
The best graphics cards for upgrading your system

Mashable - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 10:43

Are you building a gaming PC from scratch? Or upgrading your current set-up? Gaming PC experts will know that after the bare bones hardware — the PC itself, monitor, and keyboard — you can't overlook the importance of the graphics card.

But getting the right graphics card is sometimes easier said than done. There is just so much tech available — all with the rapidly-accelerating specifications and capabilities — so it’s easy to get blinded by science and muddled by jargon.

Fear not, PC gamers. We can help put you in the picture with the best graphics cards on the market. And just in case you’re new to the world of PC gaming, or you need a refresher, we've put together a quick guide on everything you need to know.

What is a graphics card?

A graphics card — also known as a GPU — is one of the most important parts of any PC. It works alongside the CPU (or processor) to turn data into images. The best graphics cards process data at a faster rate and make those images sharper and more realistic. Modern graphics cards are capable of processing incredible 3D images with an almost non-existent lag between the commands you physically input with your controller or keyboard and the resulting action on the monitor.

Do you really need a graphics card?

If you’re a reasonably enthusiastic PC gamer, then yes. Games are becoming increasingly sophisticated, with ever improving 4K and ray tracing, so you’ll need the hardware to keep up with the pace. Gamers are familiar with upgrading their machines regularly and the graphics card is the key component in next gen-level gaming.

Are graphics cards only for gamers?

Graphics cards are widely associated with gaming and that’s where most of the power lies. However, graphics cards can be important for creative professionals and designers too, with processing capabilities for video editing and decoding, 3D rendering, and graphic design-based apps. If you're upgrading your GPU for creative design work, check that it’s made to handle those tasks. Some graphics cards are for gaming only.

How much does a graphics card cost?

If you’re new to building a gaming PC, prepare yourself for a serious hit to your wallet. If you’re a veteran, you'll know the cost of a good GPU already. Indeed, graphics cards — at least, very good quality graphics cards — do not come cheap. Prepare to pay anything from £500 upwards (and we do mean upwards) for a decent option. However, don’t despair if you’re a newbie and want to get started by spending less. There’s a GPU on this list that costs under £275. Just don’t expect it to be a long-term option if you’re serious about gaming.

Does Nvidia make the best graphics cards?

A cursory glance at online reviews would suggest that to be the case. Nvidia GeForce GPUs lead the pack, certainly in the mid-range and premium end of the market. That doesn’t mean you have to pay big bucks for the best Nvidia GeForce. AMD offer good options, particularly at lower price points.

What are third party graphics cards?

This is when another manufacturer uses the GPU of a top brand — such as Nvidia and AMD — to create its own version. These are perfectly acceptable and in some cases more readily available. When Nvidia drops a new product, for instance, they can be like graphics card gold dust. In which case it’s easier to get a third party version.

What is the best graphics card?

That’s really for you to decide, based on the specifications and requirements of your PC setup. What we can tell you, however, is that we’ve done the work of researching for you. We've scanned the internet and reviews to find the best options for every gamer.

These are the best graphics cards in 2024.

Categories: IT General, Technology

The best sex toys for masturbation

Mashable - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 10:34

This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience.

Let's be honest, ladies and gents. We all do it. And by "it" we mean whacking off. Or to use the technical term, masturbation. But have you ever tried going solo with a sex toy? If you're a regular hand user, sex toys are great way for exploring new sensations.

The sex toy world is big and varied. There's almost certainly a sex toy out there for you. But with all those options, shopping for a new sex toy can be overwhelming. And though there are worse things than going through some trial-and-error with vibrators and dildos, shopping with some knowledge about what works, what's built to last, and what's safe to use will help avoid frustration — and potentially save you buying the wrong thing. Which is handy because many places don't accept sex toy returns.

Whether you're looking to buy your first ever toy or are rounding out your collection, we've lined up a list of top picks (plus some extras) of the best sex toys for going solo.

Do you need sex toys for masturbation?

If you're in a masturbation rut, you might be able to get there physically, but you still find yourself emotionally, spiritually, and who knows, maybe even still physically, wanting something more. Maybe you'd simply like to take more time before reaching climax or you want to figure out new turn-ons. Sex toys can help. And don't be afraid to take the plunge —owning a sex toy, not to mention your own sense of sexuality, is more common and empowering than ever before.

What are the different types of masturbation toys?

There's a good selection on this list, representing the most popular categories. Sex toys for masturbation can include different styles of vibrator, devices that simulate oral sex, penis sleeves, prostate massagers and butt plugs, and all kinds of vibrating gadgets.

Can masturbation toys be used with a partner?

Of course! If you want to incorporate a clit suction toy or a masturbation sleeve into partnered sex, go live your truth. The toys you'll find on this list are geared toward taking your time and exploring your body, which while fun with a partner, is especially gratifying to do at your own pace, on your own time.

That's also not to say this is an exhaustive list. Sexual pleasure is a deeply personal experience, so that super popular vibrator that everyone seems to rave about might not be your favourite, and that's more than okay.

What is the best sex toy for masturbation?

There's no one-size-fits-all approach with sex toys (which is ironic, because some of them literally are one-size-fits-all). It's about what works for you, which is totally different to what works for someone else. We can, however, give you a helping hand. We've highlighted the top picks for masturbation from top brands you might recognise. There is something for everyone to enjoy on this list.

