
Apple's super-thin iPad Pro passes bend test with flying colors

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 14:21

When Apple launched its new iPad Pro devices earlier this month, the company said they were the thinnest gadgets it has ever produced. But are they structurally sound enough to resist a little accidental bending?

A reminder: Apple's new 11-inch and 13-inch iPad Pro are both incredibly thin, with the 11-inch model measuring 0.21 inches, and the 13-inch model being even thinner at 0.20 inches.

Likely recalling 2018's "bendgate," when freshly launched iPads bent just a little too easily, Apple immediately said that a new metal cowling inside the new models will make the devices sturdier, and less prone to bending.

That's easier to believe when you see independent tests, though, and now we have them. YouTubers AppleTrack and JerryRigEverything both put the new iPads to the bendy test, and the results were surprisingly good.

It's not that the new iPad Pros will never bend. If you apply enough force, they will definitely bend, and — eventually — break (especially if you bend it vertically instead of horizontally). But they fare better than the last generation of iPad Pros, and in all of the tests, it really took a lot of force to push them past their limits.

Perhaps even more importantly, while the new iPad Pros will bend when moderate force is used, they will more or less revert to the old shape and remain fully functional.

Featured Video For You Unboxing the 2024 iPad Pro and iPad Air

In addition to bending the new iPad Pro, JerryRigEverything also performed his usual test of scratching the device from all sides. The results are similar to what you'd expect — the device fares well under moderate stress, but if you really try and use a sharp knife, it will most definitely scratch.

These tests are never perfect, and the sample size is very small, but they do give us some idea of how the devices will perform in real life. And it appears that bending isn't something you should be worried about when purchasing the new iPad Pro.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Scary iOS 17.5 bug brings back old, deleted photos, including nudes

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 13:22

If we had to compile a list of our worst nightmares, having your old, long deleted nudes randomly show up on your phone would probably be near the top of the list. Unfortunately, that's exactly what's happening to some iPhone users who upgraded to the latest version of iOS, 17.5.

According to this Reddit thread (via MacRumors), some iPhone and iPad users are seeing old, permanently deleted photos show up among their new pics. Worse, some of these photos were taken and deleted years ago, no longer gone for good.

SEE ALSO: No need to look up from your phone. Apple is trying to cure your motion sickness.

"Just completed the update. When in conversation with my partner, I went to send a picture and saw that the latest pictures were nsfw material we’d made years ago when we were living apart (covid etc). But WTF. It was permanently deleted. Years ago but magically it’s back?? I checked my iPad and it also has pictures (some art work I did years ago). I feel so uncomfortable. Anyone else got this issue? I mean with pictures coming back post update," wrote one Redditor.

"Same here. I have four pics from 2010 that keep reappearing as the latest pics uploaded to iCloud. I have deleted them repeatedly," wrote another."

On iOS, deleted photos can be accessed for 30 days after deletion, after which they should be permanently removed from the user's devices and the cloud.

This is concerning for several reasons. Besides the obvious — you don't want the photos you've deleted to ever show up anywhere again — the fact that these photos even exist somewhere makes you wonder what other deleted materials may be lurking in the cloud or on your device(s).

The bug seems to be present in the latest iOS 17.5 version, and MacRumors pointed out that some users reported a similar bug in the iOS 17.5 beta. It's unclear how widespread the issue is; we've contacted Apple about it and will update this article when we hear back.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Drag queen fighting game 'Drag Her!' cancelled, to be released unfinished for free

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 12:50

Fabulous fighting game Drag Her! has been cancelled, ending hopes of seeing famous drag queens like Asia O'Hara and BenDeLaCreme scratch each others' eyes out. Times are tough in the games industry, and now even queens are being toppled.

Indie developer Fighting Chance Games publicly announced Drag Her!'s cancellation on Wednesday, revealing the project would be shutting down after three years in development.

SEE ALSO: Crab MLMs, gay Dracula, and Pooh Bear body horror: 9 of the best upcoming games at SXSW Sydney

"This is an especially painful decision brought about by a simple lack of funding," Fighting Chance Games wrote on X (formerly Twitter).  "Over the life of this project, we have pitched to a long list of publishers, platforms, and more looking to get Drag Her! picked up. Despite a groundswell of audience support, a fully funded Kickstarter, successful grant applications, and wonderful turnout at major game events — no amount of legitimacy we built has culminated in a deal."

Drag Her!'s small development team is also disbanding, meaning that we're unlikely to see another title from Fighting Chance Games any time soon. Studio director Ian Ramsay told Mashable that some team members have moved on to other jobs, while others are still looking for work.

"We still have a great deal of love and respect for one another and the game, and are sad that it’s come to a premature end," Ramsay said.

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Fighting Chance Games initially launched Drag Her!'s crowdfunding campaign in 2022, which raised over $75,000 for the 2D side-scrolling fighting game's development. While acknowledging that it would be a challenge to convince investors that a market exists at the intersection of drag and video games, the developers were resolute in taking on the task.

The team officially licensed the likenesses of famous drag queens such as Kim Chi, Laganja Estranja, and Alaska Thunderfuck 5000, and even got so far as running a beta playtest last August. Mashable had the opportunity to play Drag Her! at SXSW Sydney last year, and found it a delightfully camp experience. 

Yet investors remained skeptical, and Fighting Chance Games is now being forced to sashay away.

"Without money, and with a future made bleak by the ongoing layoffs in the game industry, we could no longer hang on," Fighting Chance Games wrote on Kickstarter. "If we were in a better position, we would've just self published and utilised different premium options (like DLC characters and outfits), but we were basically swinging from small pots of money that would keep us going and then forcing us to stop."

Sadly, Ramsay told Mashable that Drag Her! is unlikely to return to the stage despite the team's best efforts.

"We don’t really see [any future for Drag Her!]" said Ramsay. "We did everything in our power to bring our game to life. In order for us to come back to her, there would need to be a substantial shift in the demographics of the people who fund games.

"Investors remained reticent to see value in a game that didn’t reflect them personally. This was in spite of how many people it DID represent, the hungry dedicated fanbase, and the success the team accrued along the way."

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It's a sad end to Drag Her!'s story, and one that we're unfortunately likely to see repeated. The games industry is currently being ravaged by job cuts and studio closures, with over 8,000 layoffs announced within the first two months of 2024 alone. Both Electronic Arts and Take-Two Interactive have announced plans to cut five percent of their respective workforces, while PlayStation revealed it would lay off 900 employees.

In an environment where even Star Wars games are being cancelled while proven studios are killed, it feels as though nothing is safe in the games industry right now.

"For us, Drag Her! was a killer piece of gay media — a chance to showcase the sheer joy of queer culture — and an opportunity to move the community forward," Fighting Chance Games wrote. "A game that could normalise, equalise, and validate, rather than force us to the margins."

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Fortunately, all of Fighting Chance Games' hard work won't completely vanish into thin air. The developers are turning their lemons into "gay ass lemonade" by releasing a "skinny" version of the game on PC for free — more a drag princess than a fully fledged queen. 

Drag Her! Failure to Launch Edition will only have three combatants as opposed to the seven that were initially planned, and won't have the career mode that the developers had envisaged. But if you're a fan of Kim Chi, Laganja Estranja, or Alaska Thunderfuck 5000, it could still be fun to jump in for some local or online multiplayer. The incomplete game will be released on Steam May 16 at 9 a.m. PT /  12 a.m. ET.

"Fight your friends, neighbors, enemies, and she-roes (sometimes all at once with 4-player mode)," reads Drag Her!'s Steam page. "The only thing you can't fight is the inevitable foreclosure of your game studio."

Categories: IT General, Technology

3 overlapping themes from OpenAI and Google that prove they're at war

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 12:00

At Google I/O earlier this week, generative AI was unsurprisingly a major focal point.

In fact, Google CEO Sundar Pichai pointed out that "AI" was said 122 times, plus two more times by Pichai as he closed out the event.

The tech giant has injected AI features into seemingly all of its products and services, including Search, Workspace, and creative tools for videos, photos, and music. But arguably the biggest news of the day was how Google's announcements compared to those from OpenAI. Just a day before Google I/O, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4o, a "natively multimodal" model that can process visuals and audio in real-time, which ostensibly ramped up the burgeoning rivalry.

Google I/O's vibe was very different from OpenAI's event. Google seemed unfocused, throwing endless AI spaghetti at the wall during an event that lasted almost two hours, compared to OpenAI's focused and breezy 26 minute show.

But the AI capabilities that the two companies shared were noticeably similar, even using the same rhetoric (the AI is "interruptible") and examples (AI can help with homework). Below, we've rounded up the three big, eerie similarities in the two companies' messaging.

1. Simulating more than one human-style sensory input at once

Both Google and OpenAI talked about their AI models being "natively multimodal." In this context, this piece of jargon means the models have visual, audio, and text understanding all rolled into one. In the AI world, these types of expression are described as "modalities."

Google proudly claimed that Gemini has been "natively multimodal" from the beginning. OpenAI's GPT-4o was its first model that combined voice and image processing with its existing text capabilities. So now, Google and OpenAI are on equal multimodal footing. Both companies showcased what they can do with technologies that can "see" and "hear."

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But both companies demoed features that explicitly showed off their models' abilities to "see" and "hear" in real-time.

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Google VP Sissie Hsiao presented a Live feature for the standalone Gemini app that echoes what DeepMind is working on with Project Astra, and might be the technology that powers this feature coming to Gemini Advanced subscribers in the coming months. Gemini Live "can better understand you and answer naturally, you can even interrupt while Gemini is responding and it will adapt to your speech pattern," said Hsiao.

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If an AI bot that you can interrupt sounds familiar, that's because OpenAI said it first. "You can now interrupt the model," said researcher Mark Chen during OpenAI's live demo the day before Google I/O. "You don't have to wait for it to finish your turn before you start speaking and you can just butt in whenever you want."

