
Combat Microstresses at Work

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Thu, 03/07/2024 - 07:01

Microstresses are small stresses from routine interactions—they’re often so brief we barely even register them. Individually, they might seem manageable, but cumulatively they take an enormous toll. How can you combat them? Start small. Commit to tackling one small, easy-to-address microstress a week for the first two weeks to build confidence, a different mindset, and […]

Categories: Management

Set Boundaries Against Emotional Manipulation

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Wed, 03/06/2024 - 07:01

Emotional manipulation is when someone preys on another person’s feelings to trigger guilt, fear, or obligation. If you think you’re being emotionally manipulated by a colleague or manager, try these five strategies to protect yourself. Trust your gut. If something feels off or an interaction leaves you with a lingering sense of discomfort, don’t dismiss […]

Categories: Management

4 Questions to Ask Before Making a Career Pivot

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Tue, 03/05/2024 - 07:01

Changing careers is one way to keep yourself engaged in your work, but it inevitably entails some risk. Ask yourself these four questions before embarking on a new path. What’s motivating this change? Sometimes, the answer is obvious: You have a lifelong passion, and it’s finally time to commit to it. But other times, a […]

Categories: Management

Get More Comfortable Making Small Talk

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Mon, 03/04/2024 - 07:01

Making small talk can be uncomfortable—especially at international conferences and networking events where you might be paired with a stranger from a different culture. These tips can help you start a conversation with anyone from anywhere—confidently and respectfully. Find common ground. You might break the ice by asking questions about the conference: What brought them […]

Categories: Management

Processing an Organizational Decision You Disagree With

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Fri, 03/01/2024 - 07:01

You won’t agree with every organizational decision senior leadership makes. But you can make peace with a strategic direction you disagree with. Start by asking yourself a few questions. What specific situation do I disagree with? Define exactly where the misalignment is happening—and why. How will setting aside my disagreement benefit me? This encourages you […]

Categories: Management

Leading Through Political Polarization

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Thu, 02/29/2024 - 07:01

2024 is an election year in many countries, which could present challenges to team dynamics. As a manager, how can you prepare your team for a year of intense political polarization? Create ground rules of expression with your team. For example: Embrace discomfort, be respectful, show grace, give others the benefit of the doubt, speak […]

Categories: Management

Be Prepared for Situational Interview Questions

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Wed, 02/28/2024 - 07:01

Situational interview questions—open-ended prompts where you’re asked to describe how you solved a particular problem, aligned stakeholders on a project, or influenced someone to think a certain way—are an opportunity to show how you’d approach a new role. Here’s how to set yourself apart from other candidates. Use a proven format. When discussing a past […]

Categories: Management

How to Share a Leadership Position

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Tue, 02/27/2024 - 17:16

Co-leadership can result in creative problem-solving and wise decision-making. But when a leadership position is shared between two people, it can also lead to unhealthy competition. If you’re co-leading a team, department, or organization, how can you set up your partnership for success? Share something of yourself. Build trust by sharing something from your professional […]

Categories: Management

Amid Uncertainty, Communicate with Intention

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Mon, 02/26/2024 - 07:01

Times of uncertainty or tension are ripe for miscommunication. To avoid making things worse, you need to be especially thoughtful about how you communicate with your team. Here are some common mistakes to avoid—and what to do instead. Focusing too much on the future. While you need to direct your team’s attention to the road […]

Categories: Management

What Size Company Should You Work For?

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Fri, 02/23/2024 - 07:01

Should you take company size into consideration when looking for a new job? Here’s what to consider when applying to small, midsize, and large organizations. Working at a small company can give you more opportunities to learn on the job, since headcount is lower and you’ll likely wear multiple hats. For this reason, you may […]

Categories: Management

When Your Boss Gives You Good Feedback—But Not a Promotion

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Thu, 02/22/2024 - 07:01

Your boss gives you positive feedback and glowing reviews—but they just won’t promote you. What should you do when your manager’s words and actions don’t line up? How can you actually get the promotion you’ve been waiting for? Start by getting clarity. Schedule a time for a career-focused conversation with your boss. This is an […]

Categories: Management

Try These Simple Negotiation Hacks

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Wed, 02/21/2024 - 07:01

Negotiating effectively means proving that you’re a collaborator, not an adversary. To do that, you need to demonstrate that you’re attuned to your counterpart’s logic, emotions, and perspective. These strategies can help. Use short, simple vocal prompts. For example: “And?” “Really?” “Then?” “Mmm,” “Uh huh,” “Go on,” and “Interesting.” The aim is to nudge the […]

Categories: Management

Are You Addicted to Your Phone?

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Tue, 02/20/2024 - 07:01

Has your smartphone use become problematic—affecting your family time, social life, or work? Interrupting an unhealthy relationship with your phone starts with developing self-awareness. Here are the red flags to look out for and questions to help you spot them. Loss of control. Do you feel a deep, persistent, and uncontrollable urge to check your […]

Categories: Management

Handling a Condescending Coworker

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Mon, 02/19/2024 - 07:01

Working with a condescending colleague is irritating at best and detrimental to your career at worst. How can you deal with an overconfident coworker who always talks down to you? First, take a moment to (internally) roll your eyes. Try to be lighthearted about it. Remember: Their attitude has more to do with them than […]

Categories: Management

Overcoming Overthinking

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Fri, 02/16/2024 - 07:01

Overthinking can take three forms: rumination, overanalyzing, and future tripping. Here’s how to spot and handle each one—before they cause you to spiral, stress, and ultimately burn out. Rumination. This is a mental loop where you dwell on past events, particularly negative or distressing ones. If you tend to fixate on negative feedback, bring up […]

Categories: Management

Should You Respond to Employee Activism?

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Thu, 02/15/2024 - 07:01

When employees speak out about political and social issues, when and how should you respond as a senior leader? Take a pause with your leadership team and consider five factors before making a public statement. Authority: How much authority, power, or status do we have in the wider organizational system compared to other stakeholders (employees, […]

Categories: Management

Ask Yourself These Questions at the Midpoint of Your Career

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Wed, 02/14/2024 - 07:01

It’s normal to wrestle with feelings of unmet expectations, missed opportunities, and paths not taken as you reach the midpoint of your career. But arriving at middle age is also a profound opportunity to reflect and blaze a new path. Start by asking yourself these questions. What could I regret in 10 years? Imagine the […]

Categories: Management

Stay Grounded Amid Organizational Chaos

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Tue, 02/13/2024 - 07:01

Big changes at work (layoffs, reorgs, or the departure of an important colleague, for example) can stir up big feelings. How can you stay grounded amid organizational chaos? Give yourself grace. Let yourself feel your feelings. Change can be disorienting, so be gentle with yourself. Build resilience. Take a purposeful pause and allow yourself to […]

Categories: Management

Talking to Your Team About a Business Decision You Don’t Agree With

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Mon, 02/12/2024 - 07:01

You won’t always agree with every decision senior leadership makes. But as a manager, you still have a responsibility to communicate those decisions to your team. Here’s how to prepare for these difficult conversations. Start by regulating your own emotions. You need to bring a measured approach to the conversation with your team. Process your […]

Categories: Management

Gain More Confidence in Your Managerial Judgment

Havard Management Tip of the Day - Fri, 02/09/2024 - 07:01

Transitioning from being an individual contributor to a people manager is hard. You’re no longer only responsible for your own work and career; your decisions now have a direct impact on somebody else’s professional life. This can feel like a lot of responsibility—and it is! But there are habits you can build to develop your […]

Categories: Management
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