These are the best sex toys for masturbation in 2024.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Supporting Your Team’s Mental Health

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 06:01

Mental health has become a bigger priority for both employers and employees in recent years. But there’s still more work to be done to support people’s mental health at work. Here are some impactful strategies to prioritize. Avoid one-size-fits-all solutions. Different roles and responsibilities require different interventions. To better support your employees, address how, where, and […]

Categories: Management

Save 84% on 1TB of lifetime cloud storage with this voucher code

Mashable - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 06:00

TL;DR: A lifetime subscription to Koofr Cloud Storage (1TB) is on sale for £103.81 with the voucher code KOOFR.

Living in the age of smartphones is both a blessing and a curse. One of the major cons? We're all addicted to the little handheld computers in our palms, and even little kids are hooked on devices. But a big pro is the ability to capture important events at any moment...which leads us to our next issue: where to store all of that data.

If you're tired of your smartphone or computer informing you that you're almost out of storage space, it's time to be proactive. Give yourself the gift of massive cloud storage with a lifetime subscription to Koofr, a service that offers you 1TB of space to keep your memories safe, now for just £103.81 with the voucher code KOOFR.

Unlike most cloud storage options, Koofr offers 1TB for a low one-time price — which means no more monthly charges costing you a fortune year after year. And if you already have cloud accounts on those kinds of services, they also make it simple to connect to your existing accounts and access all your files in one convenient spot. There are no limits to transferring huge files, and you can upload, access, and share your files easily, as well. And they make sure your files are encrypted in rest and in transfer. 

Koofr doesn't track you, so you can have peace of mind as you store your files privately in their cloud. They also offer some helpful perks like Koofr Duplicate Finder, which finds and removes unnecessary duplicate files and saves you space, and the advanced renaming option that helps you rename multiple files in a simple manner. And when you need to access a file, grab it easily straight from your computer with the Koofr Desktop App. 

Make 2024 the year you safeguard your data with a lifetime subscription to 1TB of storage with Koofr Cloud Storage for just £103.81 with the voucher code KOOFR.

Opens in a new window Credit: Koofr Koofr Cloud Storage: 1TB (Lifetime Subscription) £103.81 with voucher code KOOFR Get Deal
Categories: IT General, Technology

The best sex toys for under £50

Mashable - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 06:00

This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience.

The 21st Century is no time to be prudish. Sexuality and sexiness are things to be celebrated and explored. And what better way is there to try new things than invest in a sex toy? Everyone's using sex toys now, which means if you haven't got one, you're behind the times.

Indeed, sex toys are more widely available than ever before. And it can be tempting to splash out a lot of money on the biggest and best available. But there's no need to go crazy on the spending. Not only are there an abundance of sex toys available, there's a great selection of affordable sex toys. Trust us: You can get your rocks off for a budget price these days. You can certainly do it for under £50.

So, whether you're buying your first ever sex toy, or you're looking to upgrade, we've gathered some of the best budget sex toys out there.

Is it safe to buy cheap sex toys?

Budget-friendly does not mean cheaply made. Quality was a non-negotiable when compiling this list. After all, it's not worth saving a few pounds if you're using an unsafe toy (and not in the fun NSFW way) to put on your genitals. We're betting you want to avoid anything that can easily harbour bacteria, so we chose toys that use body-safe, non-porous materials, like silicone and metal. The greater the porosity of a toy, the easier bacteria can thrive in it, even if you're regularly cleaning it after each use (as you should with any toy).

That's not to say that porous materials like PVC, rubber, TPE, or even some silicone blends are entirely unsafe — it's just that they require a lot of special care to maintain that safety, and should always be used with a latex condom. When buying budget, knowledge is power and diligent care is key.

Are there different types of sex toys?

The world of sex toys and paraphernalia gets more colourful and creative all the time. But there are sex toys that you can rely on, and that remain absolute staples. The mighty vibrator is still the king of sex toys. It's possible to spend big on a vibrator, but it's also possible to buy cheaply. There's a whole spectrum available. Other classics include cock rings, butt plugs, and love eggs (all of which are included below).

Are sex toys for men or women?

We might tend to think of sex toys being for women — particularly when so many look like penises — but there are more sex toys than ever for men. The Fleshlight, for instance, has become the staple of men's masturbation aids in the way that the vibrator is for women. In fact, many of the toys that we've selected below are good for solo play and for couples to use together. Do be shy about combining your toy time.

What is the best sex toy for under £50?

We’re not going to try and tell you which sex toy should be top of your list, or which one you must love or there is something wrong with you. Instead, we’re here to lend a helping hand in the form of a selection of cheap recommendations. There should be something for everyone in this list. You just need to pick a favourite from the bunch.

These are the best sex toys under £50 in 2024.

Categories: IT General, Technology

The best smart light bulbs for your home

Mashable - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 06:00

This content originally appeared on Mashable for a US audience and has been adapted for the UK audience.

Smart homes are taking over, and it seems like smart light bulbs are the gateway device to all things Internet of Things. As with any new-fangled device, the smart light bulb market grows every day — and is possibly the most saturated smart device market out there. If you thought there were a lot of Amazon Echo devices to choose from, the smart light market is that, multiplied by hundreds.

You might be asking why you even need a smart light bulb. Isn't a regular old light bulb enough? You know, one that switches on and off and, erm, adds some light to a room? And what features do smart light bulbs actually have? And how do you know which smart light bulb is best for you?

Fear not, because we probed Amazon and its massive selection of smart light bulbs to find the best ones. We've also put together a quick guide to help shine a light on the situation.

What is a smart light bulb? 

In the vein of other smart home devices, a smart light bulb connects to the internet, allowing you to control the light via an app or voice control. Many are compatible with commonly used voice assistant systems, such as Alexa or Google Home. And don’t worry about the process of setting up a smart lighting system. You won’t need to install any tricky technology into the ceiling. Smart light bulbs come with the same standard bayonet or screw-in attachments, so they go straight into your pre-existing fittings. 