SEE ALSO: OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever is leaving. But what did he see?

Later on in OpenAI's live demo, researcher Barrett Zoph used GPT-4o to help him solve a linear math equation. Zoph pointed a smartphone camera at a piece of paper with a hand-written equation, and ChatGPT walked him through how to solve for "x."

Sameer Samat, president of Google's Android ecosystem, demoed a similar ability to help with physics homework using Google's existing Circle to Search tool. By circling a physics word problem displayed on a Pixel, Samat showed how Gemini can process the visual and provide step-by-step instructions on how to solve it.

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Both companies shared other ways of how multimodality can help users. Zoph showed ChatGPT's new vision capabilities on the desktop app by generating a graph from the code that was used to demonstrate GPT-4o's contextual awareness. ChatGPT accurately identified that the graph was about temperature data over time and successfully provided some analysis of what the graph meant.

The next day at Google I/O, Labs VP Josh Woodward demonstrated how Notebook LM, Google's digital scratchpad, could take in information from an open-source physics textbook and turn it into a podcast-style conversation between two bots about Newton's Laws of Motion. Then, Woodward showed how he could jump into the conversation as if he were calling in to the podcast, and ask it to customize examples for his son.

2. AI that's your friend thanks to context awareness

The message from both Google and OpenAI was about how multimodal AI can improve people's lives. "We want everyone to benefit from what Gemini can do," said Pichai talking about Google's flagship AI model, Gemini 1.5 Pro. This set the stage for announcements throughout the event about Gemini seamlessly fitting into your life by understanding context.

Nowhere was this more clear than in the Project Astra demo video from Google DeepMind. The technology, described as an "advanced seeing and talking responsive agent," is shown accurately responding to naturally phrased questions referring to visuals that aren't explicitly mentioned.

With the tester pointing a smartphone camera at various things, it describes what the code is on a desktop screen, identifies the concept of Schrodinger's Cat that shows a simple whiteboard drawing of a live cat's face next to a dead cat's face and a cardboard box held up by the tester, and comes up with a band name for a tiger stuffed animal and a (real) Golden Retriever. The band name is "Golden Stripes," by the way.

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On Android, Google VP of engineering David Burke showed off what context awareness looks like in users' hands. Burke demonstrated how you can ask specific questions about the contents of a YouTube video, like say, the rules of Pickleball.

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OpenAI also demoed contextual understanding. In demos posted to OpenAI's site, the audio version of GPT-4o "watched" its human conversation partners, flirtatiously noting a demo-er's OpenAI sweatshirt in one instance, and cracking dad jokes, understanding sarcasm, and refereeing an on-camera rock paper scissors game in others. In another demo, some code was casually shared with ChatGPT, and the application showed off GPT-4o's audio capabilities by actually analyzing the code, apparently without being fed any explicit description of what it was meant to do.

Google DeepMind's Project Astra is still very much in development, but its contextual understanding on Android will roll out to users in the coming months. OpenAI's GPT-4o voice mode isn't available yet, with no details on when it ships, according to CEO Sam Altman.

3. AI helpers that know your schedule and work needs

The overarching message of Google I/O and OpenAI's event was AI can take care of tasks in your life that range from visionary to mundane, which normally involve, you know, googling something, or using your own human brain. Google took this a step further with explicit callouts of AI agents, assistants, and teammates (there were a lot of different terms for AI helpers sprinkled throughout, which frankly we're still a little confused about.)

Examples of what Google agents could do included using Gemini to return a pair of shoes by taking a picture of them with your phone, and prompting the agent to search your Gmail inbox for the receipt, locate the order number, fill out a return form, and schedule a pickup. As Pichai noted, Google isn't quite there yet, but more concretely a Gemini side panel in the Gmail mobile app can summarize relevant emails or draft replies based on context clues mined from your inbox.

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This is where Google has the upper hand because AI becomes a lot more useful when it works across different apps like Gmail, Google Calendar, and Search. OpenAI was the one that started this conversation by talking about its goal of achieving AGI (artificial general intelligence) and making references to sci-fi AI assistants like Scarlett Johansson's character in the film Her. During OpenAI's event, CEO Sam Altman tweeted "her" in an apparent reference to the film. But despite OpenAI's explicit or implicit yearnings for this type of use case, there wasn't much talk about AI agents.

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Besides, OpenAI would have an uphill battle to fight if it wanted users to start uploading their work documents and calendars into their ChatGPT accounts. But you know what does have email and calendar apps? Apple. And OpenAI has reportedly finalized a partnership with the iPhone maker to bring ChatGPT to iOS 18. And Apple's developer conference WWDC is less than a month away.

The tech beef rages on with more battles soon to come.

Categories: IT General, Technology

John Krasinski proves to radio callers he knows the difference between real and imaginary friends

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:56
John Krasinski appeared on BBC Radio One and tried to guess which radio callers' imaginary friends were real and which were fake.
Categories: IT General, Technology

'Babes' star Michelle Buteau retells her first ever joke

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:45

Survival of the Thickest and Babes star Michelle Buteau remembers well the first joke she ever wrote. And it's a banger.

The comedian appeared on The Late Show on Wednesday, speaking to host Stephen Colbert about taping her second Netflix special at New York's Radio City Music Hall on June 6, making history as the first ever woman to tape a comedy special there.

During the interview, Colbert asked Buteau about how she started in comedy, including taking a stand-up class at the American Comedy Institute (ACI) and writing her first ever joke. Ready?

"Lines at Disney World remind me of my ex boyfriend: three hours of waiting for a two-minute ride."


Categories: IT General, Technology

Are some of the oldest stars in the universe right under our noses?

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:30

An MIT astronomy class has found three of the oldest stars in the universe lurking right outside the Milky Way. 

The stars, about 30,000 light-years from Earth, are in the galaxy's "halo," the cloud of stars surrounding the main galactic disk in space, and are estimated to have formed about 12 to 13 billion years ago. That would place their births shortly after the Big Bang, which scientists believe happened some 13.8 billion years ago. 

"These little stars are nearly 13 billion years old, and they haven't changed one bit since," Anna Frebel, the class' professor, told Mashable. "The stars will continue to exist for about another 3 to 5 billion years or so."

Their method for finding the old stars, each located in a different part of the halo, may help astronomers discover more like them. 

SEE ALSO: Webb telescope spots proof of the first stars to light the universe Tweet may have been deleted

Given that most of the chemicals in the universe are thought to have come from exploded stars, scientists have rationalized that the firstborn must have been composed almost entirely of hydrogen and helium, the primitive material that emerged from the Big Bang. Over time, as stars died and enriched the universe with heavier chemical elements, subsequent generations of stars formed with more diverse ingredients.

Scientists are on the hunt for the original generation of stars — so-called Population III stars — and it's one of the missions of the James Webb Space Telescope, the leading infrared observatory run by NASA and its European and Canadian partners. Finding these pristine, pure-bred stars is one of the top priorities of modern astrophysics. 

Though these three aren't in that elusive Population III category, they are very ancient and among the first "Population II" stars, Frebel said, which are extremely light on other chemical elements. By comparison, the sun contains 10,000 times the amount of iron to helium as one of the three stars the class studied. Their research was published in the Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society this week. 

In the fall 2022 semester, Frebel launched a new course on techniques to analyze ancient stars, then had the students practice applying those tools to stars that had never been thoroughly studied before.

The students, some of them undergraduates, combed through star data from the Magellan-Clay telescope at the Las Campanas Observatory in Chile, looking for stars that were low in strontium and barium. That led them to three stars originally observed by Magellan a decade ago. 

The student authors believe each star is all that's remaining of three previous galaxies. Those small primitive galactic neighborhoods would have at some point been absorbed into the sprawling Milky Way.

The Milky Way looms above the twin Magellan telescopes at Las Campanas Observatory in Chile. Credit: Yuri Beletsky

How did they figure the stars came from earlier galaxies if there are no other traces of their existence? 

As the class looked closer at each star's motion, the students noticed they were all traveling against the traffic. 

"The only way you can have stars going the wrong way from the rest of the gang is if you threw them in the wrong way," Frebel said in a statement.

Finding and studying other stars like these three close to home could help astronomers better understand the evolution of the very first galaxies, usually too faint and distant for scientists to observe. Credit: Serge Brunier / NASA

To find other ancient stars like these three, scientists could employ their method: Look for stars with low levels of certain chemical elements, then discern whether they're traveling in the wrong direction. 

"While most of our classes are taught from the ground up, this class immediately put us at the frontier of research in astrophysics," said Hillary Andales, one of the co-authors.

Frebel said finding and studying other stars like these three close to home could help astronomers better understand the evolution of the very first galaxies, usually too faint and distant for scientists to observe. 

Categories: IT General, Technology

NYT's The Mini crossword answers for May 16

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:29

The Mini is a bite-sized version of The New York Times' revered daily crossword. While the crossword is a lengthier experience that requires both knowledge and patience to complete, The Mini is an entirely different vibe.

With only a handful of clues to answer, the daily puzzle doubles as a speed-running test for many who play it.

So, when a tricky clue disrupts a player's flow, it can be frustrating! If you find yourself stumped playing The Mini — much like with Wordle and Connections — we have you covered.

SEE ALSO: NYT Connections today: See hints and answers for May 16 SEE ALSO: 'Wordle' today: Here's the answer hints for May 16

Here are the clues and answers to NYT's The Mini for Thursday, May 16, 2024:

AcrossUse a swizzle stick
  • The answer is stir.

Vowel sound represented by an upside-down "e"
  • The answer is schwa.

Deck that contains a card called Wheel of Fortune
  • The answer is tarot.

With nobody else around
  • The answer is alone.

Eye of ___ (witches' brew ingredient in "Macbeth")
  • The answer is newt.

  • The answer is scale.

