Apple Apple AirTag $24.00 at Amazon and Walmart
$29.00 Save $5.00 Get Deal Why we like it

If you're an iPhone user, the AirTag will likely be the best Bluetooth tracker for you. While Apple is known for making a product that's usually at least a little pricier than the competition, at this sale price of $24 at Amazon and Walmart, the AirTag is actually cheaper than a single Tile Mate. While the four-pack of AirTags does get you a lower cost per tracker, it does require a higher upfront investment — and we've seen it under $79 very recently, so we're reluctant to recommend an $83 deal as our top pick.

More AirTag deals


AirTag cases

Categories: IT General, Technology
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