What can a smart light bulb do? 

Smart light bulbs give you a whole new level of control. Much more than just switching the lights on and off with your phone, you can set lighting schedules and timers. And you can control the lights from anywhere — you don’t even need to be at home. You can use dimming features or even change the light colour, depending on the bulb. They’re great for creating mood lighting or customising the atmosphere of your home. 

Do smart light bulbs save you money? 

That’s certainly the idea. The tech is great, of course, but it’s designed to make your lighting use more efficient, and therefore make your energy spending more efficient. You’ll never leave a light bulb on ever again. Smart bulbs also consume less power than incandescent bulbs.  

Do you need a smart hub for smart light bulbs? 

Some smart light bulbs do indeed requite a hub, sometimes called a bridge. This is like the router of a smart system — a control centre that syncs your devices. Hubs are usually used for systems that include a variety of different smart devices, from light bulbs to speakers and thermostats or even the refrigerator. The drawback of a hub is that it means extra expense. However, we’ve featured some bulbs below that work without a hub, so you don’t necessarily need to fork out extra.  

Are smart light bulbs expensive? 

They don’t have to be. There are always expensive options when you’re buying any kind of smart device. Depending on the brand and level of tech included, a smart light bulb or set of two might cost between £50 and £100. Though it’s also possible to pick up a smart bulb around the £20 mark. Smart light bulbs aren’t only for big budgets. 

How bright are smart light bulbs? 

You may be used to picking out light bulbs based on their wattage. Because of how smart bulbs consume energy, wattage isn’t a good measurement of how bright they are. Instead, look for lumens — the unit measurement of light that the human eye sees. Most smart bulbs fall are around 800 lumens, which works out as the equivalent of a standard 60W incandescent light bulb. 

What is the best smart light bulb? 

Smart light bulbs might screw into standard fittings, but — figuratively speaking — it’s not a one size fits all situation. Depending on your budget and the kinds of features you need from a smart light bulb, recommendations can vary. But we’ve pulled together a selection of the best smart bulbs available right now to help you make a decision. 

These are the best smart light bulbs for 2024. 

Categories: IT General, Technology

Wordle today: Here's the answer and hints for April 30

Mashable - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 04:00

Oh hey there! If you're here, it must be time for Wordle. As always, we're serving up our daily hints and tips to help you figure out today's answer.

If you just want to be told today's word, you can jump to the bottom of this article for April 30's Wordle solution revealed. But if you'd rather solve it yourself, keep reading for some clues, tips, and strategies to assist you.

Where did Wordle come from?

Originally created by engineer Josh Wardle as a gift for his partner, Wordle rapidly spread to become an international phenomenon, with thousands of people around the globe playing every day. Alternate Wordle versions created by fans also sprang up, including battle royale Squabble, music identification game Heardle, and variations like Dordle and Quordle that make you guess multiple words at once

Wordle eventually became so popular that it was purchased by the New York Times, and TikTok creators even livestream themselves playing.

Not the day you're after? Here's the solution to yesterday's Wordle.

What's the best Wordle starting word?

The best Wordle starting word is the one that speaks to you. But if you prefer to be strategic in your approach, we have a few ideas to help you pick a word that might help you find the solution faster. One tip is to select a word that includes at least two different vowels, plus some common consonants like S, T, R, or N.

What happened to the Wordle archive?

The entire archive of past Wordle puzzles used to be available for anyone to enjoy whenever they felt like it. Unfortunately, it has since been taken down, with the website's creator stating it was done at the request of the New York Times.

Is Wordle getting harder?

It might feel like Wordle is getting harder, but it actually isn't any more difficult than when it first began. You can turn on Wordle's Hard Mode if you're after more of a challenge, though.

Here's a subtle hint for today's Wordle answer:

In search of prey.

Does today's Wordle answer have a double letter?

There are no letters that appear twice.

Today's Wordle is a 5-letter word that starts with...

Today's Wordle starts with the letter P.

SEE ALSO: Wordle-obsessed? These are the best word games to play IRL. The Wordle answer today is...

Get your last guesses in now, because it's your final chance to solve today's Wordle before we reveal the solution.

Drumroll please!

The solution to Wordle #1046 is...


Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time. There will be a new Wordle for you to stretch your brain with tomorrow, and we'll be back again to guide you with more helpful hints.

Reporting by Caitlin Welsh, Sam Haysom, Amanda Yeo, Shannon Connellan, Cecily Mauran, Mike Pearl, and Adam Rosenberg contributed to this article.

Categories: IT General, Technology

NYT Connections today: See hints and answers for April 30

Mashable - Tue, 04/30/2024 - 03:00

Connections is the latest New York Times word game that's captured the public's attention. The game is all about finding the "common threads between words." And just like Wordle, Connections resets after midnight and each new set of words gets trickier and trickier—so we've served up some hints and tips to get you over the hurdle.

If you just want to be told today's puzzle, you can jump to the end of this article for April 29's Connections solution. But if you'd rather solve it yourself, keep reading for some clues, tips, and strategies to assist you.

What is Connections?

The NYT's latest daily word game has become a social media hit. The Times credits associate puzzle editor Wyna Liu with helping to create the new word game and bringing it to the publications' Games section. Connections can be played on both web browsers and mobile devices and require players to group four words that share something in common.

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Each puzzle features 16 words and each grouping of words is split into four categories. These sets could comprise of anything from book titles, software, country names, etc. Even though multiple words will seem like they fit together, there's only one correct answer. If a player gets all four words in a set correct, those words are removed from the board. Guess wrong and it counts as a mistake—players get up to four mistakes until the game ends.