The first "t" of #tbt
  • The answer is throw.

"You can't make me!"
  • The answer is iwont.

$100/night, e.g.
  • The answer is rate.

Persian suffix in seven country names
  • The answer is stan.

Categories: IT General, Technology

'The Daily Show' brutally roasts King Charles' very red portrait

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:11
"The Daily Show" host Desi Lydic took some time to roast King Charles' recently unveiled — and very red — portrait on Wednesday.
Categories: IT General, Technology

Can you FaceTime on Android? The answer may surprise you.

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:00

Can you FaceTime on an Android phone? Most people would be inclined to answer "No" to the this question. After all, FaceTime is a feature that is purpose-built for the Apple ecosystem, so how on earth can an Android user participate in a FaceTime call.

Well, you'd be surprised. At the Worldwide Developers Conference (WWDC) three years ago, Apple made an announcement that shocked the masses.

Can you FaceTime on an Android?

In WWDC 2021, Apple announced that Android users will have the option to participate in a FaceTime call, but there is a catch. While they can join a FaceTime session, they can't launch one. An iPhone user would need to send the Android participant a link, allowing them to join the call.

For example, on my M2 15-inch MacBook Air, I can tap on the FaceTime app and hit "Create link."

I can then send that link to an Android user, which sends them to a page that prompts them to add their name before hitting "Continue."

FaceTime on a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra (Android). Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

They may be asked for permission to access the camera and microphone; make sure they click "Allow."

Permissions for FaceTime on a Samsung Galaxy S24 Ultra (Android). Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

Finally, they can hit "Join."

Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

On the iPhone users' side, they'll get a notification to let the Android user into the FaceTime session. And just like that, Android users can participate in a FaceTime call.

So to answer the "Can you FaceTime on an Android?" question, the answer is "kind of." Yes, you can FaceTime on an Android, but no, you can't launch any FaceTime calls on a non-iOS phone.

Categories: IT General, Technology

U.S. spacecraft snap stunning views of auroras encircling Earth

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:00

A parade of intense solar storms have hit Earth — the strongest since Halloween over 20 years ago.

While these outbursts from the active sun can pose serious threats to our electrical grid and communications systems, they also stoke brilliant events in our polar skies, commonly called auroras or the northern lights. In particular, our medium-sized star recently emitted a number of coronal mass ejections, or CMEs, which are ejections of super hot gas (plasma). "It's like scooping up a piece of the sun and ejecting it into space," Mark Miesch, a scientist with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Space Weather Prediction Center, previously told Mashable.

When they collide with Earth, solar particles can become trapped by our planet's magnetic field, traveling to the poles and colliding with the molecules and particles in our atmosphere. Then, these atmospheric particles heat up and glow. Three U.S. weather satellites captured this dramatic event from above the North Pole on May 11, showing a glowing ring around places that don't usually witness the dancing lights.

"Multiple coronal mass ejections from the sun sparked an extreme geomagnetic storm around the Earth last week, creating stunning auroras, even in places where the northern lights are rarely seen," NOAA's National Environmental Satellite, Data, and Information Service (NESDIS) explained when it released the image below. "The Southern Hemisphere also reported remarkable auroras from the storm."

SEE ALSO: NASA scientist viewed first Voyager images. What he saw gave him chills.

As you can see, the vibrant lights, fueled by the influx of solar particles that drive an event called a "geomagnetic storm," dipped across the Northeast, Midwest, and Pacific Northwest. This view is a combination of images captured by the U.S. weather and environmental satellites Suomi-NPP, NOAA-20, and NOAA-21.

The expansive auroras as seen from space on May 11, 2024. Credit: NOAA Tweet may have been deleted

More intense solar activity may lead to more vivid auroras in 2024. Similar to storm seasons or climate patterns on Earth, the sun experiences a cycle of weather. The sun's lasts for 11 years. During this pattern, solar activity increases for some 5.5 years, then decreases, then picks up again.

"It's the space equivalent of hurricane season," Miesch told Mashable last year.

NOAA expects the sun's activity to peak, or reach "solar maximum," this year. Indeed, our star is putting on quite a show.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Wolfgang Puck's $170 pizza oven is the answer to overpriced outdoor ovens

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:00

TL;DR: As of May 13, ditch delivery and make your own gourmet pizza with the Wolfgang Puck Outdoor Pizza Oven and Grill, now on sale for $169.99 with accessories, dough packets, wood pellets, and more. 

You don't need to go to a fancy restaurant for gourmet pizza, and you don't need to get delivery either. You can also forget about overpriced luxury ovens with price tags of $700 or more. The farthest you may have to go is to your backyard if you have a Wolfgang Puck Outdoor Pizza Oven

This home pizza oven burns natural wood pellets and reaches optimal pizza temperature in a matter of minutes. Get out your favorite toppings and a bounty of cheese at the ready because you can take recipes from dough to done and on your plate. There's just one ingredient you can't forget: the Wolfgang Puck Outdoor Pizza Oven, on sale for $169.99. That's more than half off — and it includes a bundle of accessories and starter tools.

Restaurant-quality pizza at home

This outdoor oven heats to 950 degrees Fahrenheit in as little as 15 minutes, just enough time to gather the family. Pizzas can cook in as little as 90 seconds at those temps. You might wait longer for the cheese to stop bubbling before you take your first bite.

This bundle also comes with wood pellets in apple, oak, and charcoal flavors. Four pouches of artisanal dough (enough for eight pizzas) are also included along with a specialized thermometer, reversible cooking stone, pellet drawer, pizza peel, and fire starters. The chimney is even removable, so now you can cook homemade pizza when you go camping, visiting friends, or even tailgating. 

Pizza isn't the only thing on the menu. The flip-side of the pizza stone is a grill you can use for other dishes. If you need some inspiration, check out recipes like jalapeño lime chicken breast or steak and bleu cheese flatbread, all included with your new grill. 

An affordable home pizza oven for less

Give someone a pizza, and they'll have pizza for a day. Get them a pizza oven, and they'll have pizza for life. 

Get the Wolfgang Puck Outdoor Wood Pellet Pizza Oven and Grill bundle for $169.99, a 52% discount from the usual price. 

StackSocial prices subject to change. 

Opens in a new window Credit: Wolfgang Puck Wolfgang Puck Outdoor Wood Pellet Pizza Oven & Grill (Stainless Steel/Bundle) $169.99 at the Mashable Shop
$359.99 Save $190.00 Get Deal
Categories: IT General, Technology

Grab these high-zoom, high-def digital camera binoculars for $100

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:00

TL;DR: Through May 22, capture your outdoor adventures with these HD digital camera binoculars, now on sale for just $99.97 (reg. $199.99).

As the colors of spring unfold, many of us enjoy exploring nature's breathtaking beauty. For outdoor enthusiasts, bird watchers, hikers, world travelers, and photography lovers, having the right gear is essential. While you were sleeping, binoculars moved into the digital age, and now you can get these HD digital camera binoculars on sale for $99.97 through May 22.

These digital camera binoculars combine the powerful magnification of traditional binoculars with the high-tech capabilities of a digital camera. You'll be able to see and capture stunning details from a little over half a mile away thanks to its precise focus adjustment.

Whether you're hiking through picturesque landscapes, attending outdoor concerts, or observing wildlife, these binoculars ensure you won't miss a moment. Zoom in on interesting scenes and subjects with incredible clarity using the 12x magnification and the anti-reflective coating. It also has anti-fog, waterproofing, and anti-shock features so you won't have to worry about a little rain or heat while you're enjoying yourself.

The built-in digital camera allows you to take photos and videos of your favorite sights. Watch what you capture on the two-inch LCD screen and record it to show to your friends and family later.

They're small and lightweight (just 15.8 ounces), which makes for a portable companion that can easily slip into a bag, pocket, or backpack on your next camping trip or bird-watching trip.

More than just a viewing tool, you can also use them to capture memories, study details, and share your discoveries on social media.

These HD digital camera binoculars are on sale for just $99.97 (reg. $199.99) until May 22 at 11:59 p.m. PT.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Opens in a new window Credit: Mesay HD Digital Camera Binoculars $99.97 at the Mashable Shop
$199.99 Save $100.02 Get Deal
Categories: IT General, Technology

Get an Apple Magic Keyboard Folio for $150 off and upgrade your iPad

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:00

TL;DR: Through May 22, get an Apple Magic Keyboard Folio for the iPad (10th gen) on sale for just $94.97 (reg. $249). 

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple Apple Magic Keyboard Folio for the iPad (10th gen, new — open box) $94.97 at the Mashable Shop
$249.00 Save $154.03 Get Deal

Tablets are the ultimate portable option for staying connected on the go. However, their function can fall short when you have to type more than a few lines of text or a quick email reply.

Access your iPad's full potential with the Apple Magic Keyboard Folio, now available for a limited time for just $94.97 (reg. $249) until May 22. Ideal for students, professionals, and everyday users, this keyboard folio can help transform your iPad into an even more productive tool.

The two-piece magnetic folio immediately connects to your iPad without any pairing needed. It gives you access to a keyboard to type comfortably on so your iPad becomes a true mobile workstation. It also provides easy access to favorite shortcuts via a fourteen-key function row. The Magic Keyboard has a large trackpad that works when you click anywhere, which can help streamline your workflow.

Easily transform your iPad into a laptop-like device with the adjustable stand which allows for different viewing angles. Whether you're FaceTiming your team while on the road or watching a movie on a long flight, your Magic Keyboard can be adjusted to suit your needs.

This is a new, open-box Magic Keyboard, which is typically considered an excess item from store shelves. It is still in new condition but might have come into contact with customers. Because of this specific situation, open-box items are sold for less than usual. It's also worth noting that the package might show slight signs of extra handling.

The Apple Magic Keyboard Folio is on sale for just $94.97 (reg. $249) through May 22.