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Players can also rearrange and shuffle the board to make spotting connections easier. Additionally, each group is color-coded with yellow being the easiest, followed by green, blue, and purple. Like Wordle, you can share the results with your friends on social media.

Here's a hint for today's Connections categories

Want a hit about the categories without being told the categories? Then give these a try:

  • Yellow: Flavor enhancers

  • Green: Getting answers

  • Blue: Tab

  • Purple: Types of stocks

Featured Video For You Connections: How to play and how to win Here are today's Connections categories

Need a little extra help? Today's connections fall into the following categories:

  • Yellow: Dipping Sauces

  • Green: Interrogate

  • Blue: Transaction Record

  • Purple: What "Stock" Might Mean

Looking for Wordle today? Here's the answer to today's Wordle.

Ready for the answers? This is your last chance to turn back and solve today's puzzle before we reveal the solutions.

Drumroll, please!

The solution to Connections #324 is...

What is the answer to Connections today




Don't feel down if you didn't manage to guess it this time. There will be new Connections for you to stretch your brain with tomorrow, and we'll be back again to guide you with more helpful hints.

Is this not the Connections game you were looking for? Here are the hints and answers to yesterday's Connections.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Gardening season is here — shop the best deals now

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 19:50
A quick look at the best lawn, garden, and patio deals Best lawn care deal Greenworks 40V self-propelled lawn mower $450.49 at Amazon (Save $79.50) Get Deal Best garden deal Gardyn Home Kit 3.0 $695 at Gardyn (Save $204) Get Deal Best patio deal Harymor camera bird feeder $99.99 at Amazon (Save $120) Get Deal

The first signs of spring are here. Lilacs perfuming the streets, flowers bursting through the ground, and leaves budding on trees. That also means it's time to come out of hibernation and get your yard into shape.

Whether you're a passionate gardener or just doing what you need to keep your lawn manicured, as the world is coming into bloom, so are the deals on all the tools, equipment, and furniture you could possibly need for the summer months.

You'll find major discounts on electric lawn mowers from Greenworks and Ryobi, saving you up to $100. For those lacking outdoor space, you don't have to miss out gardening season thanks to an in-home gardening kit from Gardyn that's 23% off. Skip the screen and projector for your outdoor entertainment, and get an AI-powered camera bird feeder that's $120 off on Amazon.

Check out all the best deals on for lawn, garden, and patio as of April 29.

Best lawn care deal Opens in a new window Credit: Greenworks Greenworks 40V self-propelled lawn mower $450.49 at Amazon
$529.99 Save $79.50 Get Deal Why we like it

No more running out to grab gas for the lawn mower. This electric, cordless mower from Greenworks self-propels and adjusts to your walking speed for a smooth ride. The mower has the option to turn grass clippings into mulch, discharge clippings out the side, or collect them in a rear bag. Usually, this mower costs $529.99, but for a limited time you can find this easy-to-use mower on Amazon for under $500.

More lawn care dealsBest gardening deal Opens in a new window Credit: Gardyn Gardyn Home Kit 3.0 $695.00 at Gardyn
$899.00 Save $204.00 Get Deal Why we like it

There are endless possibilities of what you can grow with the Gardyn Home Kit 3.0. This indoor garden helps you grow up to 30 plants at a time. To monitor your garden's growth, utilize the Gardyn app that customizes the water and light settings for optimal conditions. It comes with a hefty price tag, normally $899, but as gardening season gets underway, you can get the Gardyn system for over $200 off.

More gardening dealsBest patio deal Opens in a new window Credit: Harymor Harymor camera bird feeder $99.99 at Amazon
$219.99 Save $120.00 Save an extra $30 with on-page coupon Get Deal Why we like it

Novices and expert bird watchers alike will enjoy the delights offered by the Harymor bird feeder. The included camera detects when bird visitors arrive and auto-captures videos so you can keep tabs on all their comings and goings. Plus, with an added AI component, the feeder will tell you exactly what birds are stopping by. The feeder is over 50% off on Amazon, now marked down to $99.

More patio deals
Categories: IT General, Technology

The internet can't get enough of 'Challengers' and, honestly, same

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 19:48

Challengers, this spring's most highly-anticipated film, has finally arrived in theaters, and Film Twitter cannot shut up about it. It's got everything you want in a movie: a steamy love triangle between incredibly good-looking people (West Side Story's Mike Faist, La Chimera's Josh O'Connor, and Dune's Zendaya), thrilling tennis sequences, and an electrifying score from Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross.

So there's a lot to react to, and the internet is reacting. Here are some of the best posts about the film so far.

SEE ALSO: 'Challengers' review: You're not ready for Zendaya's horny love-triangle drama Three tickets to Challengers, please

Before anyone even saw the film, they reprised the "tickets to Barbie" meme riffing on the love triangle in Challengers. Users posted images of other love triangles and throuples with the caption "three tickets to Challengers please." Everyone from fictional characters — like Parks and Rec's April Ludgate and her gay boyfriends, and Sex and the City's Carrie Bradshaw, Aidan, and Mr. Big — to real people like Paul Mescal, Daisy Edgar-Jones, and Phoebe Bridgers got dragged into the meme.

Tweet may have been deleted Tweet may have been deleted Tweet may have been deleted Team Patrick, Team Art, or Team Tashi

In true internet fashion, users immediately got online and oversimplified Challengers' central love triangle into Team Patrick, Team Art, or Team Tashi. There's a large contingent supporting each protagonist.

A member of the Patrick hive said, "cannot fathom that anybody watched challengers and walked out defending ART... patrick hive let's link and build..." One user wrote, "Patrick Zweig they could never make me hate you." Another said, "#PATRICKZWEIG they could never make me hate you."

Tweet may have been deleted Tweet may have been deleted Tweet may have been deleted

Meanwhile, Art's advocates feel just as strongly for him. One user declared, "art donaldson welcome to the pookie hall of fame." Another proclaimed, "SAVE ME ART DONALDSON IN A BACKWARDS CAP..."

Tweet may have been deleted Tweet may have been deleted SEE ALSO: 'Pookie' is more than a pet name. TikTok's new favorite word is rooted in a rich cultural history.

Tashi, played by the internet's princess, Zendaya, obviously has her stans as well. One such fan said, "art was so real when he said who wouldn’t be in love with tashi like truly." Another wrote, "The thing is that Tashi Duncan is the queen of the universe."

Tweet may have been deleted Tweet may have been deleted The score

One of the buzziest parts of the film is Trent Reznor and Atticus Ross' pulsating score. The praise and jokes immediately rolled in over opening weekend. One user said, "the challengers score in dolby surround sound would kill a victorian child." Another set a video of Mike Faist dancing to it.

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It's beautiful to see Film Twitter come together in celebration of a film about three sexy people.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Channel your inner barista with up to 25% off Breville espresso machines at Amazon and Best Buy

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 19:17

GET UP TO 25% OFF: Breville espresso machines are 25% off at Amazon and Best Buy. Shop the Breville Barista Express, Bambino Plus, and more!

Our top picks: Best deal overall Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine BES870XL $559.95 at Amazon (save $190) Get Deal Best runner-up deal Breville Barista Pro Espresso Machine (BES878BTR) $679.95 at Amazon (save $170) Get Deal Best budget pick Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine (BES500BSS) $399.95 at Amazon (save $100 ) Get Deal

Whether you're trying to save money on your daily coffee run, want to learn how to make barista-quality espresso at home, or (like me) cannot live without having at least one shot of espresso in the morning, now's the time to get an espresso machine.

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Yes, having a whole-ass espresso machine in your kitchen (or home office) may sound ridiculous, but the convenience and cost-saving benefits make it worth it. Plus, you deserve to indulge in a little luxury every now and then. This way, you can have "little treats" throughout the day without spending $7-$10 on Starbucks' drink du jour. OR, you could buy one for your mom and make it a Mother's Day she'll never forget.

Whatever you choose to do (or not do), here are some of the best deals you can find on Breville espresso machines:

Best deal overall Opens in a new window Credit: Breville Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine BES870XL $559.95 at Amazon
$749.95 Save $190.00 Get Deal Why we like it

With more than 20,000 reviews on Amazon, the Breville Barista Express Espresso Machine (BES870XL) is a crowd favorite for its convenience, performance, and quality.

It has a built-in grinder with dose control, so you can get the perfect amount of coffee grounds for your espresso. (The grind size dial makes it easy.) The machine also features a steam wand for milk frothing and creating cute latte art.

You'll also get a razor-dose trimming tool, 54 mm stainless steel portafilter, one- and two-cup single- and dual-wall filter baskets, coffee scoop, integrated tamper, stainless steel milk jug, cleaning disc, tablets, brush tool and Allen key, water filter, and water filter holder.

Buy it at Amazon or Best Buy for $559.95 ($140 off).

Best runner-up deal Opens in a new window Credit: Breville Breville Barista Pro Espresso Machine (BES878BTR) $679.95 at Amazon
$849.95 Save $170.00 Get Deal Why we like it

Not as popular but still just as impressive, the Breville Barista Pro Espresso Machine (BES878BTR) is a great runner-up option. This model also has a built-in grinder with dose control and a powerful steam wand for latte art and milk frothing.

The ThermoJet heating system heats the machine up in just three seconds, so you won't have to wait long to get your caffeine fix, while the digital temperature control delivers precise and consistent water temperature for optimal extraction.

Get it at Amazon for $679.95 or Best Buy for $679.99 ($170 off).

Best budget pick Opens in a new window Credit: Breville Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine (BES500BSS) $399.95 at Amazon
$499.95 Save $100.00 Get Deal Why we like it

If you can't justify spending upwards of $500 on an espresso machine, the Breville Bambino Plus Espresso Machine (BES500BSS) is the perfect budget-friendly option.

This smaller espresso machine is ideal for tiny apartments or those with limited counter space. It still has dose-control grinding capabilities and a powerful steam wand for frothing milk, but it doesn't have as many bells and whistles as the higher-end models.

You can buy it at Amazon for $399.95 ($100 off) or get the Breville Bambino at Best Buy for $299.95.

Categories: IT General, Technology

The USB-C Apple Pencil and the second gen Apple Pencil are both at their lowest prices ever

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 18:58
Apple Pencils on sale Best for iPad Air, Pro, and mini Apple Pencil (second generation) $79 at Amazon and Best Buy (Save $50) Get Deal Best budget option USB-C Apple Pencil $69 at Amazon (Save $10) Get Deal

Whether you own an iPad already, are about to scoop up one of next month's new releases, or are taking advantage of impressive price drops on older generations, an Apple Pencil is a game-changing accessory, and as of April 29, two of them are on sale.

At Amazon and Best Buy, you'll find the second generation Apple Pencil available for $79 instead of its usual $129 (saving you $50), while at just the former retailer, you'll find the USB-C Apple Pencil priced at $69 instead of its $79 MSRP. For both styluses, this marks a return to their lowest prices ever.