StackSocial prices subject to change.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Get lifetime access to a superpowered calendar and appointment hub for $40

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:00

TL;DR: Through May 22, make scheduling simpler with Calendbook, a hub for up to 10 calendars that you can integrate with Zapier, Zoom, Stripe, and more. A lifetime subscription is now only $39.97. 

Scheduling a meeting sounds simple, but first you have to check your availability across all your various calendars, set reminders, and send invites. If it's an online meeting, you also have to consider time zones and which app you'll use for the call. It's a lot to do for a simple task, but there are tools to make it easier, like Calendbook.

A lifetime subscription to this affordable alternative to apps like Calendly is on sale for $39.97 (reg. $220), but that price won't last long. 

Check 10 calendars at once

This browser-based platform lets you connect up to 10 calendars in a single app, instantly checking for conflicting appointments. No more double-booking. 

Need to schedule a meeting? You can send invites or set up a booking page that only shows your available times. You can even set appointments in different time zones. Set up an automatic email confirmation and reminder to keep you on task throughout the day.

Calendbook integrates with apps like Stripe, Zoom, Meet, and Zapier for seamless scheduling and payment processing, and it lets you connect to thousands of other apps. 

Stay organized with Calendbook

Take the work out of managing your appointments. Think of it as your own personal secretary or booking assistant, only one that will never retire.

Until May 22 at 11:59 p.m. PT, get a lifetime subscription to Calendbook for $39.97. No coupon needed. 

StackSocial prices subject to change. 

Opens in a new window Credit: Calendbook Calendbook: Lifetime Subscription $39.97 at the Mashable Shop
$220.00 Save $180.03 Get Deal
Categories: IT General, Technology

'Bridgerton' Season 3 characters, ranked by crush-worthiness

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:00

Dearest Readers, Bridgerton is back with Season 3. This means the return of Lady Whistledown's ruthless wit, a budding romance for a Bridgeton family member (or two! or three!), and fresh cause for us to re-evaluate our crushes from least alluring to downright devastatingly swoon-worthy.

SEE ALSO: 'Bridgerton' remains queen of classical pop covers. Here's every hidden song in Season 3.

One of the best bits of Bridgerton is feeling a part of the hot-and-bothered drama and heady possibilities of the courtship season, where flirtations could lead to happily-ever-after but fumbles could lead to social alienation — and a dressing-down in everyone's favorite gossip newsletter. This season sees Colin Bridgerton returning from abroad and catching the eye of every available lady in the Ton. But we're rooting for Penelope Featherington, who's been pining for him since their shared childhood. But Polin — as their couple moniker goes — is far from the only romantic plotline thrown down this season; there's plenty of crushable characters from which to choose.

Before we plunge into the our fan-flapping fascinations, a note: Absent from this list are previously ranked crushes, like the dynamic dressmaker Madame Delacroix and the amusingly surly Mrs. Varley, as well as Season 1's glowing Duchess Daphne Basset (neé Bridgerton) and her dashing Duke, Season 2's adorable ingenue Edwina Sharma, and Queen Charlotte's young hotties. These characters — while worthy of your daydreaming — either barely appear in Season 3: Part 1, or are absolutely absent. Maybe next season.

Now, here's our list of Bridgerton characters, worst to best, or least crush-worthy to most!

18. Francesca Bridgerton + Lord John Stirling Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: The newest Bridgerton on the marriage market and her favorite suitor seem nice, I guess.
Cons: However, they're about as interesting as watching paint dry in total silence — which seems like their idea of a perfect date. — Belen Edwards, Entertainment Reporter

17. Benedict Bridgerton Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: The second eldest Bridgerton loves playing cards with his younger siblings.
Cons: Is still kind of just there. — B.E.

16. Lord Samadani Golda Rosheuvel as Queen Charlotte and David Mumeni as Lord Samadani in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Queen Charlotte's pick of a match for Francesca, Lord Samadani is rich, gentlemanly, and actually talks to the women he's courting. Props all around.
Cons: Wants eight kids. That's a big ask. — B.E.

15. Queen Charlotte Golda Rosheuvel as Queen Charlotte in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Somehow never lets the outfit wear her. Even when it's a wig with motorised swans within it.
Cons: Becoming less creative in her social dominance activities — a "sparkler" instead of a diamond, your Majesty? Really? — Shannon Connellan, UK Editor

14. Lady Agatha Danbury Daniel Francis as Lord Marcus Anderson and Adjoa Andoh as Lady Agatha Danbury in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Casually still the most politically influential person this side of Lady Whistledown and the Queen. Still throws one hell of a party. Looks fire in a top hat.
Cons: Hates everyone who isn’t a Bridgerton — that includes you. — S.C.

13. Portia Featherington Polly Walker as Lady Portia Featherington in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Sex education icon!
Cons: But maybe too invested in her daughters' sex lives? — B.E.

12. Philipa Featherington + Prudence Featherington Harriet Cains as Philipa Featherington and Bessie Carter as Prudence Featherington in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: The Dumb & Dumber of Regency-era England, this double act is dopey fun, especially when it comes to bumbling into a sex talk with their mother.
Cons: Recently married but still utterly attached at the hip, it can be hard to discern where one sister ends and the other begins. — Kristy Puchko, Entertainment Editor

11. Lord Remington

Pros: This potential suitor lives for gossip and Lady Whistledown, and truly seems to hit it off with Penelope.
Cons: Disappears from the show as quickly as he arrives. — B.E.

10. Cressida Cowper Claudia Jessie as Eloise Bridgerton and Jessica Madsen as Cressida Cowper in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: High fashion queen with shoulder puffs for days.
Cons: Regency Mean Girl. — S.C.

9. Will Mondrich + Alice Mondrich Emma Naomi as Alice Mondrich and Martins Imhangbe as Will Mondrich in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Small business owners who genuinely love each other? Legends.
Cons: "Great gowns, beautiful gowns" is not as interesting a storyline as Bridgerton thinks it is! Give these two beautiful people something to do! — B.E.

8. Lady Tilley Arnold Hannah New as Lady Tilley Arnold and Luke Thompson as Benedict Bridgerton in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Forget your shy and virginal debutantes. Lady Tilley is a widow looking for stimulation, intellectual and sexual. Benedict is lucky to have caught her attention.
Cons: Her interest in Benedict — the fuckboy of the Bridgerton household — has us doubting her taste. — K.P.

7. Lord Marcus Anderson Daniel Francis as Lord Marcus Anderson, Adjoa Andoh as Lady Agatha Danbury, and Ruth Gemmell as Lady Violet Bridgerton in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Walks with a swagger while oozing powerful quantities of charisma.
Cons: His sister doesn't seem like his biggest fan. What's going on there, exactly? — Sam Haysom, Deputy UK Editor

6. Lady Violet Bridgerton Hannah Dodd as Francesca Bridgerton and Ruth Gemmell as Lady Violet Bridgerton in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Where many of the mums of the Ton scramble to get their kids wed to the wealthiest could-be match around, Violet dedicatedly urges her children to a "love match" — like she herself had with their dad! Though a mother of eight, Violet manages to always look fabulously put-together, and this season we see her cheeks blush like a school girl when a new romance begins to bloom for her!
Cons: Did we mention she has eight kids? And they include Benedict and Francesca? — K.P.

5. Eloise Bridgerton Claudia Jessie as Eloise Bridgerton in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: In Season 1 and 2, Eloise was giving Elizabeth Bennet, being more keen to enjoy her own interests than get caught up in the marriage game. As such, Eloise is spirited and winningly irreverent — most of the time.
Cons: Scorched by the revelation that her best friend was keeping a major Whilstledown secret from her, Eloise has soured this season. When she's not sulking or buddying up to Bridgerton's answer to Regina George, Eloise is pulling the tedious "I'm not like the other girls" schtick by insulting the interests of her peers. Hobby-shaming is not cool. Justice for embroidery! — K.P.

SEE ALSO: It's time for 'Bridgerton' to say gay 4. Anthony Bridgerton + Kate Bridgerton (née Sharma) Simone Ashley as Kate Sharma and Jonathan Bailey as Anthony Bridgerton in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: The Viscount and the Viscountess are still the smokin' hot duo they were when we left them in Season 2. Constantly engaged in amorous congress instead of that stack of overdue paperwork (sometimes on said paperwork).
Cons: Genuinely happy. Remember how hot it was when they hated each other? — S.C.

3. Colin Bridgerton Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Bridgerton lead glow-up aside, Colin knows that the sluttiest thing a man can do is keep his mouth open just a little bit. He also shows promise as an erotic travel writer — with some tips from Penelope, I bet the two could kick start a literary dynasty.
Cons: Should probably save his erotic travel stories for his journal. Should also stop getting Penelope into compromising situations in his attempts to help her. You know being alone in a room with her looks bad, Colin! — B.E.

2. Lord Alfred Debling Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington and Sam Phillips as Lord Alfred Debling in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: Goes against the grain and embraces difference. Is capable of naming all 620+ species of bird on the British Isles (probably).
Cons: Terrible at bringing back promised glasses of lemonade. — S.H.

1. Penelope Featherington, Our Diamond of the Season Luke Newton as Colin Bridgerton and Nicola Coughlan as Penelope Featherington in "Bridgerton." Credit: Liam Daniel / Netflix

Pros: A deeply observant literary mastermind whose secret identity is driving the Queen to distraction. Ditches her acidic family colour palette for ball-stopping Parisian Pen aesthetic. Prefers books and writing truths about the Ton to gallivanting around the wilderness. An absolute babe and the Ton's beating heart, despite their ignorance.
Cons: Born in the wrong century. Other than that, none at all. Quiet, Eloise.— S.C.

Bridgerton Seasons 1 and 2 are now streaming on Netflix. Season 3 will drop in two halves, with Part 1 streaming on May 16 and Part 2 on June 13.