For most people, we'd recommend the second-generation Apple Pencil, as it's sale price puts it just $10 above the less-feature heavy USB-C Apple Pencil. The magnetic stylus charges while attached to your tablet and offers excellent pressure sensitivity that makes taking notes and drawing as easy as possible on a tablet. Artists and designers will especially appreciate the precision and ease of this pencil.

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple Apple Pencil (second generation) ¤79.00 at Amazon and Best Buy
¤129.00 Save ¤50.00 Get Deal

However, if you're looking to spend the least amount of money possible, the USB-C Apple Pencil is worth considering. When the stylus came onto the market, it brought some much needed upgrades from the first-generation Apple Pencil. For starters, its compatibility overlaps with much of the second gen Apple Pencil — you can use this stylus with the iPad Air, Pro, mini, as well as the 10th generation iPad (which does not support the second gen pencil).

Unlike the first Apple Pencil, it can magnetically attach to your tablet, though it doesn't support wireless charging like it's more expensive counterpart. With that said, it at least offers USB-C charging (though weirdly, our reviewer found that the stylus didn't come with a charging cable). You may not get extra-fancy features like the Double Tap support you'll find on the second-gen Apple Pencil, but you'll still get a stylus with low latency and great battery life, and that's more than good enough for taking notes.

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple USB-C Apple Pencil $69.00 at Amazon
$79.00 Save $10.00 Get Deal
Categories: IT General, Technology

Pam Grier and the cast of 'Them: The Scare' on breaking down the stigma of mental health in "Black Horror"

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 18:55
The new season of 'Them: The Scare' delves deep into themes of mental health. Series creator, Little Marvin, is joined by cast-members Pam Grier, Luke James, Deborah Ayorinde and Joshua J. Williams to discuss the stigma of mental health in the subgenre of 'Black horror'.
Categories: IT General, Technology

Get ready for summer with up to 47% off Coleman camping gear at Amazon

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 18:49

Summer camping season will be here in just a few short weeks. For those who don't mind chilly nights, it may have already begun. If your camping kit is is need of a few upgrades, Coleman camping gear is on sale at Amazon.

Best Coleman camping gear deals to shop today Best Coleman tent deal Coleman Carlsbad Dark Room Camping Tent (4 person) $121.35 at Amazon (save $108.64) Get Deal Best Coleman cooking deal Coleman Fold N Go 2-burner propane camping stove $111.45 at Amazon (save $23.54) Get Deal Best Coleman sleeping deal Coleman QuickBed single inflatable air mattress $40.09 at Amazon (save $14.09) Get Deal Best Coleman lighting deal Coleman Rugged Rechargeable 400L LED lantern $43.49 at Amazon (save $21.50) Get Deal

Camping can be incredibly enjoyable. But it can also be frustrating if you lack the right gear. Thanks to today's deals at Amazon, plenty of essential Coleman camping gear is marked down, which'll not only make your adventures more affordable, but more efficient too. Here are some of our top picks to shop today.

Best Coleman tent deal Opens in a new window Credit: Coleman Our pick: Coleman Carlsbad Dark Room Camping Tent (4 person) $121.35 at Amazon
$229.99 Save $108.64 Get Deal Why we like it

Camping in the summer is one of the best times to get outside. Unfortunately, the outdoors comes with some inconvenient lighting in the early morning hours of summer. If you're easily disrupted by light, getting a comfortable tent that blocks out light will be essential for camping enjoyment. The Coleman Carlsbad Dark Room Camping Tent fits the bill, blocking out 90% of sunlight which also helps it stay cool and comfortable inside the tent.

The screened-in porch is also convenient for enjoying the world outdoors without being exposed to the bugs that also enjoy life outdoors.

Best Coleman cooking deal Opens in a new window Credit: Coleman Our pick: Coleman Fold N Go 2-burner propane camping stove $111.45 at Amazon
$134.99 Save $23.54 Get Deal Why we like it

Cooking while camping is a major part of the equation, unless you love freeze dried meals. If you're into cooking at the campsite, the Coleman Fold N Go 2-burner propane camping stove could be a great addition. You'll have access to two adjustable burners that offer great convenience for cooking while the foldable design means you won't have to haul around a huge cooktop. Coleman's match-less InstaStart ignition lets you simply press a button to start up the burners.

With a 16.4-ounce propane cylinder, Coleman says that both burners can last for one hour on high heat.

Best Coleman sleeping deal Opens in a new window Credit: Coleman Our pick: Coleman QuickBed single $40.09 at Amazon
$54.99 Save $14.90 Get Deal Why we like it

While camping has many joys, sleeping on the ground isn't one of them for most people. In fact, sleeping on an uncomfortable surface with unfamiliar bedding can one of the main downsides. But you'll be sleeping well under the stars with the Coleman QuickBed single. This inflatable air mattress is designed to be leak-free, and the twin-size can be ideal for both kids and adults with a maximum weight limit of 300 pounds. The flocked material on the upper means you won't hear squeaking while rolling over. Once deflated, the air mattress fits inside of the included carrying case for easier and safer storage until your next camping trip.

Best Coleman lighting deal Opens in a new window Credit: Coleman Our pick: Coleman Rugged Rechargeable 400L LED lantern $43.49 at Amazon
$64.99 Save $21.50 Get Deal Why we like it

Once bedtime comes around and the campfire is extinguished, you'll want a portable lighting solution. The Coleman Rugged Rechargeable 400L LED lantern will never need new batteries. Producing 400 lumens on high or 100 on low, this portable lantern will help light the night should anyone need a midnight walk. On high, expect to get about five hours of light which extends to about 20 hours with the lantern on low.

More Coleman camping gear on sale at Amazon:
Categories: IT General, Technology

iPad Pro 2024 plot twist: This new rumored feature shakes things up

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 18:48

We thought the rumored new iPad Pro 2024 features were set in stone: new OLED display, new M3 chip, a slightly bigger screen (12.9 inches to 13 inches), and other minor changes.

However, according to a new report from Bloomberg's Mark Gurman, an Apple prognosticator with an impressive track record, it looks like at least one of those rumors are incorrect. As it turns out, the iPad Pro may not be getting the M3 chip after all.

SEE ALSO: iPad Pro 2024: 6 new features coming to the rumored new Apple tablet iPad Pro 2024 plot twist

Gurman claims that there's a "strong possibility" that the next-generation iPad Pro tablets will be equipped with the M4 chip, a shift from his August 2023 report where he claimed that they'll be equipped with M3 chips.

At first, in a mid-April report, Gurman said that M4 chips would be featured in the following next-generation Apple hardware:

  • iMac

  • entry-level 14-inch MacBook Pro

  • high-end 14-inch and 16-inch MacBook Pro

  • Mac mini

Now, as mentioned, there's some scuttlebutt that the iPad Pro 2024 may be added to the list.

The M4 chips, according to Gurman, will add some novel AI capabilities to the new crop of Apple hardware this year, thanks to a new neural engine. In other words, Apple is reportedly skipping the M3 chip for the iPad Pro models, going straight to introducing an AI-focused M4 processor for the high-end tablet line.

"I believe Apple will position the tablet as its first truly AI-powered device — and that it will tout each new product from then on as an AI device," Gurman said. "This, of course, is all in response to the AI craze that has swept the tech industry over the last couple years."

On top of that, with the new M4 chip, iPad Pro 2024 will likely be wicked fast compared to the current-generation, M2-based iPad Pro, which launched in 2022.

We're expecting Apple to drop new iPads during the highly anticipated May 7 "Let Loose" livestream. Only then will we know whether Gurman's prediction will hold true. Stay tuned for Mashable's in-depth coverage of the event.

Categories: IT General, Technology

Amazon deal of the day: Our favorite hybrid robot vacuum, the Narwal Freo X Ultra, is $300 off

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 18:44
Amazon deals of the day at a glance: OUR TOP PICK Narwal Freo X Ultra robot vacuum and mop $1,099.99 at Amazon (save $300) Get Deal BEST SMART HOME DEAL Echo Dot (5th Gen, 2022 release) $27.99 at Amazon (save $22) Get Deal BEST PORTABLE SPEAKER DEAL JBL Clip 4 $49.95 at Amazon (save $30) Get Deal BEST APPLE ACCESSORY DEAL Apple Pencil (2nd generation) $79 at Amazon (save $50) Get Deal

Amazon is closing out the month of April and heading into May on a high note with top-notch deals on big brands. To kick off the week, we're seeing some impressive discounts on our favorite hybrid robot vacuum, the Apple pencil, Amazon's Echo speakers, JBL speakers, and more.

We've sorted through the listings and handpicked a few excellent deals you can shop on April 29. Here are our top picks for the best Amazon deals of the day.

Our top pick Opens in a new window Credit: Narwal Amazon deal of the day: Narwal Freo X Ultra robot vacuum and mop $1,099.99 at Amazon
$1,399.99 Save $300.00 Get Deal

One of our top picks for a self-emptying robot vacuum and a self-sufficient hybrid, the Narwal Freo X Ultra is the ultimate hands-off cleaning companion. It features self-washing and drying mopping pads, a self-filling water tank, a two-month dust bin capacity, and enough power to clean up to 2,000 square feet before needing a charge. The futuristic design isn't exactly subtle, but this CES 2024 standout has set the standards high for robot vacuums that also mop, with "genius case-by-case mopping features that tailor the task to the status of the floor it's cleaning." As of April 29, the powerful vac has received its first big discount on record. Snag it on sale for $1,099.99 — that's a savings of 21%.

Opens in a new window Credit: Amazon Echo Dot (5th Gen, 2022 release) $27.99 at Amazon
$49.99 Save $22.00 Get Deal

Basically like a smaller form version of the baseline Echo, the Echo Dot is made to seamlessly add some smart benefits into your daily routine. It's small enough to sit on a bedside table, shelf, countertop, or desk and can be used for everything from receiving reminders, saving recipes, setting timers, scheduling tasks, playing white noise, communicating with friends and family, lighting up your room, and of course, listening to music. The 5th generation Dot boasts more vibrant sound, clearer vocals, and deeper ass, although it doesn't have Dolby audio like its bigger cousin, the Echo. It does, however, feature new motion sensors and a front-firing speaker (versus a woofer and tweeters). As of April 29, it's on sale for just $27.99 — that's 44% in savings and just $5 shy of its all-time low price.

Read our full review of the Echo Dot (5th Gen) here.

Opens in a new window Credit: Apple Apple Pencil (2nd Generation) $79.00 at Amazon
$129.00 Save $50.00 Get Deal

If you're looking to take your iPad experience to new heights, you need the Apple Pencil. And as of April 29, the 2nd generation stylus is on sale for just $79 — that's 39% off and matches its lowest price to date. That's likely the most expensive pencil you've ever owned, but there's a reason for that. This thing allows for seamless note-taking, drawing, annotating, and sketching with no lag. It has tilt sensitivity for impressive shading, low latency that makes it feel like writing on paper, automatic paring, double-tap support that allows you to switch modes, and a magnetic home on the side of an iPad so it won't get lost.