Categories: IT General, Technology

The most reliable dating sites for professionals who've got their act together

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:00

Meeting people in real life is ideal, but it's not always realistic, especially when life revolves around non-stop work hours, launching a startup, juggling multiple clients and side hustles as a busy freelancer, and just generally trying to have it all.

There aren't enough hours in the day, and honestly, the free hours we do have are typically spent showering, sleeping, or hovering over the sink, chowing down on whatever we can find for dinner or lunch. Sure, it's not always pretty, but no one said success would be easy.

So, how do you find time to meet people when you're too busy for happy hour? Fortunately, the philosophy of "work smarter, not harder" can be applied to your love life, too. 

Enter the world of online dating, but not the kind you're used to. We're talking about elite dating sites for professionals, curated for singles who understand the challenges and rewards of a demanding career.

SEE ALSO: How to balance your side hustle with a full-time job

Yes, we know you're online all day for work, and the last thing you want to do is spend more time on your computer or phone trying to find a partner. But the best dating apps and sites for professionals let you connect with potential partners on your own time and terms.

This means you can forego the awkward, almost-maybe-not relationships and immature time-wasters to curate your dating experience to fit your lifestyle and schedule.

What's the best dating app for professionals?

When you think of dating apps, two things probably come to mind: Tinder (or worse, Facebook Dating) and the question of how you'll ever find someone who understands that your busy lifestyle is just who you are. The good news: We can answer both of these concerns right here and now.

First, let's deal with the whole Tinder thing. Yes, it's super popular, and for a good reason: people are getting laid! But if you're looking for something more than a casual fling, endless swiping is not the answer. Many dating apps, including Bumble, EliteSingles, and The League, have features designed for single professionals interested in finding a more meaningful connection. You honestly don't even need to download or use Tinder at all (unless you want a hookup app on standby).

SEE ALSO: TikTok is obsessed with the 'power struggle stage' of relationships. But what is it?

Now, let's talk about finding someone who understands and respects your busy lifestyle. You're not alone in wanting a life that's meant to go somewhere, and you shouldn't have to settle. You deserve someone who can lift you up and support you, not drag you and your dreams through the dirt.

How can you find this person? Through the very peculiar power of niche dating sites. Whether you're looking for the top dating sites for professionals over 50 or dating apps for people earning six figures (or more), you have options. To get your search for a partner started, we've created this guide to the best dating apps for professionals.

Categories: IT General, Technology

63 birthday gift ideas we'd actually be excited to unwrap

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 11:00

Kids aren't the only ones who get excited about birthday gifts. You can be a full-grown adult and still lose your shit when you open up the gift that topped your wish list. But as you get older, it does become a little more difficult to come up with a list of birthday gift ideas. You can't just ask for all the coolest new toys anymore. Well, you can if you want — we're not going to stop you.

SEE ALSO: Try Gift Lab: Our interactive gift guide

If your birthday is coming up and you're struggling to think of what you want, don't sweat it. We compiled the ultimate birthday wish list, with gifts ranging from tech to outdoor essentials to home goods. Read on for some birthday inspo and start casually dropping hints to your friends and family. And hey, happy birthday!

A stylish candle warmer lamp Credit: Geezo

Big candle fan? Then a candle warmer should be on your birthday list. It helps your candle last longer and you don't need an open flame burning in your home. And if you're going to ask for a candle warmer, make it a cute one. With glass lamp shade, this warmer blends seamlessly into your home decor.

Opens in a new window Credit: Geezo Candle warmer lamp $24.99
Shop Now A personalized Yeti mug Credit: Yeti

This Yeti Rambler 24-ounce mug is a great size for both true coffee lovers and beer drinkers. It can also hold two Moscow mules, according to Yeti, if that's more your speed. The Rambler is available in an array of fun and neutral colors. Plus, you can customize it with an etched design or monogram. For just $6 to $10, you can choose designs from Yeti's library or upload your own file. I personally own the king crab orange mug with a cowboy boot and flowers etched on the side.

Opens in a new window Credit: Yeti Yeti Rambler 24-ounce mug $35.00 at Yeti
Shop Now Mini zodiac cupcakes Credit: Baked by Melissa

Birthday cake is the standard, but might we suggest this fun alternative: mini cupcakes selected by an astrologer specifically for your zodiac sign. This Baked by Melissa offering comes with 25 cupcakes and the flavors vary depending on your sign — though there are some fan-favorites that show up in each zodiac variation. These also make for a great last-minute ask if you're in Manhattan or Boston, as there's same-day delivery for select locations.

Opens in a new window Credit: Baked by Melissa Baked by Melissa zodiac cupcakes $37.00
Shop Now Sony's latest bass-heavy headphones Credit: Joe Maldonado / Mashable

Sony released its new ULT Power Sound lineup in April, and we adore the headphones. The ULT Wears have Sony's impressive sound quality and noise cancellation, and are made even more impressive by the addition of the ULT button, which punches up the bass two additional levels. These headphones are booming, and the best part is they're relatively budget-friendly.

Opens in a new window Credit: Joe Maldonado / Mashable Sony ULT Wear headphones $198.00 at Amazon
Shop Now A desk you can take anywhere Credit: Miller Kern / Mashable

If you work remotely, you gotta get this portable desk from Logitech. The Casa Pop-Up Desk includes a wireless keyboard, wireless trackpad, and a desk stand that doubles as a discreet and stylish carrying case. It comes in three colors so you can match your aesthetic. This is an especially great tool if you like working from coffee shops or move around while you work.

Opens in a new window Credit: Logitech Logitech Casa Pop-Up Desk $179.99 at Amazon
Shop Now A portable, smokeless fire pit Credit: Solo Stove

Whether you're a hardcore camper or you just like unwinding with a few beers by the fire, Solo Stove's Ranger fire pit is a fantastic gift to ask for. It's designed to be smokeless and portable, making it great for balconies, backyards, beach hangs, or camping trips. Mashable Senior Shopping Reporter Haley Henschel reviewed the larger Solo Stove Bonfire and wrote that it burns "beautiful, clean fires when conditions are right." The best part? The Ranger is typically on sale for $199.99, so whoever gifts it has 30 extra dollars to spend on your birthday.

Opens in a new window Credit: Solo Stove Solo Stove Ranger 2.0 $199.99 at Solo Stove
$229.99 Save $30.00 Shop Now A fancy desk chair Credit: Branch

My favorite type of birthday gift is something I want to buy myself but just can't justify spending my own money on. The Verve chair is a prime example of that. It's super comfy and ergonomic, and it comes in really cute colors, but it's definitely on the luxury end of pricing. If you work from home or just spend a lot of time sitting at a desk, put this at the top of your wish list.

Opens in a new window Credit: Branch Verve Chair $549.00 at Branch
Shop Now Film vibes from a digital camera Credit: Paper Shoot Camera

Film photos are back in a big way, but not all of us have the patience to fill up an entire roll and then wait for it to get developed. Paper Shoot is a really neat camera that takes film-esque photos and stores them on an SD card so you can pull them to your computer or phone and post immediately. The design is super low-profile, making it easy to slip into your purse or pocket on a night out. Plus, there are a bunch of cute designs to choose from for the outside case.

Opens in a new window Credit: Paper Shoot Camera Paper Camera $139.00 at Paper Shoot
Shop Now A handheld gaming console that's not a Switch Credit: Kimberly Gedeon / Mashable

Mashable Tech Reporter Alex Perry described the Lenovo Legion Go as "beefier and more powerful" than the Nintendo Switch. It has a huge display, solid performance, and all-around great specs. It's not a one-to-one competitor of the Switch, but rather a portable way into PC gaming that's "really good at running all kinds of games."

Opens in a new window Credit: Lenovo Lenovo Legion Go $699.99 at Best Buy
Shop Now A Bluetooth record player Credit: Sony

Are your Spotify playlists just not cutting it anymore? Switch it up and go retro with a vinyl music collection. This turntable connects to Bluetooth speakers and headphones, or you can hook it up to a traditional sound system using cords. It costs $249.99 (but you can sometimes find it on sale for under $200).

Opens in a new window Credit: Sony Sony Turntable $248.00 at Amazon
Shop Now A smart speaker Credit: Amazon

If you don't have a smart speaker by now, it's time to make a change. The Echo Dot is an affordable voice-controlled companion that'll keep you in the loop on the weather, current events, and keep track of your most important reminders. Also, they're great for playing music. Get one for $49.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: Amazon Echo Dot smart speaker $39.99 at Amazon
$49.99 Save $10.00 Shop Now A pair of AirPods Pro Credit: Stan Schroeder / Mashable

When you already own a pair of earbuds, it can be hard to justify splurging on a new pair — even if you really, really want to. And that's why the new AirPods Pro (Gen 2) earbuds are an ideal birthday present. For people still using lightning cables (gross), the new USB-C version will be a welcome upgrade. Apple stepped up its audio game with these buds, which feature improved sound quality and active noise cancellation. For a cheaper alternative, ask for the latest 3rd Gen AirPods, which start at $169.

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple AirPods Pro 2 $189.00 at Amazon
$249.00 Save $60.00 Shop Now A massage gun Credit: TheraGun

Whether you're working at a desk all day, running around, or just inexplicably tense, a massage gun will get you limber and relaxed again. What better gift than the gift of painless movement? Our best recommendation? Go for the TheraGun. Their Prime model costs $299, but if that's not quite in your budget, then check out our gadget gift guide for more gifting inspiration.

Opens in a new window Credit: Theragun TheraGun $299.00 at Amazon
Shop Now A cool drone with a 12MP camera Credit: DJI

This drone is small and super lightweight, but it takes stunning photos and videos. It's great for traveling or for use at home. DJI is one of the top names in drones and the Mini 2 SE costs $339 with a remote control.

Opens in a new window Credit: DJI DJI Magic Mini 2 SE $299.00 at Amazon
Shop Now A personal blender for smoothies Credit: Nutribullet

Make smoothies in your own kitchen with a NutriBullet personal blender — it's fast and easy. The NutriBullet Nutrient Extractor comes with the 600W motor base, blender blade, 24-ounce blending cup, travel lid, and lip ring, plus a recipe book if you're sick of the same old smoothies. It costs $58 at Walmart.

Opens in a new window Credit: NutriBullet NutriBullet $58.00 at Walmart
Shop Now A new phone Credit: Apple

Still living that single-camera iPhone 8 life? Don't spend your own money on an expensive phone — have someone who loves you spend their money! The new iPhone 15 starts at $799 while the iPhone 15 Plus retails at $899 and up. (Group gift, anyone?)

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple iPhone 15 Starting at $799 at Best Buy Shop Now A camera to rival your phone Credit: Nikon

When giving your friends and family birthday gift ideas, it's usually best to look for gifts under $50. But if you have a partner or parent who really loves you, then it's okay to dream big.

An easy-to-use mirrorless camera designed with creators in mind, the Nikon Z 30 boasts video, camera, and live streaming capabilities at an affordable price. The camera body can be purchased alone or with one or two kit lenses. There’s also the creators’ accessory bundle which comes with a mic, tripod grip, and Bluetooth remote.

Opens in a new window Credit: Nikon Nikon Z 30 Mirrorless Digital Vlogging Camera Bundle $696.95 at Amazon
Shop Now Or a pack of disposable cameras Credit: Fujifilm

We mentioned the Paper Shoot Camera above, but sometimes you really just want that classic disposable camera experience. You'll capture some fun, in-the-moment memories with no do-overs. A three-pack of disposable cameras costs $79.99 (these have become kind of expensive since the invention of digital/phone cameras).

Opens in a new window Credit: Fujifilm Fujifilm disposable cameras $79.99 at Amazon
Shop Now An Apple Watch Credit: Apple

An Apple Watch lets you access smartphone features conveniently on your wrist. You can control your music, send and receive texts, monitor your health, and tons more. The Apple Watch Series 9 is $399 at Amazon, but you can usually find it on sale.

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple Apple Watch Series 9 $399.00 at Amazon
Shop Now A media streaming stick Credit: Amazon

The Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K is one of the best streaming devices we've tested, and it's also one of our favorite birthday gift ideas. If you don't already have a smart TV but want to access Netflix, Hulu, HBO, Disney+, and all the other streaming apps directly from your TV, ask for a Fire TV Stick for your b-day. Amazon's streaming stick has better voice control than similar products from Roku, and the 4K version normally goes for $49.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: Amazon Amazon Fire TV Stick 4K $39.99 at Amazon
Shop Now Cold hard cash Credit: Pixabay

You really can't beat the gift of cold, hard cash — or a gift card. A Visa card is a perfect birthday gift because you can spend it on literally whatever you want; buy yourself something fun or get some help with groceries. Best of all, you don't need to decide exactly what you want before your birthday. The gift card starts at $10.

Opens in a new window Credit: Visa Gift card Starting at $10 at Shop Now A delicious-smelling candle Credit: Bonita Fierce

Candles are a timeless gift that you can ask for at every single gift-giving opportunity (and will likely receive anyway if you don't specify what you actually want). We are firm believers that you can never have too many candles. Add some sweet scents from Bonita Fierce, a Latina-owned small business, to your b-day wish list this year and every year. Candles start at $16

Opens in a new window Credit: Bonita Fierce Bonita Fierce candle Starting at $16 at Bonita Fierce Shop Now The delicious scent without the fire hazard Credit: Pura

If candles are a no-go, opt for a Bluetooth-enabled diffuser to make any room in your home smell divine. The Pura Smart Fragrance Diffuser ($49.99) holds two fragrances and is controlled entirely through the app. Schedule one smell to wake up to and one to fall asleep to with the in-app calendar feature. Pura collaborates with brands like NEST, Anthropologie, Disney, and The Metropolitan Museum of Art in New York City to source their scents, so whatever the occasion calls for, they’ve got your back.

Opens in a new window Credit: Pura Pura Smart Fragrance Diffuser $49.99 at Pura
Shop Now A cast iron skillet Credit: Lodge

A cast-iron skillet is the true sign that you're graduating from cheap nonstick cookware and all mismatched plates. It's something you probably want, but don't particularly want to spend the money on. Lodge has different sizes depending on what you're wanting to cook. A 10.25-inch skillet costs $40.75, but we've seen it drop below $25 recently.

Opens in a new window Credit: Lodge Lodge cast iron skillet $40.75 at Amazon
Shop Now A pressure cooker and air fryer in one Credit: Instant Pot

Maybe not quite as heavy duty as a cast-iron skillet but just as useful: a pressure cooker that can air fry, roast, bake, dehydrate, slow cook, prepare rice, steam, sauté, and more. Impress guests with your culinary skills (that are in fact just throwing all the ingredients listed in the recipe into this thing and then waiting a few hours). The Instant Pot 11-in-1 Electric Pressure Cooker will cost your gift-giver $199.99, but they can reap the rewards when you cook for them with it.

Opens in a new window Credit: Instant Pot Instant Pot Duo Crisp $199.95 at Amazon
Shop Now A custom pet portrait Credit: LeFlore Studio

Sometimes, the best birthday gifts are the ones made just for you. If you're obsessed with your pet, these custom pet portraits need to be on your birthday list. There are many different styles to choose from, each one super freakin' adorable. Prices vary depending on size.

Opens in a new window Credit: LeFlore Studio Custom pet portrait Prices vary at LaFlore Studio on Etsy Shop Now Color-changing smart light bulbs Credit: Philips

Turn your bedroom into a party with these color-changing smart light bulbs. You can control the lights from your phone and set whatever mood you're feeling. This kit includes two smart Bluetooth bulbs for $99.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: Philips Philips Hue Smart Bulbs $99.99 at Best Buy
Shop Now A portable projector The portable projector fits in the palm of your hands. Credit: Anker

All of your friends will start calling your home the "cool house" if movie nights involve this mini portable projector. Use it to play movies, shows, or games outside on a screen or indoors on a blank wall. The Anker Nebula Capsule in black costs $299.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: Anker Anker Nebula Capsule Projector $299.99 at Amazon
Shop Now A new bike Credit: Schwinn

Head outdoors with this hybrid bike designed for both leisure and more adventurous rides. It comes in different colors and a couple of different styles for men and women. The 18-inch Schwinn GTX 2.0 bike normally goes for $549.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: Schwinn Schwinn GTX bike $549.95 at Amazon
Shop Now An app for exploring Credit: AllTrails

Love to be outside, but can’t fold a map to save your life? Enter AllTrails+, the app designed to get you off your phone and into the wild. Featuring over 400,000 curated trails all over the world, the app allows you to download maps in case of a poor signal, record your hikes, create your own trails, and more. A yearly subscription costs $35.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: AllTrails AllTrails yearly subscription $35.99 at AllTrails
Shop Now A MacBook Air Credit: Apple

MacBook Airs are super nice computers, but they can definitely be a bit pricey... which is what makes them such a great addition to a birthday wish list. Someone who loves you can drop the big bucks for you! A 13.6-inch MacBook Air M2 with 8GB RAM and 256GB SSD goes for $1,099 at Best Buy.

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple MacBook Air $1,099.00 at Best Buy
Shop Now A robot vacuum Credit: iRobot

Stop manually vacuuming your house every day and let a robot vacuum clean your floors for you. The Roomba 694 has WiFi connectivity for mobile and voice controls and it's tough on pet hair. This robot vacuum costs $274.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: iRobot Roomba 694 $274.99 at Amazon
Shop Now A more advanced robot vacuum Credit: Timothy Beck Werth / Mashable

The Ecovacs Deebot X2 Omni is a combination robot vacuum and mop that has a squared design for getting dust along walls and corners. It features spinning mop heads that don't just drag water along your floors but actually scrub and clean. After it's done cleaning, the vacuum returns to its charging dock where it empties its dustbin and cleans and dries its mop pads. The vacuum even has an onboard camera onboard so you can watch where it's cleaning.

Opens in a new window Credit: Ecovacs Ecovacs Deebot X2 Omni robot vacuum and mop $999.99 at Amazon
$1,499.99 Save $500.00 Get Deal A weighted blanket Credit: Quilty

For what seems like an extraneous expense, an extra-heavy blanket can be a total game-changer. Besides providing all the comfort of a partner without the snoring, a weighted blanket can reduce tossing and turning and keep you extra warm. This one at Amazon comes in a bunch of colors, sizes, and weights, but the 60-inch by 80-inch 15-pound blanket (a good place to start) costs $76.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: quilty Quilty weighted blanket $76.99 at Amazon
Shop Now A new Kindle Credit: Stan Schroeder / Mashable

The Mashable team has tested every Kindle e-reader, and we think the Kindle Paperwhite is the right e-reader for most people. Instead of asking for a book, ask for a Kindle for your birthday and save yourself money and space. Yes, it doesn't smell the same as a new book, but now you'll have no excuses for not keeping up with your yearly reading resolutions. The newest Kindle Paperwhite with 16GB storage and onscreen writing is $149.99 at Amazon.

Opens in a new window Credit: Amazon Kindle Paperwhite $149.99 at Amazon
Shop Now Something to make your life a little more eco-friendly Credit: Stasher

Whether you're packing your lunch or storing leftovers, using plastic bags should be your last resort. Heck, you should be trying to stay away from all single-use plastics if you're able to. But, if you want to start small, these Stasher bags are a great option to make your daily life more eco-friendly. These silicone bags are secure and completely reusable — either wash them by hand or stuff them in the dishwasher. Grab a starter pack for $99.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: Stasher Stasher Bags starter kit $99.99 at Stasher
Shop Now A new comforter Credit: Buffy

Comforters, like a mattress, shouldn't be an item you cheap out on. They're supposed to last you a while, so why not have something a little more luxurious? The Buffy Cloud comforter is a sustainable comforter made from recycled fiber and eucalyptus. Mashable Shopping Reporter Leah Stodart reviewed it here, calling it "the first piece of bedding I've used that actually feels kind of dreamy." Snag a full/queen size comforter for $195 at Buffy.