Opens in a new window Credit: JBL JBL Clip 4 $49.95 at Amazon
$79.95 Save $30.00 Get Deal

One of our favorite portable Bluetooth speakers, the JBL Clip 4, is on sale for just $49.95 as of April 29. That's a savings of 38% and about $5 shy of its all-time low. The Clip 4 is the definition of portable — not only is small enough to slip into any bag, but it also has a built-in carabiner to "clip" it onto a backpack, belt loop, or just about anything else. But that doesn't mean it skimps on other features. It also boasts 10 hours of battery life, an IP67 waterproof and dust-proof rating, and a quirky design with a variety of color options.

None of these deals catching your eye? Check out Amazon's daily deals for even more savings.

Categories: IT General, Technology

'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier' gag reel has more dancing than you'd expect

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 18:00
This exclusive gag reel from 'The Falcon and the Winter Soldier' sees Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan getting their groove on.
Categories: IT General, Technology

There are a ton of JBL headphones on sale at Amazon right now

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 17:29

UP TO 40% OFF: As of April 29, you can get up to 40% off select JBL headphones at Amazon.

Our top picks: Best deal overall JBL Tune 760NC noise-canceling headphones $89.95 at Amazon (save $40) Get Deal Best runner-up deal JBL Live 660NC noise-canceling headphones $139.95 at Amazon (save $60) Get Deal Best budget pick JBL Tune 510BT headphones $29.95 at Amazon (save $20) Get Deal

Earbuds are cool, but they're not always the best option for true audiophiles who crave in-your-face sound and deep bass. Sure, they'll do the job for runners, short commutes, or casual listening, but over-ear headphones are the way to go if you want a truly immersive audio experience (or don't want to deal with those annoying tips stuffed in your ears).

SEE ALSO: The best headphones for 2024 (and why they made our list)

Right now, you can get a pair of JBL over-ear headphones for a fraction of the price. As of April 29, select JBL headphones are up to 40% off at Amazon, meaning you can snag a pair of JBL Tune 510BT for just $29.95, down from $49.95. That's $20 off the original price. (If you prefer to shop at Best Buy, you can get 'em for $29.99 there.)

Here are some of our favorite JBL over-ear headphones on sale at Amazon right now:

Best deal overall Opens in a new window Credit: JBL JBL Tune 760NC noise-canceling headphones $89.95 at Amazon
$129.95 Save $40.00 Get Deal Why we like it

The JBL Tune 760NC noise-cancelling headphones feature active noise cancellation and a deep, bass-boosted sound, perfect for blocking out distractions and listening to your favorite tunes.

These headphones have long-lasting battery life, with 35 hours of playtime with active noise canceling on (or 50 hours with ANC off). You can also get a full recharge in two hours. With the on-ear controls, you can take calls or trigger voice assistants like Alexa without fumbling for your phone.

Get 'em at Amazon for $89.95 or Best Buy for $89.99. Either way, you're saving $40.

Best runner-up deal Opens in a new window Credit: JBL JBL Live 660NC noise-canceling headphones $139.95 at Amazon
$199.95 Save $60.00 Get Deal Why we like it

The JBL Live 660NC noise-cancelling headphones are a little pricer at $139.95 at Amazon and $139.99 at Best Buy, but you're still saving $60.

These headphones feature 40 mm drivers and adaptive noise-cancelling technology, so you can tune in and out of the world as you please. They also have a TalkThru function that automatically lowers the music and amplifies speech, allowing you to have conversations without taking off your headphones.

With 50 hours of listening time and a quick charge function that'll get you four hours of listening time within 10 minutes, these headphones might be worth the extra investment.

Best budget pick Opens in a new window Credit: JBL JBL Tune 510BT headphones $29.95 at Amazon
$49.95 Save $20.00 Get Deal Why we like it

The JBL Tune 510BT headphones are on sale for just $29.95. They come in a variety of colors, like rose, blue, and white, and offer a great balance of quality and affordability. These babies have more than 57,000 reviews on Amazon, with an average rating of 4.6 stars.

While these headphones aren't noise-cancelling, they do have Bluetooth connectivity, so you can pair them with your phone, tablet, or computer wirelessly and enjoy your favorite music or podcasts without any tangled wires getting in the way. They have a 40-hour runtime on a single charge and a five-minute recharge will give you up to two hours of additional listening.

Categories: IT General, Technology

iOS 18 tipped to redesign 4 apps — 'Photos' is one of them

Mashable - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 17:07

The iOS 18 hype train is building up speed.

Apple's next iteration of iPhone software is set to be announced at WWDC 2024 in June, but as always, we're learning a lot about it ahead of time. The latest scoop comes from Mark Gurman at Bloomberg, who claimed in his latest Power On newsletter that four key iOS apps are getting revamped or redesigned for iOS 18.

Which iOS 18 apps are getting big changes?

According to Gurman, the following built-in apps are getting significant updates:

  • Fitness

  • Mail

  • Photos

  • Notes

SEE ALSO: iPhone password reset attacks are real – how to protect yourself

Unfortunately, Gurman didn't go into specific details about what to expect from the aforementioned changes. However, that doesn't mean we're completely out of luck. Thanks to leaks and industry whispers, we can make some educated guesses. Recent rumors suggest that the Notes app could get mathematical notation and built-in voice memos, putting it more on par with Microsoft's OneNote app.

Between that and a rumored partnership with OpenAI for on-device AI features, Apple seems to be building toward changes that could fundamentally affect how one uses an iPhone. Or, they could be features you use once and never think about again. We'll find out later this year.

Categories: IT General, Technology

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Information is beautiful - Mon, 04/29/2024 - 17:05

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