Opens in a new window Credit: Buffy Buffy Comforter $195.00 at Buffy
Shop Now A trusty pet camera Credit: Furbo

If you're anything like us, you view your pet like it's your actual child. We support that. Now, you can up your pet parent game by picking up a Furbo pet camera. Not only does it livestream what your pet is up to while you aren't home straight to your phone, but it also has the ability to toss treats and produce two-way audio for quick check-ins. This pet camera is often on sale, so check for the latest price at Amazon.

Opens in a new window Credit: Furbo Furbo pet camera $210.00 at Amazon
Shop Now A reusable water bottle Credit: Hydroflask

It's always a good time to get more serious about hydration. A HydroFlask is a perfect way to make sure you have a cool (or hot) beverage on-hand, and they're super durable during outdoorsy activities. Grab one for $49.95 at Amazon.

Opens in a new window Credit: HydroFlask Hydroflask $49.95 at Amazon
Shop Now Elegant chopsticks Credit: Pingto

Step up your take-out game and do right by the environment with a set of elegant, reusable chopsticks. The bundle of six bamboo chopsticks comes in two color palettes and retails for $32.

Opens in a new window Credit: Pingto Pingto Bamboo Chopstick Sets $32.00 at Amazon
Shop Now Local flavors delivered Credit: Goldbelly

Speaking of take-out: if you’ve maxed out your city’s culinary offerings, see what’s available from the rest of the country. Goldbelly makes it possible to order meals and gifts from restaurants around the United States. No matter your craving, a Goldbelly gift card at any price point is bound to satisfy.

Opens in a new window Credit: Goldbelly Goldbelly gift card starting at $50 at Goldbelly Shop Now A habit tracker Credit: MochiThings

You’re one year older, so it's time to get your shit in order and form some healthy habits. Whether there’s an exercise regimen you’re hoping to stick to, a project you want to finish, or a vice you’re trying to quit, this weekly habit tracker will keep you on track without judgment. It only costs $10.95 to become a better person. 

Opens in a new window Credit: MochiThings Good Habit Tracking Memo Pad $10.95 at MochiThings
Shop Now A tiny bag Credit: Nanobag

There’s running errands and there’s running errands. If you’re prone to getting in a few miles before you stop at the grocery store, ask for a Nanobag, a tote bag that can fold up into a pocket-size ball. The standard size starts at $13.95 and comes in ten different colors and patterns.

Opens in a new window Credit: Nanobag Nanobag $13.95 at Nanobag
Shop Now A photo printer Credit: Canon

Have some photos on your phone or Instagram that you want to pin to your fridge? Ask for the Canon SELPHY CP1500 Compact Photo Printer ($139). This sleek gadget connects to your Android or iPhone through WiFi, SD card, or USB stick and prints out your favorite pics in a layout design of your choosing. The printing isn’t instant (the color ink layers print one at a time), but the quality of the final product makes it worth the wait.

Opens in a new window Credit: Canon Canon SELPHY CP1500 Compact Photo Printer $138.97 at Amazon
Shop Now Stronger abs Credit: Plankpad

Who says ab workouts can’t be fun? (Most people). The Plankpad PRO ($129) turns core exercises into games through the specialty balance board and synchronized app. In addition to games, the app also has the standard exercise series if you’d prefer to suffer through it without some silly graphics to distract you. 

Opens in a new window Credit: Plankpad Plankpad PRO $129.00 at Amazon
Shop Now An inconspicuous fanny pack Credit: FlipBelt

Whether you’re going for a run or heading to a music festival, keep your necessities at the ready with a FlipBelt Zipper pack. This handy belt can hold your phone, money, credit card, keys, and all sorts of everyday necessities. Coming in multiple sizes, the FlipBelt doesn’t bounce or chafe and is machine washable. Choose a color or pattern you like and add it to your Amazon cart for $39.

Opens in a new window Credit: FlipBelt FlipBelt Zipper Running Belt $39.00 at Amazon
Shop Now A new kind of jump rope Credit: Crossrope

Turn traditional jump roping on its head with Crossrope. The weighted jump rope (available in 1/4, 1/2, one, and two-pound weight options) and associated app keep you on your toes and strengthen your entire body through guided workouts. For those with downstairs neighbors or curious pets, the weighted ropeless option provides a silent solution for an otherwise noisy activity. Upgrade to the Bluetooth-connected AMP handles for a more individualized experience.

Opens in a new window Credit: Crossrope AMP Jump Rope Set $199.00 at Crossrope
Shop Now A cookie cutter of your pet Credit: FormaCookieCutters

Celebrate your favorite furry creature by eating their face — in a good way. Send in a photo of your best pet friend to this Etsy store and get a four-inch-wide, food-safe PLA cookie cutter of their likeness in return. Whether you’re taking care of the baking or you’re leaving the prep work for the recipient, you’re going to be hailed as an absolute gift-giving wizard. Order these custom birthday gifts for $30 from Etsy seller the FormaCookieCutters.

Opens in a new window Credit: FormaCookieCutters Custom Pet Portrait Cookie Cutter $30.00 at Etsy
Shop Now Authentic chai Credit: Kolkata Chai

Not satisfied with supermarket-bought chai? Get the real thing from New York-based chai-preneurs at Kolkata Chai. This small business will send authentic chai straight to your door with the Chai Trio Variety Pack ($62) or the Chai Starter Kit ($45). For devoted chai drinkers, Kolkata Chai offers subscription packages to keep that tea coming.

Opens in a new window Credit: Kolkata Chai Kolkata Chai Starting at $45 at Kolkata Chai Shop Now New reading materials Credit: Getty Images / iStock / Extreme-Photographer

Support independent bookstores from around the country with a gift card to Bookshop. Starting at $10, the gift cards can either be used to buy books from a specific shop you love, or the purchase can feed the site’s profit-sharing pool to benefit all of Bookshop's partner stores. 

Opens in a new window Credit: Gift Cards Starting at $10 at Bookshop Shop Now A one-of-a-kind planner Credit: Papier

Are you a proud Type A over-planner and over-thinker? Or maybe your meticulously organized BFF is having a birthday soon? This planner can be customized with the recipient's name and three personal photos, and despite the personalization, this spiral-bound planner costs just $35.

Opens in a new window Credit: Papier Personalized Photo Strip 2024 Planner $35.00 at Papier
Shop Now A Lego set that doubles as decor Credit: LEGO

One of our favorite gifts under $50 is this Lego Orchid that's fun to build and adds a nice touch of greenery to your space that feels more unique than a plastic plant. This set is part of the Lego Icons line, which also features succulents, a bonsai tree, and a bouquet, in case orchids aren't your thing.

Opens in a new window Credit: Lego Lego Orchid $49.99 at Amazon
Shop Now An endless supply of veggies and herbs Credit: AeroGarden

Whether you're an enthusiastic home chef, like a bit of greenery, or simply can't stand running to the grocery store every time a recipe calls for some cilantro, a hydroponic garden is a great way to keep veggies and herbs on hand, even if you don't have a green thumb. We're fans of AeroGarden, which has gardens that start at $57.72.

Opens in a new window Credit: AeroGarden AeroGarden Sprout $57.72 at Amazon
Shop Now The smart temperature-controlled mug Credit: Ember

There's a lot of debate about what makes a good gift, but getting something that is a) practical and b) something just extravagant enough that you'd never get it for yourself may be the infallibly perfect combo. We think for coffee and tea drinkers, that combo is found in the Ember Mug 2, which retails for $129.95. This temperature-controlled mug may be unnecessary (and expensive), but boy does it feel good to take a hot sip of coffee after forgetting you poured it an hour ago.

Opens in a new window Credit: Ember Ember Mug 2 $129.95 at Amazon
Shop Now Year-round spa days Credit: Molly Flores / Mashable

You can ask for a day at the spa, or you can ask for the gift of getting a facial whenever you want and from the comfort of your home. In her review of the device, Mashable's Deputy Reviews Editor Miller Kern wrote the TheraFace Pro is "a hell of a lot cheaper than getting regular professional facials, and I truly feel like I've received a spa treatment every time I use [it]."

Opens in a new window Credit: TheraGun TheraFace Pro $399.00 at Therabody
Shop Now Five hair tools in one Credit: Bethany Allard / Mashable

Instead of asking for the $600 Dyson Airwrap, you can get a product that performs nearly identically for half the price in the Shark FlexStyle (trust us, we tested them head to head). Pick up a version for textured hair or straighter hair for $299.99.

Opens in a new window Credit: Shark Shark FlexStyle $299.99 at Amazon
Shop Now A necessary Nintendo Switch upgrade Credit: Nintendo

It's never too late to upgrade your Switch set up, and the Pro controller can help you do just that. This controller is perfect for when you connect your device to a larger display, and it has the added bonus of zero Joy-Con drift.

Opens in a new window Credit: Nintendo Nintendo Switch Pro Controller $69.99 at Amazon
Shop Now Design-friendly humidifier Credit: Vitruvi

There's something to be said for a product that can marry form and function, and this Vitruvi humidifier does just that. Admittedly, $229 is probably a hefty price for a humidifier you're buying for yourself, but it's a great splurge gift if you prefer your household appliances not be eyesores.

Opens in a new window Credit: Vitruvi Vitruvi Cloud Humidifier $229.00 at Amazon
Shop Now A custom neon sign Credit: GITM Store

Pick out a funny phrase, inside joke, or a family name and get a custom sign in as little as one week. It might sound too good to be true, but Mashable editors have ordered from this Amazon storefront before and had a great experience. In fact, this is one of our favorite undiscovered gems on Amazon, and you can buy signs for as little as $53.96.

Opens in a new window Credit: GITM Store Custom Neon Sign $53.96 at Amazon
Shop Now A tea and coffee lover's best friend Credit: Cosori

There's a certain electric gooseneck kettle that's beloved by design nerds, but that's also a tad overpriced (more than a tad, really). Instead, make the smart choice and opt for the infinitely more practical Cosori Electric Gooseneck Kettle. It still has plenty of charm — not to mention pre-set buttons for tea, coffee, and boiling water — and it's available via Prime for $69.99 or less.

Opens in a new window Credit: Cosori Cosori Electric Gooseneck Kettle $69.99 at Amazon
Shop Now Enjoy artisanal cocktails at home Credit: Shaker & Spoon

Why go out for overpriced cocktails when you can make them at home? Shaker & Spoon sends you a new cocktail kit every month with all the ingredients you need to make 12 delicious cocktails. All you need to do is buy the alcohol and follow the recipes to recreate the same cocktails mixed up by award-winning bartenders. The company also makes it easy to give a subscription via email, so no excuses. Subscriptions start at $59 per month.

Opens in a new window Credit: Shaker & Spoon Shaker & Spoon Gift Subscription Starting at $59 per month at Shaker & Spoon Shop Now Learn something new Credit: Coursehorse

You’ve successfully completed one more trip around the sun, so to celebrate, develop a new skill or indulge a passion by taking an IRL class on the subject of your choice. Coursehorse partners with real-world instructors and schools in major cities to offer nearly 70,000 classes in subjects such as art, language, music, cooking, self-defense, gardening, and anything else you could possibly want.

Opens in a new window Credit: Coursehorse Coursehorse Gift Card Starting at $5 at Coursehorse Shop Now Affordable no-worry earbuds Credit: Anker

Worried your earbuds will fall out of your ears and be lost forever? Get peace of mind with the affordable Soundcore Sport X10 wireless earbuds ($79.99). Designed for athletes but perfect for anyone, these headphones hook around your ears and stay put no matter how sweaty or active you get (a fact we can personally attest to). Keep them in their case for on-the-go charging.

Opens in a new window Credit: Anker Anker Soundcore Sport X10 Earbuds $79.99 at Amazon
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Categories: IT General, Technology

How to watch the 2024 Men's T20 World Cup online for free

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 10:53

TL;DR: Watch the 2024 Men's T20 World Cup for free on Disney+ Hotstar. Access this free streaming platform from anywhere in the world with ExpressVPN.

Cricket in the United States? Something about that feels wrong, but the 2024 Men's T20 World Cup will be the first ICC World Cup tournament to feature matches played in the country. Maybe this could be the start of a beautiful love affair? After all, there is a lot to love about T20 cricket.

If you want to watch the 2024 Men's T20 World Cup for free from anywhere in the world, we have all the information you need.

What is the T20 World Cup?

The ICC Men's T20 World Cup is a Twenty20 International cricket tournament organised by the International Cricket Council. The event is generally held every two years. Only the West Indies and England have won the tournament more than once, winning two titles each.

England are the reigning T20 World Cup champions, having beaten Pakistan in the 2022 final.

When is the 2024 T20 World Cup?

The 2024 ICC Men's T20 World Cup is the ninth edition of the competition, co-hosted by the West Indies and the United States. This year's event will take place from June 1 to June 29.

How to watch the 2024 T20 World Cup for free

Smartphone users in India will be able to watch the 2024 Men’s T20 Cricket World Cup for free on Disney+ Hotstar.

Anyone from around the world can access this free content with a VPN. These powerful tools can hide your real IP address (digital location) and connect you to a secure server in India, meaning you can access this free content on the Disney+ Hotstar app from anywhere in the world.

Access free T20 Cricket World Cup live streams by following these simple steps:

  1. Subscribe to a streaming-friendly VPN (like ExpressVPN)

  2. Download the app to your device of choice (the best VPNs have apps for Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Linux, and more)

  3. Open up the app and connect to a server in India

  4. Download the Disney+ Hotstar mobile app

  5. Watch 2024 T20 Cricket World Cup for free from anywhere in the world

Opens in a new window Credit: ExpressVPN ExpressVPN (1-Year Subscription + 3 Months Free) $99.95 only at ExpressVPN (with money-back guarantee) Get Deal

The best VPNs for streaming are not free, but leading VPNs do tend to offer free-trial periods or money-back guarantees. By leveraging these offers, you can gain access to free live streams without committing with your cash. This is obviously not a long-term solution, but it does give you time to watch every game from the 2024 Men's T20 World Cup before recovering your investment.

What is the best VPN for Disney+ Hotstar?

ExpressVPN is the best service for bypassing geo-restrictions to stream live sport on Disney+ Hotstar, for a number of reasons:

  • Servers in 105 countries including India

  • Easy-to-use app available on all major devices including iPhone, Android, Windows, Mac, and more

  • Strict no-logging policy so your data is always secure

  • Fast connection speeds

  • Up to eight simultaneous connections

  • 30-day money-back guarantee

A one-year subscription to ExpressVPN is on sale for $99.95 and includes an extra three months for free — 49% off for a limited time. This plan also includes a year of free unlimited cloud backup and a generous 30-day money-back guarantee.

Watch the 2024 Men's T20 World Cup for free with ExpressVPN.

Categories: IT General, Technology

'Bridgerton' remains queen of classical pop covers. Here's every hidden song in Season 3.

Mashable - Thu, 05/16/2024 - 09:01

Shondaland and Netflix's Bridgerton has become synonymous with lively, romantic string covers of pop songs: Celeste's “Strange" from Season 1, Bollywood hit "Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham" from Season 2, and Beyoncé's "Halo" from spin-off Queen Charlotte, for instance.

For Bridgerton's third season, new showrunner Jess Brownell takes over from Chris Van Dusen but continues the show's allegiance to matchmaking its Regency characters' capers with modern pop moments. Having led the music on Seasons 1 and 2, Kris Bowers returns, with music supervisor Justin Kamps ensuring the ballrooms and carriages of the Ton are filled with covers of BTS, Billie Eilish, Taylor Swift, and… Pitbull? It happens. Of course, many of the songs are by Bridgerton stalwarts Vitamin String Quartet.

SEE ALSO: 'Bridgerton' Season 3 characters, ranked by crush-worthiness

Here's every song in Bridgerton Season 3: Part 1, and which episode we heard it in.

"abcdefu" by GAYLE (episode 1)

At Lady Danbury's Four Seasons Ball, Penelope Featherington (Nicola Coughlan) debuts a verdant new palette to distance herself from her citrus-clad family. She's also reeling from Bridgerton drama: her fallout with Eloise and scorning by her crush, Colin. As she enters the room drawing every single eye, a Vitula cover of GAYLE's 2021 banger "​abcdefu" plays. Though the instrumental version doesn't include the song's not-quite-Regency lyrics — "Fuck you and your mom and your sister and your job" — we know Pen's got these words rampaging through her head.

"Dynamite" by BTS (episode 2)

The K-pop superstars' 2020 megahit plays during the ball in the second episode, as Eloise tells owl jokes to a group of ladies and Benedict Bridgerton (Luke Thompson) dances with Miss Stowell. It's super short and kind of random, but we love to hear it covered by Vitamin String Quartet.

"Jealous" by Nick Jonas (episode 2)

During the same ball, when Colin insists Penelope must try out her charm skills on one of the lords in attendance, she strikes gold with Whistledown fan Lord Remington. Colin can't help himself and watches the exchange as a Vitamin String Quartet cover of Nick Jonas' 2014 ode to envy makes it pretty obvious to the viewer what's going on in this Bridgerton's head. J'accuse!

"Cheap Thrills" by Sia (episode 3)

A Vitamin String Quartet cover of Sia's 2015 party anthem plays as Eloise and Colin arrive to this episode's ball. It's not that deep.

"Happier Than Ever" by Billie Eilish (episode 3)

YOU MADE ME HAAAATE THIS CIIIIITYYYYY. The perfect song for the perfect moment in the Ton. During a ball later in the episode, after Colin is about to finally ask Pen "a question", he's interrupted by Lord Debling (Sam Phillips), who leads her away. The Ton ain't big enough for these two friend-zoned lovers, and though technically Pen has talked shit about Colin on the Ton internet, she has waited long enough for her love to do something while Dreamy Debling's right there. So this Billie Eilish cover from Vitamin String Quartet can eat me up and spit me out. Don't waste the time I don't have.

"Snow on the Beach" by Taylor Swift feat. Lana Del Rey

Taylor Swift covers in Regency series can stay. Bridgerton's already featured "Wildest Dreams" in one of the best covers of Season 1. And in Season 3, episode 4, Swift's Midnights dream pop duet with Lana Del Rey, covered by Atwood Quartet, simmers as Penelope and Debling dance together and speak covertly of marriage — then Colin turns up in a grand romantic gesture that throws everyone. Swift herself says, "The song is about falling in love with someone at the same time as they're falling in love with you, in this cataclysmic, fated moment where you realize someone feels exactly the same way that you feel." Weird, but fuckin' beautiful.

"Give Me Everything" by Pitbull feat. Ne-Yo, Afrojack, Nayer (episode 4)

OK, so this one's a Decision — and it works. Pitbull's major club rollick through hedonism and one-night-only indulgence matches the pure desire steaming up the carriage holding Penelope and Colin post-ball in episode 4. They might not get tomorrow, so...

How to watch: Bridgerton Seasons 1 and 2 are now streaming on Netflix. Season 3: Part 1 is streaming May 16 and Part 2 on June 13.

Categories: IT General, Technology
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